Mertensiella djanaschvilii Tartarashvili and Bakradze 1989
| family: Salamandridae subfamily: Salamandrinae genus: Mertensiella |
Species Description: Tartarashvili, R. V., and M. A. Bakradze. 1989. A new subspecies of salamander from western Georgia. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia. Tbilisi 133, 177–179. | |
Taxonomic Notes: Evidence for this species to be elevated to full species was first reported in: Tarkhnishvili, D. N., R. S. Thorpe, and J. W. Arntzen. 2000. Pre-Pleistocene refugia and differentiation between populations of the Caucasian Salamander (Mertensiella caucasica). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 14: 414–422, but the species was not elevated to full species until: Raffaëlli, J. 2022. Salamanders & Newts of the World. Plumelec, France: Penclen Édition. |
Country distribution from AmphibiaWeb's database: Georgia, Turkey