AmphibiaWeb Presentations and Publications
Come hear us talk about amphibians, AmphibiaWeb (either in person or recording), and read our papers!
Presented at the Joint Meeting of Ichthyology and Herpetology Meeting, Norfolk, VA. July 2023.
Womack, Molly C, Emma Steigerwald, David Blackburn, David C. Cannatella, Alessandro Catenazzi, Jing Che, Michelle S. Koo, Jimmy A. McGuire, Santiago R. Ron, Carol Spencer, Vance T. Vredenburg, and Rebecca D. Tarvin. 2022. State of the Amphibia 2020: A Review of Five Years of Amphibian Research and Existing Resources. Ichthyology & Herpetology, 110(4):638-661. Link
Presented at the Joint Meeting of Ichthyology and Herpetology Meeting, Spokane, WA. July 2022.
Dr. Vance Vredenburg: Frogs, Fear, and Finding Hope Amid Despair. Listen here on The Trauma Stewardship Institute
Uetz P, Koo MS, Aguilar R, Brings E, Catenazzi A, Chang AT, Chaitanya R, Freed P, Gross J, Hammermann M, Hosek J, Lambert M, Sergi Z, Spencer CL, Summers K, Tarvin R, Vredenburg VT, and Wake DB. 2021. A Quarter Century of Reptile and Amphibian Databases. Herpetological Review 52(2):246-255. [PDF]Koo MS, Vredenburg VT, Deck JB, Olson DH, Ronnenberg KL, Wake DB. 2021. Tracking, Synthesizing, and Sharing Global Batrachochytrium Data at Frontiers. Collection. [PDF | Supplemental Material on Figshare]
David Wake on the Science History Podcast - Episode 30 Global Amphibian Declines- May 11, 2020.
Enjoy an hourlong conversation with David Wake talking about the history of how scientists acknowledged that we are in the midst of a global amphibian decline.
Joint Meeting of Ichthyology and Herpetology or JMIH 2019 featured a button give-away and "Tweet-up" (#AWebIRL)!
Alessandro Catenazzi presented "Desafíos para la conservación de la herpetofauna Andino Amazónica frente a los peligros ambientales" at 2 Congreso Colombiano de Herpetologia, Bogota, Colombia, 6 December 2018.
Lightning talk on the Amphibian Disease portal by Carol Spencer at the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologist and Herpetologists Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY. 12 July 2018.
Michelle Koo presented "AmphibiaWeb Innovations to Address the Global Crisis in Amphibians", iDigBio (NSF) Digital Data Conference, Berkeley, CA, 5 June 2018.
Michelle Koo presented at the Society of Northwestern Vertebrate Biology and NW Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC) annual meeting in the Symposium "Top Ten Amphibian Research & Amphibian Conservation Priorities: USA and Canada". Feb 28th- Mar 3rd, Arcata, CA.
David Blackburn presented "AmphibiaWeb’s Response to the Global Emerging Infectious Disease Crisis in Amphibians" at The 8th World Congress of Herpetology, August 2016, Hangzhou, China. Michelle Koo and Jennifer Ballard (USGS) conducted "AmphibiaWeb's Bsal Amphibian Disease Portal Demo and working group" at the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles' Annual Meeting July 2016, New Orleans, LA.
Michelle Koo presented "Averting a Biodiversity Crisis" at the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles' Annual Meeting, July 30 - Aug 2, in Lawrence, KS.ABSTRACT:The amphibian fungal disease chytridiomycosis, caused by chytrid Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) contributed to the extinction of many species globally. While our understanding of the biology and ecological impact of Bd has increased, another virulent a new fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), thought to have evolved in Asia, has had devastating effects on local salamander populations northwestern Europe. We present a vulnerability model based on calculated environmental niche of Bsal and global salamander species patterns to predict the regions in North America most vulnerable to an introduction of this new pathogen. We propose two actions: 1) ban live salamander imports by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service; 2) create a database and web-based portal to track Bd and Bsal, where tests for presence and intensity of Bd and Bsal can be shared and visualized. We will invite users to become collaborative data providers and to contribute to the development and broad applications of the portal. AmphibiaWeb was created in 2000 in response to amphibian declines and serves as a scientific clearinghouse for conservation organizations and efforts, including the Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) and AmphibianArk’s Conservation Needs Assessments.
Amphibians: Harbingers of a Biodiversity Crisis David Wake presented at the American Philosophical Society Annual Meeting, April 2014, Philadelphia, PA.
David Blackburn presented "Engaging the Public with Amphibian Diversity and Conservation on the Web and in Museums"
David Wake presented "Solving Herpetofauna Conservation Problems using Education and Outreach" at NW Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC), Annual Workshop, February 4, Pasco, WA
Amphibian and Reptiles of the San Francisco Bay Area, Jepson Workshop, Nov 16-17, UC Berkeley & Crystal Springs Watershed, CA. Hands-on workshop and presentation led by Michelle Koo, Carol Spencer, and David Wake, with a field trip to the Crystal Springs Watershed. All proceeds directly benefit AmphibiaWeb.
The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2013, San Francisco, CA
David Blackburn presents "The impact of taxonomic progress on knowing the Tree of Life: an example from amphibians"
in Session 67: Phylogenetics and Computational Methods, Saturday, Jan. 5, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Are We in the Midst of the Sixth Mass Extinction? David Wake, University of California, Berkeley
Sackler Colloquia: In the Light of Evolution, II: Biodiversity and Extinction, Irvine, California, December 6-8
Poster presentations (downloadable from Figshare): | |
2012: AmphibiaWeb tracks the paradox: New Species Discovery in an Era of Declines | |
21st International Congress of Zoology, Haifa, Israel,
September 2-7
7th World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 12, 4 pm
Society for Conservation Biology |
2011: AmphibiaWeb: Connecting Science and Community | |
Presented at the joint American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2011.
2008: AmphibiaWeb and HerpNET: On the Cutting Edge of Herpetological Biodiversity Informatics | > |
Wake, D.B., L. Trueb, C.L. Spencer, M.S. Koo, K.L. Whittaker, V. Vredenburg, and J. Gross. [Download PDF] Presented at: 6th World Congress of Herpetology, Manaus, Brazil, August 2008. |
2006: Visualizing AmphibiaWeb Data with Continuous Cartograms | |
Koo, M.S., V.T. Vredenburg, J. Gross, C.L. Spencer, T. Tunstall, D.B. Wake. Presented at the Society for Conservation Biology, San Jose, CA, June 2006. |
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