

(Translations may not be accurate.)

Contributors to AmphibiaWeb

We thank the following people who generously contributed their knowledge, materials, and time to AmphibiaWeb!

Quick Links

Global Partners

Australia Jean-Marc Hero
Cuba Ansel Fong G.
Madagascar Miguel Vences
Pacific Region Clare Morrison
Spain Jaime Bosch, Ernesto Recuero

Book Author Contributions

(Excerpts with permission)
Axel Hernandez Tylototriton and Echinotriton species from Crocodile Newts: The Primitive Salamandridae of Asia (Genera Echinotriton and Tylototriton), Edition Chimaira
Michael Lannoo, Ed. Species in United States from Amphibian Declines: The Conservation Status of United States Species, UC Press
Jean Raffaëlli Salamander species from Les Urodèles du Monde, 1st, 2nd, 3rd editions

Founding Experts

Robin Kurian Abraham Species accounts
Franco Andreone Species accounts, Photos
Phil Bishop Species accounts
Ronald Botterweg Updating Species Lists
Carlos Davidson Sound files (Pacific Coast, U. S.)
Gustavo Fermin Species Accounts
Ansel Fong G. Species Accounts (Cuba)
Jonathan J. Fong Species Accounts
Jinzhong Fu Species accounts, Photos
Varad B. Giri Species accounts, Photos
Frank Glaw Species accounts, Photos, Sound files
Andrew Gray Species accounts
Margaret Gunzburger Species accounts, Photos
Jean-Marc Hero Species accounts, Photos
C. Michael Hogan Species accounts
Itzue W. Caviedes-Solis Species accounts
Peter Janzen Species accounts, Photos, Sound files
M.S. Khan Species accounts
Sergius L. Kuzmin Species accounts, Photos
Gururaja KV Species accounts, Photos
William P. Leonard Species accounts, Photos
Rafael I. Marquez Photos, Sound files
Masafumi Matsui Species accounts
John Measey Species accounts
Todd Pierson Species accounts
Diogo B. Provete Species accounts, Photos
Jean Raffaelli Species accounts
Jeff Rice (Western Soundscape Archive) Frog and salamander call sound files (Western U. S.)
Stephen C. Richter Species accounts, Photos
M.O. Roedel Species accounts
Gonçalo Rosa Species accounts, Photos
Dinal Samarasinghe Species accounts, Photos
Jirka Schmidt Literature Review and Species Updates
Max Sparreboom Species accounts, Photos
Arne Schiötz Species accounts, Photos
Adam P. Summers Species accounts, Photos
Yik Hei Sung Species accounts
Miguel Vences Species accounts, Photos, Sound files
Luis J. Villanueva-Rivera Species accounts, Photos
Marvalee Wake Species accounts, Photos
Yuezhao Wang Species accounts
Feng Xie Species accounts

Distribution Reviewer

Reviewed the distribution data for Indian species
César L. Barrio Amoros Reviewed the distribution data for Venezuelan species
Reviewed the distribution data for Guatemalan species
Reviewed the distribution data for Hong Kong species
Eranda Nipunika Mandawala Reviewed the distribution data for Sri Lankan species
Reviewed the distribution data for Australian species
Nikolai Orlov Reviewed the distribution data for Vietnamese species
Reviewed the distribution data for Costa Rican species
Bryan Stuart Reviewed the distribution data for Cambodian and Lao species


Edition Chimaira publishers,
Frankfurt am Main
Kindly permitted the publication of material from "Treefrogs of Africa" by Arne Schiötz (1999).

Academic Institutions

and Dave Reddy,
American Museum of Natural History
Provided and continue to provide up-to-date taxonomic data through the Amphibian species of the world database.
California Academy of Sciences Helped us answer forum questions
Ellin Beltz at Northeastern Illinois University Provide link to the "Translations of the Scientific Names of the Reptiles and Amphibians of North America".
Fonozoo, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales of Madrid Provide links to sound files.

Conservation Organizations

IUCN, CI, and NatureServe Provide links to, and text and map data from, the Global Amphibian Assessment.
NatureServe Explorer Provide links to conservation statuses of U.S. and Canadian species.

AmphibiaWeb Team Contributions

Rayna C. Bell Species accounts, Dichromatism. Photos
David Blackburn Family-level account, KU Photo liaison, Photos, taxonomy subcommittee
David Cannatella Taxonomy subcommittee
Alessandro Catenazzi Species accounts
Ann T. Chang Research Coordinator (trains and supervises research apprentices at UC Berkeley, Educational Resources, Species accounts, Edited Species accounts, vector art work
Raul Diaz Species accounts, Species accounts (edited)
Rebecca Doubledee Species accounts
David Fisher Photo lists for North American amphibian species; georeferencing
Adolfo Gomez Research Assistant (supervised undergraduate research apprentices as UC Berkeley, Editor (2014)
Joyce Gross Photos, AmphibiaWeb and CalPhotos database development and maintenance
Michelle Koo GIS, Cartograms and other cartography, Species accounts, Species accounts (edited), Photos, vector art work, georeferencing, graphics, website maintenance and development, grant-writing
Greg LaMonte Species accounts
Meredith J. Mahoney Species accounts, Species accounts (edited)
Arie van der Meijden Species accounts, Species accounts (edited), Photos, website usage statistics (2000-2015)
Kelly Monson Vector art work (various) (2011)
Hien Nguyen AmphibiaWeb Logo, maps and sound files
Brian Petirs Species accounts
April Robinson Species accounts
Mel Roderick Mobile phone application developer
Franziska Sandmeier Species accounts
Sean Schoville Species accounts
Kyle Summers Contributions to Chytridiomycosis page
Ambika Sopory Species accounts, Species accounts (edited)
Carol Spencer HerpNET and VertNet liaison
Emma Steigerwald Species accounts
Rachna Tiwari Species accounts, Species accounts (edited)
Tate Tunstall Species accounts, Species accounts (edited), undergraduate research apprentice supervision
Rudolf von May Edited Species accounts, Peru country list
Vance Vredenburg Species accounts, Species accounts (edited), Photos
David Wake Taxonomy subcommittee, Species accounts, Species accounts (edited), Photos, grant-writing
Kellie Whittaker Undergraduate research apprentice coordinator, Species accounts (new), Species accounts (edited), Photos
Julian Wittische Translation from French to English of Raffaelli accounts
Nicole Wong Standardizing reference database
Tiffany Yap Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans: Deadly fungal threat to salamanders, range maps
Mingna (Vicky) Zhuang Research Assistant supervising undergraduate apprentices at UC Berkeley, Species accounts (new), Species accounts (edited)