AmphibiaWeb - Mantellidae


(Translations may not be accurate.)


phylogeny icon

286 species in 12 genera

Subfamily Boophinae (87 species)

Genus Boophis (87 species)    [subfamily Boophinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Boophis albilabris description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis albipunctatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis andohahela description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis andrangoloaka photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis andreonei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis anjanaharibeensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis ankarafensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-08-29 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Boophis ankaratra description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis arcanus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-07-29 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Boophis archeri no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis asquithi photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis axelmeyeri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-15 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis baetkei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2008-11-14 photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis blommersae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis boehmei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonenone
Boophis boppa description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-06-05 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Boophis bottae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-14 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis brachychir description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonenone
Boophis burgeri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis burnhamae no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis calcaratus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-10-14 photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis doulioti description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis elenae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonenone
Boophis englaenderi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis entingae photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis erythrodactylus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis fayi description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-06-08 photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis feonnyala description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis goudotii description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Boophis guibei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis haematopus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis haingana no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis idae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-01-29 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis jaegeri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis janewayae no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis kirki no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis laurenti description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis liami description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-23 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis lichenoides description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2009-05-05 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Boophis lilianae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2008-11-14 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Boophis luciae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-07-29 photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis luteus description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2024-04-28 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis madagascariensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis majori description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis mandraka description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis marojezensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis masoala no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis miadana no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis microtympanum description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis miniatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis narinsi photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis nauticus description distribution life history comments 2020-11-20 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Boophis obscurus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2015-06-03 photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis occidentalis description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2009-05-05 photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis opisthodon description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis pauliani description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Boophis periegetes description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-08 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis picardi no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis picturatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-08 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis pikei no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis piperatus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis popi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2017-02-19 photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis praedictus photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis pyrrhus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-09-13 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis quasiboehmei photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis rappiodes description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis reticulatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis rhodoscelis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonenone
Boophis roseipalmatus photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis rufioculis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-15 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis sambirano description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-23 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis sandrae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-06-08 photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis schuboeae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-23 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis septentrionalis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-23 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis sibilans description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis siskoi no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis solomaso description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-23 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Boophis spinophis no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis tampoka description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2013-07-22 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Boophis tasymena description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-24 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis tephraeomystax description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis tsilomaro comments 2021-07-21 photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis ulftunni description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2008-05-17 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Boophis viridis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2024-09-22 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis vittatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-15 photos sound/video nonepresent
Boophis williamsi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Boophis xerophilus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Subfamily Laliostominae (7 species)

Genus Aglyptodactylus (6 species)    [subfamily Laliostominae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Aglyptodactylus australis photos no sound/video nonenone
Aglyptodactylus chorus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2018-03-08 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Aglyptodactylus inguinalis photos no sound/video nonenone
Aglyptodactylus laticeps description distribution life history comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Aglyptodactylus madagascariensis description distribution life history comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Aglyptodactylus securifer description distribution life history comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent

Genus Laliostoma (1 species)    [subfamily Laliostominae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Laliostoma labrosum description distribution life history comments 2009-01-30 photos sound/video nonepresent
Subfamily Mantellinae (192 species)

Genus Blommersia (14 species)    [subfamily Mantellinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Blommersia angolafa description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-05-18 photos no sound/video nonenone
Blommersia bara photos no sound/video nonenone
Blommersia blommersae description distribution life history comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Blommersia dejongi photos no sound/video nonenone
Blommersia domerguei description distribution life history 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Blommersia dupreezi no photos no sound/video nonenone
Blommersia galani no photos no sound/video nonenone
Blommersia grandisonae description distribution life history 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Blommersia kely description distribution life history comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Blommersia nataliae no photos no sound/video nonenone
Blommersia sarotra description distribution life history 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Blommersia transmarina description distribution life history comments 2020-11-20 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Blommersia variabilis photos no sound/video nonenone
Blommersia wittei description distribution life history comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent

Genus Boehmantis (1 species)    [subfamily Mantellinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Boehmantis microtympanum description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-07-19 photos no sound/video nonepresent

Genus Gephyromantis (62 species)    [subfamily Mantellinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Gephyromantis ambohitra description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis ampondo no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis angano photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis asper description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis atsingy photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis bemiray no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis blanci description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-24 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis boulengeri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis ceratophrys no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis cornucopia no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis cornutus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis corvus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis decaryi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis eiselti description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis enki description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-24 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis feomborona no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis fiharimpe photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis fuscus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis granulatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis grosjeani no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis hintelmannae no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis horridus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-12-21 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis kintana no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis klemmeri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis kremenae photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis leucocephalus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-24 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis leucomaculatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis lomorina no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis luteus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis mafifeo no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis mafy no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis makira no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis malagasius description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-06-15 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis marokoroko no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis matsilo no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis mitsinjo photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis moseri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis oelkrugi photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis pedronoi photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis plicifer description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis portonae no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis pseudoasper description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis ranjomavo no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis redimitus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis rivicola description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis runewsweeki description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-03-24 no photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis salegy description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2010-07-19 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis saturnini no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis schilfi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis sculpturatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis sergei no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis silvanus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis spiniferus description distribution comments 2009-03-31 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis striatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis tahotra photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis tandroka description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis thelenae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis tohatra no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis tschenki description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis verrucosus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gephyromantis webbi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gephyromantis zavona description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent

Genus Guibemantis (25 species)    [subfamily Mantellinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Guibemantis albolineatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Guibemantis albomaculatus photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis ambakoana no photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis annulatus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2012-03-13 photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis bicalcaratus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Guibemantis depressiceps description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2012-10-08 photos sound/video nonepresent
Guibemantis diphonus photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis flavobrunneus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Guibemantis fotsitenda no photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis kathrinae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Guibemantis liber description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-01 photos sound/video nonepresent
Guibemantis methueni photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis milingilingy photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis pulcher description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-12-15 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Guibemantis pulcherrimus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis punctatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-01 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Guibemantis razandry no photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis razoky no photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis rianasoa photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis tasifotsy description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-09-02 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis timidus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Guibemantis tornieri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Guibemantis vakoa no photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis wattersoni description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-04-19 photos no sound/video nonenone
Guibemantis woosteri photos no sound/video nonenone

Genus Mantella (16 species)    [subfamily Mantellinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Mantella aurantiaca description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-09-18 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella baroni description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-02-09 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella bernhardi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella betsileo description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantella cowanii description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella crocea description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-06-11 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella ebenaui description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-28 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella expectata description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2009-09-27 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella haraldmeieri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella laevigata description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-01-21 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella madagascariensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantella manery description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-28 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantella milotympanum description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-28 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella nigricans description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-28 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella pulchra description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantella viridis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent

Genus Mantidactylus (58 species)    [subfamily Mantellinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Mantidactylus aerumnalis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus albofrenatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus alutus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus ambohimitombi description distribution life history comments 2003-03-04 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus ambony photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus ambreensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus argenteus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus atsimo no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus augustini no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus bellyi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus betsileanus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus biporus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus bletzae no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus bourgati description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-30 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus brevipalmatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus brevirostris no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus charlotteae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-08 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus cowanii description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-08 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus curtus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus delormei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-08 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus eulenbergeri no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus femoralis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-07-19 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus fergusoni photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus georgei no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus glosi no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus grandidieri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus grubenmanni no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus gudrunae no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus guttulatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus inaudax photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus incognitus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus jahnarum no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus jonasi photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus katae no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus kortei no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus lugubris description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus madecassus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus mahery photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus majori description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus manerana no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus marintsoai no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus melanopleura description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-08 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus mocquardi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus noralottae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-30 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus opiparis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus paidroa no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus pauliani description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-09 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus petakorona photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus radaka description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-03-16 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus riparius no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus schulzi no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus steinfartzi no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus stelliger no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus tricinctus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus tripunctatus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Mantidactylus ulcerosus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus zipperi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-09 photos sound/video nonepresent
Mantidactylus zolitschka description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-09 photos no sound/video nonepresent

Genus Spinomantis (14 species)    [subfamily Mantellinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Spinomantis aglavei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Spinomantis beckei no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Spinomantis bertini description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Spinomantis brunae description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2009-05-05 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Spinomantis elegans description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Spinomantis fimbriatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Spinomantis guibei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos sound/video nonepresent
Spinomantis massi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Spinomantis microtis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-05 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Spinomantis mirus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Spinomantis nussbaumi no photos no sound/video nonenone
Spinomantis peraccae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-06 photos sound/video nonepresent
Spinomantis phantasticus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-05-01 photos sound/video nonepresent
Spinomantis tavaratra photos no sound/video nonenone

Genus Tsingymantis (1 species)    [subfamily Mantellinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Tsingymantis antitra description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-04-28 photos no sound/video nonepresent

Genus Wakea (1 species)    [subfamily Mantellinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Wakea madinika description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-06-07 photos no sound/video nonepresent

Citation: AmphibiaWeb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation. [web application]. Berkeley, California: AmphibiaWeb. Available: (Accessed:

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