Working Groups


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Working Groups of AmphibiaWeb

Work on AmphibiaWeb is guided by the expertise and performed by the efforts of scientists and educators around the world who volunteer their time in focused working groups.
  • Taxonomy Working Group
  • Conservation Working Group
  • Species Account Working Group

  • Taxonomy Working Group

    Taxonomy is central to the AmphibiaWeb database.
    The Taxonomy Working Group is responsible for adding newly described species, reviewing proposed taxonomic changes, and tracking the relevant scientific literature. They may add taxonomic notes to species pages to explain particularly complex decisions. Read their policies and criteria for decisions.
    Member Affiliation Expertise
    David Blackburn, Lead University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA African amphibians
    Umilaela Arifin Zoologisches Museum Hamburg, Germany Southeast Asian amphibians
    Alessandro Catenazzi Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA South American amphibians
    Chan Kin Onn National University of Singapore, Singapore Southeast Asian amphibians
    Che Jing Kunming Institute of Zoology, Kunming, China Asian amphibians, especially in China
    Sonali Garg University of Delhi, Delhi, India Asian amphibians, especially in India
    Michelle Koo University of California, Berkeley, California, USA Informatics, North American amphibians
    Jim McGuire University of California, Berkeley, California, USA Southeast Asian and North American amphibians
    Ana Motta University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA South American amphibians
    Gabriela Parra Olea Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City, México Central American amphibians
    Santiago Ron Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador South American amphibians
    Sean Rovito Laboratorio Nacional de Genómica para la Biodiversidad, Irapuato, México Central American amphibians
    Jodi Rowley The Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia Southeast Asian, Australian and New Zealand amphibians

    Conservation Working Group

    Conservation is one of the pillars of AmphibiaWeb.
    The Conservation Working Group is currently focused on revamping the resource pages on amphibian conservation, analysing global patterns of conservation for amphibians, and related tasks to keep the database updated.
    Member Affiliation Experience
    Emma Steigerwald, Lead University of California Berkeley Graduate student studying the response of Andean frogs to climate change and disease
    Allie Byrne University of California Berkeley Postdoc focused on Bd and Bsal
    Alessandro Catenazzi Florida International University Professor studying South American amphibians and disease
    Julia Chen University of California, Berkeley Undergraduate apprentice in GIS
    Michelle Koo University of California, Berkeley Curator and researcher in amphibian biogeography, conservation, and GIS
    Julianne Oshiro University of California, Berkeley Undergraduate apprentice in GIS
    Vance Vredenburg San Francisco State University Professor studying chytridiomycosis ecology, mitigation, and amphibian reintroduction

    Species Account Working Group

    One of the core components of AmphibiaWeb is the species account page.
    The Species Account Working Group strategizes how to make species accounts as valuable as possible including expanding the network of experts to keep existing species pages updated and to create content and author new ones.
    Member Affiliation Position
    Ann T. Chang, Lead University of California, Berkeley AmphibiaWeb coordinator and editor
    Rayna Bell California Academy of Sciences Curator of Herpetology and Senior Associate, AmphibiaWeb
    Rebecca Tarvin University of California, Berkeley Curator of Herpetology, Professor, and Senior Associate, AmphibiaWeb
    Molly Womack Utah State University, Logan Professor and Senior Associate, AmphibiaWeb

    Like our icons? We thank Jose Carlos Arenas Monroy for Batrachyla taeniata, Chuanixn Yu for Andrias davidianus, and Jose Carlos Arenas-Monroy for Hyperolius marmoratus on Phylopics!