AmphibiaWeb - Plethodontidae


(Translations may not be accurate.)


516 species in 28 genera

Subfamily Hemidactyliinae (393 species)

Genus Aquiloeurycea (6 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Aquiloeurycea cafetalera description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2022-08-23 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Aquiloeurycea cephalica photos no sound/video present present
Aquiloeurycea galeanae photos no sound/video present present
Aquiloeurycea praecellens no photos no sound/video present present
Aquiloeurycea quetzalanensis photos no sound/video present present
Aquiloeurycea scandens photos no sound/video present present

Genus Batrachoseps (23 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Batrachoseps altasierrae description distribution trends and threats comments 2012-10-28 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps aridus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-01-17 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps attenuatus description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2024-02-06 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps bramei description distribution trends and threats comments 2012-10-04 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps campi description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-03-17 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps diabolicus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2004-04-05 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps gabrieli description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2004-04-05 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps gavilanensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2004-04-05 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps gregarius description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2004-04-05 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps incognitus description distribution comments 2004-04-05 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps kawia description distribution comments 2021-03-17 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps luciae description distribution comments 2023-01-04 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps major description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2005-08-18 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps minor description distribution trends and threats comments 2004-04-05 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps nigriventris description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2008-01-13 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps pacificus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2008-01-13 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps regius description distribution life history comments 2004-04-05 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps relictus description distribution comments 2004-04-05 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps robustus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-01-20 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps simatus description distribution life history trends and threats 2020-08-17 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps stebbinsi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2004-04-05 photos no sound/video present present
Batrachoseps wakei description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-11-11 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Batrachoseps wrighti description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2008-01-13 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Bolitoglossa (139 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Bolitoglossa adspersa description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-05-12 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa alberchi photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa altamazonica photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa alvaradoi description distribution trends and threats comments 2009-11-02 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa anthracina description distribution comments 2001-10-12 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa aurae description distribution life history comments 2018-06-26 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa aureogularis description distribution life history comments 2012-08-05 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa awajun description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2022-10-26 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Bolitoglossa biseriata photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa bolanosi description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2024-03-08 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Bolitoglossa borburata no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa bramei description distribution life history comments 2008-05-23 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa caldwellae photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa capitana no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa carri photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa cataguana description distribution life history 2010-04-08 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa cathyledecae description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-12-21 photos no sound/video nonenone
Bolitoglossa celaque description distribution trends and threats comments 2012-03-24 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa centenorum photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa cerroensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-04-08 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa chica photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa chinanteca description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2014-02-05 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa chucantiensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-07-15 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa coaxtlahuacana description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2022-11-01 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Bolitoglossa colonnea description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-11-02 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa compacta description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-01-02 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa conanti description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2016-03-17 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa copia no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa copinhorum description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-05-18 photos no sound/video nonenone
Bolitoglossa cuchumatana photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa cuna photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa daryorum no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa decora no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa diaphora photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa digitigrada no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa diminuta description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2019-03-06 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa dofleini description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2010-09-21 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa dunni photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa engelhardti photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa epimela description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2019-03-06 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa equatoriana photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa eremia no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa flavimembris photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa flaviventris photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa franklini photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa gomezi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2008-05-23 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa gracilis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-04-09 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa guaneae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-10-19 photos no sound/video present none
Bolitoglossa guaramacalensis no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa hartwegi photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa heiroreias description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2005-03-07 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa helmrichi photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa hermosa no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa hiemalis 2022-02-23 no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa huehuetenanguensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2015-06-01 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa hypacra photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa indio description distribution life history comments 2009-03-27 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa insularis description distribution life history comments 2009-03-27 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa jacksoni description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-01-16 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa jugivagans description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2013-11-07 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa kamuk description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-07-20 no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa kaqchikelorum photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa la photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa leandrae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2016-12-28 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa lignicolor description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-04-19 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa lincolni description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-15 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa longissima description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2018-07-13 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa lozanoi photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa macrinii photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa madeira photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa magnifica description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2023-04-29 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa marmorea description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-03-11 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa medemi photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa meliana photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa mexicana description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2018-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa minutula description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-05-13 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa mombachoensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-10-12 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa morio description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-05-22 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa mucuyensis description distribution trends and threats comments 2021-01-18 photos no sound/video present none
Bolitoglossa muisca no photos no sound/video nonenone
Bolitoglossa mulleri 2000-01-17 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa nicefori photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa nigrescens description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-05-13 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa ninadormida no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa nussbaumi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-05-18 no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa nympha description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-05-18 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa oaxacensis photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa obscura description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-03-12 no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa occidentalis description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2015-06-22 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa odonnelli photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa omniumsanctorum photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa oresbia description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-03-12 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa orestes description distribution 2022-04-18 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa pacaya description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-07-27 no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa palmata no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa pandi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2017-07-07 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa paraensis description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2022-08-25 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa peruviana photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa pesrubra description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-05-20 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa phalarosoma 2022-04-18 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa platydactyla photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa porrasorum no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa psephena description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2022-10-06 no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa pygmaea description distribution life history comments 2018-02-24 no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa qeqom description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-10-10 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Bolitoglossa ramosi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-05-12 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa riletti description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2015-06-23 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa robinsoni description distribution life history comments 2009-03-10 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa robusta description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-03-12 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa rostrata photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa rufescens description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans 2023-02-28 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa salvinii photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa savagei photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa schizodactyla description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-05-17 photos sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa silverstonei no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa sima photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa sombra description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-03-12 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa sooyorum description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-08-24 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa splendida description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-05-18 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa striatula description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-04-11 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa stuarti photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa subpalmata description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-09-21 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa suchitanensis photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa synoria photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa tamaense description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-05-18 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa tapajonica photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa tatamae description distribution life history trends and threats 2011-03-12 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa taylori no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa tenebrosa description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2015-06-28 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Bolitoglossa tica description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-02-07 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa tzultacaj no photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa vallecula photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa veracrucis photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa walkeri photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa xibalba description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-05-18 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa yariguiensis no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Bolitoglossa yucatana description distribution comments 2007-12-03 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa zacapensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-01-24 photos no sound/video present present
Bolitoglossa zapoteca photos no sound/video present present

Genus Bradytriton (1 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Bradytriton silus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-02-09 photos no sound/video present none

Genus Chiropterotriton (23 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Chiropterotriton arboreus 2012-03-12 photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton aureus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-04-06 photos no sound/video nonenone
Chiropterotriton casasi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-04-19 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Chiropterotriton ceronorum description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-04-19 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Chiropterotriton chico description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-08-12 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Chiropterotriton chiropterus photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton chondrostega photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton cieloensis photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton cracens photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton dimidiatus photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton infernalis description distribution larva trends and threats comments 2022-10-06 photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton lavae description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2022-08-25 photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton magnipes photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton melipona description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-08-16 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Chiropterotriton miquihuanus photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton mosaueri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-09-27 photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton multidentatus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2012-03-19 photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton nubilus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-02-24 photos no sound/video nonenone
Chiropterotriton orculus photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton perotensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-06-28 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Chiropterotriton priscus photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton terrestris photos no sound/video present present
Chiropterotriton totonacus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-08-16 photos no sound/video nonepresent

Genus Cryptotriton (7 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Cryptotriton alvarezdeltoroi photos no sound/video present present
Cryptotriton monzoni description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-12-25 photos no sound/video present present
Cryptotriton nasalis description distribution comments 2021-08-22 photos no sound/video present present
Cryptotriton necopinus description distribution life history comments 2014-11-04 no photos no sound/video present present
Cryptotriton sierraminensis description distribution life history trends and threats 2021-03-18 photos no sound/video present present
Cryptotriton veraepacis photos no sound/video present present
Cryptotriton xucaneborum description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-03-16 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Dendrotriton (8 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Dendrotriton bromeliacius photos no sound/video present present
Dendrotriton chujorum description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-07-22 photos no sound/video present present
Dendrotriton cuchumatanus photos no sound/video present present
Dendrotriton kekchiorum photos no sound/video present present
Dendrotriton megarhinus description distribution life history trends and threats 2009-02-16 photos no sound/video present present
Dendrotriton rabbi photos no sound/video present present
Dendrotriton sanctibarbarus description distribution comments 2004-04-08 photos no sound/video present present
Dendrotriton xolocalcae photos no sound/video present present

Genus Eurycea (34 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Eurycea aquatica 2001-05-07 photos no sound/video present none
Eurycea arenicola description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-03-31 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Eurycea bislineata description distribution life history trends and threats 2003-12-04 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea braggi photos no sound/video nonenone
Eurycea chamberlaini description distribution life history 2004-09-01 photos no sound/video present none
Eurycea chisholmensis 2021-04-27 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea cirrigera 2001-07-25 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea guttolineata comments 2021-08-29 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea hillisi photos no sound/video nonepresent
Eurycea junaluska comments 2023-12-03 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea latitans 2021-04-27 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea longicauda description 2003-12-04 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea lucifuga description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2010-09-21 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea multiplicata 2001-05-07 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea nana 2021-04-27 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea naufragia 2021-04-27 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea neotenes 2001-05-07 no photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea nereus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Eurycea paludicola photos no sound/video nonepresent
Eurycea pterophila 2003-02-10 no photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea quadridigitata 2001-05-07 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea rathbuni description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-04-27 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea robusta description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-04-27 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea sosorum 2021-04-27 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea spelaea description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-03-18 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea sphagnicola description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-01-31 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Eurycea subfluvicola description distribution life history comments 2016-02-18 photos no sound/video present none
Eurycea tonkawae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-04-27 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea tridentifera 2021-04-27 no photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea troglodytes 2001-05-07 no photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea tynerensis 2001-05-07 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea wallacei description distribution life history trends and threats 2001-05-09 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea waterlooensis description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans 2021-04-27 photos no sound/video present present
Eurycea wilderae comments 2021-08-29 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Gyrinophilus (4 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Gyrinophilus gulolineatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-04-06 photos no sound/video present present
Gyrinophilus palleucus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-03-08 photos no sound/video present present
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus description comments 2010-09-21 photos no sound/video present present
Gyrinophilus subterraneus description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2022-11-17 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Hemidactylium (1 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Hemidactylium scutatum description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2024-02-16 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Isthmura (7 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Isthmura bellii description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-12-06 photos no sound/video present present
Isthmura boneti photos no sound/video present present
Isthmura corrugata description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2018-07-09 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Isthmura gigantea photos no sound/video present present
Isthmura maxima description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2022-08-24 photos no sound/video present present
Isthmura naucampatepetl description distribution life history 2016-02-17 photos no sound/video present present
Isthmura sierraoccidentalis photos no sound/video nonepresent

Genus Ixalotriton (2 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Ixalotriton niger description distribution life history 2007-10-01 photos no sound/video present present
Ixalotriton parvus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2017-09-28 photos no sound/video present none

Genus Nototriton (22 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Nototriton abscondens 2010-02-02 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton barbouri description distribution life history comments 2008-01-03 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton brodiei photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton costaricense description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-03-29 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Nototriton gamezi description distribution comments 2009-11-04 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton guanacaste description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2012-02-25 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton kenorum no photos no sound/video nonenone
Nototriton lateomuscus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Nototriton lignicola description distribution comments 2003-11-14 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton limnospectator description distribution comments 2004-03-02 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton maximo no photos no sound/video nonenone
Nototriton mime photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton nelsoni description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-03-29 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton oreadorum no photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton picadoi description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2022-11-11 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton picucha description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2012-04-10 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton richardi 2010-02-02 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton saslaya no photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton stuarti description distribution comments 2002-02-17 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton tapanti 2010-02-02 no photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton tomamorum description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-03-08 photos no sound/video present present
Nototriton vereh no photos no sound/video nonenone

Genus Nyctanolis (1 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Nyctanolis pernix description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-02-01 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Oedipina (40 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Oedipina alfaroi 2012-01-03 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina alleni description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-12-07 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina altura description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-11-04 no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina berlini description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-07-25 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina capitalina description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2018-12-12 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina carablanca description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-12-06 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina chortiorum description distribution comments 2012-09-27 no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina collaris 2010-02-02 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina complex photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina cyclocauda 2010-02-02 no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina ecuatoriana no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Oedipina elongata photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina fortunensis description distribution life history comments 2012-01-13 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina gephyra description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2012-03-22 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina gracilis description distribution life history comments 2009-11-04 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina grandis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2012-01-02 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina ignea no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina kasios description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-10-05 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina koehleri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-03-02 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina leptopoda description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-03-10 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina maritima description distribution comments 2002-02-17 no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina motaguae description distribution comments 2012-10-21 no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina nica description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-11-22 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina nimaso no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina pacificensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-04-12 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina parvipes photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina paucidentata 2010-02-02 no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina petiola description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-01-31 no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina poelzi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2019-03-06 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina pseudouniformis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2012-03-22 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina quadra description distribution life history comments 2011-10-05 no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina salvadorensis description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-05-19 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina savagei description comments 2009-11-04 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina stenopodia no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina stuarti no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina taylori photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina tomasi description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2015-06-22 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina tzutujilorum description distribution comments 2012-09-07 no photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina uniformis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-11-04 photos no sound/video present present
Oedipina villamizariorum no photos no sound/video nonepresent

Genus Parvimolge (1 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Parvimolge townsendi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-03-15 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Pseudoeurycea (41 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Pseudoeurycea ahuitzotl photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea altamontana photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea amuzga description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans 2021-03-17 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea anitae no photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea aquatica description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2004-03-02 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea aurantia photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea brunnata photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea cochranae photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea conanti photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea exspectata photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea firscheini photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea gadovii photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea goebeli photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea granitum description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-10-30 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Pseudoeurycea jaguar photos no sound/video nonenone
Pseudoeurycea juarezi photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea kuautli no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Pseudoeurycea leprosa photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea lineola description distribution comments 2008-01-13 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea longicauda photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea lynchi description distribution life history 2004-09-01 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea melanomolga photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea mixcoatl no photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea mixteca photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea mystax photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea nigromaculata 2000-01-17 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea obesa description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-11-27 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea orchileucos photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea orchimelas photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea papenfussi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2018-12-07 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea rex description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2017-06-22 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea robertsi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2019-12-17 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea ruficauda description distribution 2004-09-01 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea saltator description distribution life history 2007-03-19 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea smithi description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-07-05 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea tenchalli no photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea teotepec no photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea tlahcuiloh photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea tlilicxitl photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea unguidentis no photos no sound/video present present
Pseudoeurycea werleri photos no sound/video present present

Genus Pseudotriton (2 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Pseudotriton montanus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2013-04-15 photos no sound/video present present
Pseudotriton ruber description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2013-04-09 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Stereochilus (1 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Stereochilus marginatus description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-06-19 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Thorius (29 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Thorius adelos description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-04-22 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius arboreus description distribution 2003-02-05 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius aureus description distribution 2003-02-05 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius boreas description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2015-12-22 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius dubitus description distribution 2002-02-17 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius grandis photos no sound/video present present
Thorius hankeni description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2015-09-21 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Thorius infernalis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2015-09-28 no photos no sound/video present present
Thorius insperatus no photos no sound/video present present
Thorius longicaudus description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-10-25 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius lunaris description distribution comments 2002-02-17 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius macdougalli photos no sound/video present present
Thorius magnipes description distribution comments 2002-02-17 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius maxillabrochus photos no sound/video nonepresent
Thorius minutissimus no photos no sound/video present present
Thorius minydemus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-01-10 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius munificus description distribution comments 2002-02-18 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius narismagnus description distribution 2002-02-18 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius narisovalis photos no sound/video present present
Thorius omiltemi photos no sound/video present present
Thorius papaloae description distribution comments 2004-03-02 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius pennatulus description distribution 2008-01-13 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius pinicola description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-08-16 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius pulmonaris photos no sound/video present present
Thorius schmidti description distribution 2002-02-18 no photos no sound/video present present
Thorius smithi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2015-07-06 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius spilogaster description distribution comments 2008-02-03 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius tlaxiacus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-04-12 photos no sound/video present present
Thorius troglodytes description distribution 2002-02-18 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Urspelerpes (1 species)    [subfamily Hemidactyliinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Urspelerpes brucei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-11-27 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Subfamily Plethodontinae (123 species)

Genus Aneides (10 species)    [subfamily Plethodontinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Aneides aeneus 2001-04-23 photos no sound/video present present
Aneides caryaensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-07-13 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Aneides ferreus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2023-08-11 photos no sound/video present present
Aneides flavipunctatus description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2022-10-19 photos no sound/video present present
Aneides hardii description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2022-11-30 photos no sound/video present present
Aneides iecanus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-11-05 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Aneides klamathensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-08-24 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Aneides lugubris description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-08-27 photos sound/video present present
Aneides niger description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-07-17 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Aneides vagrans description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-06-19 photos sound/video present present

Genus Desmognathus (39 species)    [subfamily Plethodontinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Desmognathus abditus photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus adatsihi photos no sound/video nonepresent
Desmognathus aeneus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-08-29 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus amphileucas photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus anicetus photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus apalachicolae 2001-04-23 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus aureatus photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus auriculatus description distribution life history comments 2008-02-03 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus bairdi photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus balsameus photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus brimleyorum 2001-04-25 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus campi photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus carolinensis 2001-04-25 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus catahoula photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus cheaha photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus conanti 2001-04-25 photos no sound/video present none
Desmognathus folkertsi photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus fuscus comments 2023-04-28 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus gvnigeusgwotli photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus imitator description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2012-01-18 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus intermedius photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus kanawha photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus lycos photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus marmoratus 2001-07-25 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus mavrokoilius photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus monticola 2001-04-25 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus ochrophaeus 2001-04-25 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus ocoee distribution comments 2021-08-29 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus orestes 2001-04-25 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus organi description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-08-20 photos no sound/video present none
Desmognathus pascagoula photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus perlapsus photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus planiceps description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2018-02-13 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus santeetlah description distribution life history 2003-12-03 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus tilleyi photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus valentinei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-08-24 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Desmognathus valtos photos no sound/video nonenone
Desmognathus welteri description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2008-02-03 photos no sound/video present present
Desmognathus wrighti description distribution life history comments 2008-01-13 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Ensatina (1 species)    [subfamily Plethodontinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Ensatina eschscholtzii description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-06-17 photos sound/video present present

Genus Hydromantes (13 species)    [subfamily Plethodontinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Hydromantes ambrosii description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2002-05-25 photos no sound/video present none
Hydromantes brunus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2014-05-01 photos sound/video present present
Hydromantes flavus description distribution life history trends and threats 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present none
Hydromantes genei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present none
Hydromantes imperialis description distribution life history trends and threats 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present none
Hydromantes italicus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present none
Hydromantes platycephalus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-01-05 photos sound/video present present
Hydromantes samweli description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2018-08-16 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Hydromantes sarrabusensis photos no sound/video present none
Hydromantes shastae description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-07-09 photos no sound/video present present
Hydromantes strinatii description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-11-05 photos no sound/video present none
Hydromantes supramontis description distribution life history trends and threats 2021-01-22 photos no sound/video present none
Hydromantes wintu description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-08-03 photos no sound/video nonepresent

Genus Karsenia (1 species)    [subfamily Plethodontinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Karsenia koreana description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-01-26 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Phaeognathus (1 species)    [subfamily Plethodontinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Phaeognathus hubrichti description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2020-08-17 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Plethodon (58 species)    [subfamily Plethodontinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Plethodon ainsworthi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-08-07 no photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon albagula 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon amplus description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-06-01 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon angusticlavius 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon asupak description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-04-21 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon aureolus 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon caddoensis 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon chattahoochee 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present none
Plethodon cheoah description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-06-09 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon chlorobryonis 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon cinereus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-12-04 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon cylindraceus 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon dixi photos no sound/video nonepresent
Plethodon dorsalis 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon dunni description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2004-04-05 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon electromorphus description distribution comments 2003-12-05 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon elongatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-03-18 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon fourchensis 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon glutinosus 2001-04-23 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon grobmani 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present none
Plethodon hoffmani 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon hubrichti 2001-05-31 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon idahoensis description distribution comments 2004-03-02 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon jacksoni description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-04-03 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Plethodon jordani description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-11-16 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon kentucki 2001-05-29 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon kiamichi 2001-05-29 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon kisatchie 2001-05-29 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon larselli description distribution life history trends and threats 2001-05-29 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon meridianus description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-06-01 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon metcalfi description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-06-09 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon mississippi 2001-05-29 photos no sound/video present none
Plethodon montanus description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-05-25 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon neomexicanus description distribution trends and threats 2018-01-19 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon nettingi 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon ocmulgee 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present none
Plethodon ouachitae 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon pauleyi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-11-04 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Plethodon petraeus 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon punctatus 2003-12-04 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon richmondi description distribution comments 2003-12-05 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon savannah 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present none
Plethodon sequoyah 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon serratus 2003-12-04 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon shenandoah 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon sherando description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2019-02-18 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon shermani description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-11-13 photos sound/video present present
Plethodon stormi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon teyahalee 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon vandykei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-03-12 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon variolatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-02-01 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon vehiculum description distribution life history trends and threats 2003-12-04 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon ventralis 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon virginia 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon websteri 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon wehrlei 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon welleri 2001-05-30 photos no sound/video present present
Plethodon yonahlossee description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans 2018-12-14 photos no sound/video present present

Citation: AmphibiaWeb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation. [web application]. Berkeley, California: AmphibiaWeb. Available: (Accessed:

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