AmphibiaWeb - Desmognathus perlapsus


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Desmognathus perlapsus Neill, 1950
family: Plethodontidae
subfamily: Plethodontinae
genus: Desmognathus
Species Description: Neill WT. 1950. A new species of salamander, genus Desmognathus, from Georgia. Publications of the Research Division, Ross Allen's Reptile Institute. Silver Springs 1: 1–6. -resurrected by- Pyron RA, Beamer DA. 2022. Systematics of the Ocoee Salamander (Plethodontidae: Desmognathus ocoee), with description of two new species from the southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Zootaxa 5190: 207–240.
Desmognathus perlapsus
© 2023 Kevin G. Hutcheson (1 of 3)
Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account
NatureServe Use NatureServe Explorer to see status.
National Status None
Regional Status None


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Country distribution from AmphibiaWeb's database: United States

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