Contributing Species to AmphibiaWeb
There are several ways to contribute to AmphibiaWeb. One of our ongoing needs is high quality species accounts for every species of amphibian in the world. We work with herpetology classes, apprentices, students, and experts around the world to update and write new accounts for amphibian species. (Looking to contribute media? Read about Contributing Photos, Sound or Video files.)
Species Account
Species accounts can be authored by any registered contributor, and all accounts are reviewed, checked, and edited by an editor or administrator before being published online. Contributors are publicly credited for authorship or otherwise acknowledged.Let us know if you are interested in writing a species account!Read our guidelines on writing species accounts.
Read our guidelines on registering and accessing the authoring system.
For Herpetology Class students
Please check if we already have an account for a particular species. You can search for the species. Species accounts are written using (our species account template). Check with your professor about how your class is handling assignments. When you're ready to submit, see the link below. We'll take care of the editing, formatting and posting online.
Ready to submit?
Checklist before uploading your species account:
Submit your species account as a Word DOC or TXT file (not PDF). Are all sections filled in as completely as possible, especially Description and Diagnosis, Life History, Threats and Trends? Have you included all references? Did you include in-text citations for all paragraphs? Do you have your references handy? If they are PDFs, you may upload them to a dedicated folder to speed up editing of your species account. Is your name and email included? Your name will be printed as submitted on our author credit. Include your email in case we have questions about your submission.
AmphibiaWeb's data have been contributed from numerous individuals--please see our
acknowledgements page
for information about our contributors.