Myobatrachidae |
136 species in 22 genera
Genus Mixophyes (9 species)
Subfamily Limnodynastinae (66 species)Genus Adelotus (1 species) [subfamily Limnodynastinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Adelotus brevis description distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-16 photos no sound/video none present
Genus Heleioporus (6 species) [subfamily Limnodynastinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Heleioporus albopunctatus distribution life history trends and threats comments 2008-09-16 photos no sound/video none present Heleioporus australiacus distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-16 photos no sound/video none present Heleioporus barycragus distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-18 no photos no sound/video none present Heleioporus eyrei distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-18 photos no sound/video none present Heleioporus inornatus distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-18 no photos no sound/video none present Heleioporus psammophilus distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-18 no photos no sound/video none present
Genus Lechriodus (4 species) [subfamily Limnodynastinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Lechriodus aganoposis description distribution life history 2005-10-07 no photos no sound/video none present Lechriodus fletcheri distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-18 photos no sound/video none present Lechriodus melanopyga no photos no sound/video none present Lechriodus platyceps no photos no sound/video none present
Genus Limnodynastes (11 species) [subfamily Limnodynastinae]
Genus Mixophyes (9 species) [subfamily Limnodynastinae]
Genus Neobatrachus (9 species) [subfamily Limnodynastinae]
Genus Notaden (4 species) [subfamily Limnodynastinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Notaden bennettii distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-19 photos no sound/video none present Notaden melanoscaphus distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-24 photos sound/video none present Notaden nichollsi distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-24 photos no sound/video none present Notaden weigeli distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-24 photos no sound/video none present
Genus Philoria (7 species) [subfamily Limnodynastinae]
Genus Platyplectrum (2 species) [subfamily Limnodynastinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Platyplectrum ornatum distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-04-04 photos sound/video none present Platyplectrum spenceri distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-18 photos no sound/video none present
Genus Pseudophryne (14 species) [subfamily Limnodynastinae]
Subfamily Myobatrachinae (69 species)Genus Anstisia (4 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Anstisia alba distribution life history trends and threats comments 2013-07-08 no photos no sound/video none none Anstisia lutea distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-16 no photos no sound/video none none Anstisia rosea distribution life history trends and threats comments 2008-09-16 no photos no sound/video none none Anstisia vitellina distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-16 no photos no sound/video none none
Genus Arenophryne (2 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Arenophryne rotunda description distribution life history trends and threats comments 2021-03-17 photos no sound/video none present Arenophryne xiphorhyncha photos no sound/video none none
Genus Assa (2 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Assa darlingtoni distribution trends and threats 2008-09-16 photos no sound/video none present Assa wollumbin description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-06-06 no photos no sound/video none none
Genus Crinia (17 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
Genus Geocrinia (3 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Geocrinia laevis distribution life history trends and threats comments 2008-09-16 no photos no sound/video none present Geocrinia leai distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-16 no photos no sound/video none present Geocrinia victoriana distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-16 photos no sound/video none present
Genus Metacrinia (1 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Metacrinia nichollsi distribution life history trends and threats comments 2008-09-16 no photos no sound/video none present
Genus Myobatrachus (1 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Myobatrachus gouldii description distribution life history larva trends and threats comments 2023-11-05 photos no sound/video none present
Genus Paracrinia (1 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Paracrinia haswelli distribution life history trends and threats comments 2002-05-03 no photos no sound/video none present
Genus Rheobatrachus (2 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Rheobatrachus silus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2021-03-18 photos no sound/video none present Rheobatrachus vitellinus description distribution life history trends and threats relation to humans comments 2016-11-22 no photos no sound/video none present
Genus Spicospina (1 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Spicospina flammocaerulea distribution life history trends and threats comments 2014-03-05 photos no sound/video none present
Genus Taudactylus (6 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
species description distribution life history larva trends & threats relations to humans additional information last edited photos sound files other account(s) shapefile Taudactylus acutirostris distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-18 no photos sound/video none present Taudactylus diurnus distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-17 photos no sound/video none present Taudactylus eungellensis distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-17 photos no sound/video none present Taudactylus liemi distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-17 photos no sound/video none present Taudactylus pleione distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-17 no photos no sound/video none present Taudactylus rheophilus distribution life history trends and threats 2008-09-17 no photos sound/video none present
Genus Uperoleia (29 species) [subfamily Myobatrachinae]
Citation: AmphibiaWeb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation. [web application]. Berkeley, California: AmphibiaWeb. Available: (Accessed:AmphibiaWeb's policy on data use.