AmphibiaWeb - Hemiphractidae


(Translations may not be accurate.)


phylogeny icon

126 species in 6 genera

Genus Cryptobatrachus (7 species)
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Cryptobatrachus boulengeri photos no sound/video nonepresent
Cryptobatrachus conditus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Cryptobatrachus fuhrmanni photos no sound/video nonepresent
Cryptobatrachus nicefori no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Cryptobatrachus pedroruizi description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-06-15 no photos no sound/video nonenone
Cryptobatrachus remotus no photos no sound/video nonenone
Cryptobatrachus ruthveni no photos no sound/video nonenone

Genus Flectonotus (2 species)
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Flectonotus fitzgeraldi description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2012-04-05 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Flectonotus pygmaeus photos no sound/video nonepresent

Genus Fritziana (7 species)
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Fritziana fissilis photos no sound/video nonepresent
Fritziana goeldii photos no sound/video nonepresent
Fritziana izecksohni no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Fritziana mitus description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-09-01 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Fritziana ohausi photos no sound/video nonepresent
Fritziana tonimi no photos no sound/video nonenone
Fritziana ulei description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2019-03-13 no photos no sound/video nonenone

Genus Gastrotheca (79 species)
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Gastrotheca abdita description distribution life history 2004-08-13 no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca aguaruna photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca albolineata photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca andaquiensis description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2010-08-11 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca angustifrons no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca antomia no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca antoniiochoai description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-12-07 photos sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca aratia no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca argenteovirens photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca atympana no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca aureomaculata photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca bufona no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca carinaceps no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca christiani no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca chrysosticta no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca coeruleomaculatus no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca cornuta description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2009-11-02 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca cuencana no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca dendronastes photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca dissimilis photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca dunni photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca dysprosita no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca elicioi no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca ernestoi photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca espeletia photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca excubitor photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca fissipes no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca flamma no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca flavodactyla no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca fulvorufa no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca galeata no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca gemma no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca gracilis photos sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca griswoldi photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca guentheri photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca helenae photos sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca lateonota photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca lauzuricae no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca litonedis photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca lojana no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca longipes no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca marsupiata photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca megacephala photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca microdiscus no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca monticola no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca nebulanastes description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-10-12 photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca nicefori photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca ochoai photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca oresbios no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca orophylax description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2012-03-06 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca ossilaginis no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca ovifera photos sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca pacchamama description distribution life history 2008-02-03 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca pachachacae description distribution life history comments 2012-02-14 photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca peruana photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca phalarosa no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca phelloderma description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2013-05-05 photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca piperata photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca plumbea photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca prasina photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca pseustes photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca psychrophila photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca pulchra photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca rebeccae photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca recava photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca riobambae description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2018-05-24 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca ruizi photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca spectabilis no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca splendens photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca stictopleura no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca testudinea photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca trachyceps description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2013-03-05 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca trachyplevra no photos no sound/video nonenone
Gastrotheca turnerorum no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca walkeri photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca weinlandii photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca williamsoni no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca yacuri no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Gastrotheca zeugocystis no photos no sound/video nonepresent

Genus Hemiphractus (9 species)
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Hemiphractus bubalus photos no sound/video nonepresent
Hemiphractus elioti photos no sound/video nonenone
Hemiphractus fasciatus photos no sound/video nonepresent
Hemiphractus helioi description distribution life history 2004-08-18 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Hemiphractus johnsoni photos no sound/video nonepresent
Hemiphractus kaylockae photos no sound/video nonenone
Hemiphractus panamensis photos no sound/video nonenone
Hemiphractus proboscideus description distribution life history trends and threats 2009-04-01 photos no sound/video nonepresent
Hemiphractus scutatus photos no sound/video nonepresent

Genus Stefania (22 species)
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile
Stefania ackawaio no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania ayangannae no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania breweri no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania coxi no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania evansi no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania ginesi photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania goini no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania imawari no photos no sound/video nonenone
Stefania maccullochi no photos no sound/video nonenone
Stefania marahuaquensis no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania neblinae no photos no sound/video nonenone
Stefania oculosa no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania percristata no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania riae no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania riveroi no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania roraimae no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania satelles photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania scalae photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania schuberti no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania tamacuarina no photos no sound/video nonepresent
Stefania upuigmae no photos no sound/video nonenone
Stefania woodleyi no photos no sound/video nonepresent

Citation: AmphibiaWeb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation. [web application]. Berkeley, California: AmphibiaWeb. Available: (Accessed:

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