AmphibiaWeb - Craugastor polaclavus


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Craugastor polaclavus Jameson, Streicher, Manuelli, Head & Smith, 2022

Subgenus: Craugastor
family: Craugastoridae
genus: Craugastor
Species Description: Jameson TJM, Streicher JW, Manuelli L, Head JJ, Smith EN. 2022. Miniaturization in direct-developing frogs from Mexico with the description of six new species. Herpetological Monographs 36:1–48.
Taxonomic Notes: Jameson et al. 2022 in Herpetological Monographs described six new species of Craugastor, each of which were indicated as part of the C. mexicanus series. These six species include: C. bitonium, C. candelariensis, C. cueyatl, C. poloclavus, C. portilloensis, C. rubinus. All of the other species in the C. mexicanus series are already recognized as part of the subgenus Craugastor, except for C. montanus. Thus, by implication, the six new species and C. montanus are also part of the subgenus Craugastor, and we recognize them as such on AmphibiaWeb despite that Jameson et al. 2022 did not formally provide a subgenus designation.
Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account
National Status None
Regional Status None


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Country distribution from AmphibiaWeb's database: Mexico

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