AmphibiaWeb - Salamandridae


(Translations may not be accurate.)


phylogeny icon

147 species in 22 genera

Genus Hypselotriton (2 species)
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Hypselotriton huanggangensis no photos no sound/video nonenone
Hypselotriton oolong no photos no sound/video nonenone
Subfamily Pleurodelinae (127 species)

Genus Calotriton (2 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Calotriton arnoldi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2014-03-05 photos no sound/video present present
Calotriton asper description distribution life history trends and threats 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Cynops (13 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Cynops chenggongensis 2000-02-07 no photos no sound/video present present
Cynops cyanurus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans 2009-03-11 photos no sound/video present present
Cynops ensicauda description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans 2009-11-30 photos no sound/video present present
Cynops fudingensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-02-24 photos no sound/video present present
Cynops glaucus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-07-12 photos no sound/video present present
Cynops huanggangensis no photos no sound/video nonenone
Cynops jiaoren no photos no sound/video nonenone
Cynops maguae no photos no sound/video nonenone
Cynops orientalis description distribution life history trends and threats 2008-06-27 photos no sound/video present present
Cynops orphicus photos no sound/video present present
Cynops pyrrhogaster description distribution life history larva trends and threats 2023-02-21 photos no sound/video present present
Cynops wolterstorffi description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2001-07-16 photos no sound/video present present
Cynops yunnanensis no photos no sound/video nonenone

Genus Echinotriton (4 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Echinotriton andersoni description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-01-19 photos no sound/video present present
Echinotriton chinhaiensis description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2009-04-06 photos no sound/video present present
Echinotriton maxiquadratus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2015-05-31 photos no sound/video present present
Echinotriton raffaellii photos no sound/video nonenone

Genus Euproctus (2 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Euproctus montanus description distribution life history trends and threats 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present
Euproctus platycephalus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Ichthyosaura (1 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Ichthyosaura alpestris description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-07-02 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Laotriton (1 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Laotriton laoensis description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-05-09 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Lissotriton (10 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Lissotriton boscai description distribution life history trends and threats 2022-11-03 photos no sound/video present present
Lissotriton graecus photos no sound/video nonenone
Lissotriton helveticus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2024-04-16 photos no sound/video present present
Lissotriton italicus description distribution life history trends and threats 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present
Lissotriton kosswigi photos no sound/video present none
Lissotriton lantzi photos no sound/video present present
Lissotriton maltzani photos no sound/video nonenone
Lissotriton montandoni description distribution life history relation to humans 1999-10-06 photos no sound/video present present
Lissotriton schmidtleri photos no sound/video nonenone
Lissotriton vulgaris description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-11-05 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Neurergus (5 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Neurergus barani no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Neurergus crocatus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present
Neurergus derjugini description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2013-08-26 photos no sound/video present present
Neurergus kaiseri description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2013-05-21 photos no sound/video present present
Neurergus strauchii description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Notophthalmus (3 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Notophthalmus meridionalis description distribution life history comments 2021-04-27 photos no sound/video present present
Notophthalmus perstriatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2001-05-09 photos no sound/video present present
Notophthalmus viridescens description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2011-01-17 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Ommatotriton (3 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Ommatotriton nesterovi photos no sound/video nonenone
Ommatotriton ophryticus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present
Ommatotriton vittatus comments 2005-10-26 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Pachytriton (10 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Pachytriton airobranchiatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2018-08-22 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Pachytriton archospotus no photos no sound/video present present
Pachytriton brevipes description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2008-06-25 photos no sound/video present present
Pachytriton changi photos no sound/video present present
Pachytriton feii description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2015-06-02 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Pachytriton granulosus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-03-13 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Pachytriton inexpectatus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-06-06 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Pachytriton moi description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2015-05-19 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Pachytriton wuguanfui no photos no sound/video present none
Pachytriton xanthospilos description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-06-06 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Paramesotriton (15 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Paramesotriton aurantius no photos no sound/video nonenone
Paramesotriton caudopunctatus 2000-02-07 photos no sound/video present present
Paramesotriton chinensis 2000-02-07 photos no sound/video present present
Paramesotriton deloustali photos no sound/video present present
Paramesotriton fuzhongensis photos no sound/video present present
Paramesotriton guangxiensis 2000-02-09 photos no sound/video present none
Paramesotriton hongkongensis description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-01-15 photos no sound/video present present
Paramesotriton labiatus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2015-12-14 photos no sound/video present present
Paramesotriton longliensis photos no sound/video nonepresent
Paramesotriton malipoensis no photos no sound/video nonenone
Paramesotriton maolanensis no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Paramesotriton qixilingensis no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Paramesotriton wulingensis photos no sound/video nonenone
Paramesotriton yunwuensis no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Paramesotriton zhijinensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2008-06-23 photos no sound/video nonepresent

Genus Pleurodeles (3 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Pleurodeles nebulosus description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2024-08-22 photos no sound/video present none
Pleurodeles poireti description distribution life history trends and threats 2007-12-14 photos no sound/video present present
Pleurodeles waltl description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2013-08-12 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Taricha (4 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Taricha granulosa description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-01-15 photos no sound/video present present
Taricha rivularis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-08-10 photos no sound/video present present
Taricha sierrae description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-08-02 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Taricha torosa description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-01-15 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Triturus (10 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Triturus anatolicus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-03-16 photos no sound/video nonenone
Triturus carnifex description distribution life history trends and threats 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present
Triturus cristatus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present
Triturus dobrogicus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present
Triturus ivanbureschi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-03-28 photos no sound/video nonenone
Triturus karelinii description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans 2001-07-30 photos no sound/video present present
Triturus macedonicus photos no sound/video nonenone
Triturus marmoratus description distribution life history trends and threats 2017-07-10 photos no sound/video present present
Triturus pygmaeus photos no sound/video present present
Triturus rudolfi no photos no sound/video nonenone

Genus Tylototriton (41 species)    [subfamily Pleurodelinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Tylototriton anguliceps description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-10-29 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton anhuiensis description distribution life history comments 2018-10-23 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Tylototriton asperrimus 2000-02-07 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton broadoridgus description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-03-13 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton dabienicus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton daloushanensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2022-12-20 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Tylototriton gaowangjienensis no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton hainanensis 2000-02-09 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton himalayanus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton houi photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton joe no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton kachinorum description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-11-23 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Tylototriton koliaensis no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton kweichowensis description distribution life history trends and threats 2009-03-11 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton liuyangensis photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton lizhengchangi photos no sound/video nonepresent
Tylototriton maolanensis no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton ngarsuensis description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2024-08-22 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton notialis description distribution trends and threats relation to humans comments 2013-02-11 no photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton panhai description distribution life history comments 2019-11-15 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton panwaensis no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton pasmansi description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-05-23 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton phukhaensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2020-10-29 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Tylototriton podichthys description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2016-02-18 no photos no sound/video present none
Tylototriton pseudoverrucosus description distribution life history trends and threats 2022-03-10 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton pulcherrimus photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton shanjing description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-08-22 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton shanorum description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2016-07-06 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton soimalai no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton sparreboomi description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-10-09 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton taliangensis description distribution life history trends and threats 2008-11-26 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton thaiorum no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton tongziensis description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-05-23 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton umphangensis description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2022-12-08 photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton uyenoi description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-03-09 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton verrucosus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-03-18 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton vietnamensis description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2017-05-04 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton wenxianensis description distribution life history 2008-11-26 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton yangi description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2019-12-09 photos no sound/video present present
Tylototriton zaimeng no photos no sound/video nonenone
Tylototriton ziegleri description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2013-11-10 photos no sound/video present present
Subfamily Salamandrinae (16 species)

Genus Chioglossa (1 species)    [subfamily Salamandrinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Chioglossa lusitanica description distribution life history trends and threats 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Lyciasalamandra (7 species)    [subfamily Salamandrinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Lyciasalamandra antalyana description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-02-23 photos no sound/video present present
Lyciasalamandra atifi description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-03-23 photos no sound/video present present
Lyciasalamandra billae description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-02-23 photos no sound/video present present
Lyciasalamandra fazilae description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-12-31 photos no sound/video present present
Lyciasalamandra flavimembris description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-03-23 photos no sound/video present present
Lyciasalamandra helverseni description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-03-08 photos no sound/video present present
Lyciasalamandra luschani description distribution life history larva trends and threats relation to humans comments 2023-02-28 photos no sound/video present present

Genus Mertensiella (2 species)    [subfamily Salamandrinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Mertensiella caucasica description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-03-17 photos no sound/video present present
Mertensiella djanaschvilii no photos no sound/video nonenone

Genus Salamandra (6 species)    [subfamily Salamandrinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Salamandra algira description distribution life history relation to humans comments 2020-01-11 photos no sound/video present present
Salamandra atra description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2025-01-05 photos no sound/video present present
Salamandra corsica description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-03-17 photos no sound/video present present
Salamandra infraimmaculata description distribution life history comments 2004-04-02 photos no sound/video present present
Salamandra lanzai description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2008-01-05 photos no sound/video present present
Salamandra salamandra description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2024-10-27 photos no sound/video present present
Subfamily Salamandrininae (2 species)

Genus Salamandrina (2 species)    [subfamily Salamandrininae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Salamandrina perspicillata description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2014-03-05 photos no sound/video present present
Salamandrina terdigitata description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-01-26 photos no sound/video present present

Citation: AmphibiaWeb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation. [web application]. Berkeley, California: AmphibiaWeb. Available: (Accessed:

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