Vietnamophryne cuongi Nguyen, Hoang, Jiang, Orlov, Ninh, Nguyen, Nguyen & Ziegler, 2021
Cuong’s Dwarf Frog, Nhái lùn cýõÌ ng (Vietnamese) | family: Microhylidae subfamily: Asterophryinae genus: Vietnamophryne |
Species Description: Nguyen TV, Hoang CV, Jianping J, Orlov NL, Ninh HT, Nguyen HQ, Nguyen TT, Ziegler T. 2021. A New Species of Vietnamophryne with an Extended Description of Vietnamophryne orlovi. Russian Journal of Herpetology 28(6):355-368. | |
Etymology: The genus name, “Vietnamophryne,” is derived partly from Vietnam, the country of origin for the first individuals recorded of this genus, and the Greek noun “phryne,” which means “toad” (Poyarkov Jr. et al. 2018). The species epithet, “cuongi,” is in honor of Dr. Pham The Cuong from the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology in Hanoi. Dr. Pham The Cuong has contributed scientific work focused on the amphibian diversity of Vietnam (Nguyen et al. 2021). |
![]() © 2023 Thanh Luan Nguyen (1 of 2) |
Description The short forelimbs are one-third the length of the hind limb length. The hands are almost one-third the length of the forelimb length. There are two palmar tubercles with both the inner and outer palmar tubercle being rounded and smooth, but the outer palmar tubercle is slightly longer than the inner palmar tubercle. The supernumerary palmar tubercles are not present. The fingers are short and round in a cross-section view. The well-developed first finger is less than half the length of the second finger. Relative finger lengths are: I < IV < II < III. The webbing and dermal fringes are not present. All fingertips are rounded, but the tips of the three outer fingers are not expanded and do not have disks or terminal grooves. The longitudinal furrow on the dorsal surface of the fingers is not present. The subarticular tubercles of the fingers are not obvious (Nguyen et al. 2021). The hind limbs are short and thick, with the tibia length being less than half of snout-vent length. The tibiotarsal joint of the adpressed limb reaches the level of the eye. The foot length is almost the same length as the tibia. The tarsus is smooth with no tarsal fold present. There is a single metatarsal tubercle with a round and flat inner metatarsal tubercle. The toes are rounded in a cross-section view, and have relative toe lengths of: I < II < V < III < IV. The tips of all of the toes are round, but the tips of toes III and IV are slightly extended. Terminal grooves and dermal fringes are not present on the toes. No toe webbing is present. The subarticular tubercles of the toes are not obvious (Nguyen et al. 2021). The skin on the anterior dorsal and dorsolateral surfaces are smooth. Small tubercles are prominent on the lateral parts of the dorsum, sacral area, and dorsal surfaces of the hind limbs. The dorsal surface of the forelimbs and the upper eyelids are smooth. The supratympanic folds have low glandular ridges. The ventral sides of the trunk and head are smooth. There is a distinct dermal ridge on the midline of the head dorsal surface, which runs from the tip of the snout to the sacral area (Nguyen et al. 2021).
DIAGNOSIS Vietnamophryne cuongi is genetically and physically distinct from other species of Vietnamophryne. Physically, this species can be differentiated through head ratio, tympanum length, ventral coloration, and dorsal skin texture. Compared to other species of Vietnamophryne, the head is medium-sized, with its width being more significant than its length, the tympanum is extensive, and the snout length is greater than the eye length. Additionally, the first finger of V. cuongi being roughly half the length of the second finger distinguishes it from V. inexpectata, which has a simple nub as its first finger. This species mostly has smooth dorsal skin, while other species of Vietnamophryne consist of shagreened areas with pustules, warts, or tubercles. Lastly, V. cuongi has milky white ventral coloration with gray marbling while other species of Vietnamophryne that have different coloration ventrally and in marbling (Nguyen et al. 2021).
COLORATION In life, the dorsum of V. cuongi is overall brown, but the anterior of the dorsum is more black-brown. There are tiny white speckles scattered on the dorsum of the head, body, and forelimbs. The dorsal surface of the posterior and hind limbs have dark-brown pustules. The dorsal surfaces of the forearms are reddish-brown, interspersed with gray-brown coloration. The dorsal hind limbs have a reddish-brown background color behind the rare dark-brown tubercles and pustules. The fingers and toes are dorsally gray-brown and ventrally gray-brown with irregular beige blotches. The ventral surface of V. cuongi is beige with weak gray marbling. The marbling is denser towards the anterior around the throat and more scarce at the thighs, vent area, and chest. Its eyes have round black pupils with uniformly dark brown iris. The canthus rostralis has a narrow whitish stripe formed by tiny flat tubercles, starting from the tip of the snout, continuing to the supra axillary area, but becoming indistinct on supratympanic fold. Below the canthus rostralis, the skin is dark brown. The supratympanic fold has brick-red glandular tubercles that lack the white stripe. The lateral sides of the head are dark brown, with whitish mottling on the lower jaw and at the corners of the mouth (Nguyen et al. 2021).In preservative, the dorsal surface of V. cuongi is gray with white-gray spots, and the ventral is white with dark-gray marbling. The marbling is denser at its anterior and more dispersed at the thighs, vent area, and chest (Nguyen et al. 2021).
VARIATION Variation among the species is unknown as there have only been three known specimens, two adult females and a juvenile (Nguyen et al. 2021).Distribution and Habitat Country distribution from AmphibiaWeb's database: Viet Nam
Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors Larva Trends and Threats Relation to Humans Possible reasons for amphibian decline Habitat modification from deforestation, or logging related activities Comments PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS: Bayesian inference of mitochondrial 16s rRNA found that the sister species to V. cuongi is V. orlovi (Nguyen et al. 2021).References Poyarkov Jr., N.A., Suwannapoom, C. Pawangkhanant, P., Aksornneam, A., Duong, T.V., Korost, D.V., and Che J. (2018). A new genus and three new species of miniaturized microhylid frogs from Indochina (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae: Asterophryinae). Zoological Research, 39(3), 130-157. [link] Originally submitted by: Esther Son, Zoie Jones, Jooyong Kwon (2023-12-12) Description by: Esther Son, Zoie Jones, Jooyong Kwon (updated 2023-12-12)
Distribution by: Esther Son, Zoie Jones, Jooyong Kwon (updated 2023-12-12)
Life history by: Esther Son, Zoie Jones, Jooyong Kwon (updated 2023-12-12)
Larva by: Esther Son, Zoie Jones, Jooyong Kwon (updated 2023-12-12)
Trends and threats by: Esther Son, Zoie Jones, Jooyong Kwon (updated 2023-12-12)
Relation to humans by: Esther Son, Zoie Jones, Jooyong Kwon (updated 2023-12-12)
Comments by: Esther Son, Zoie Jones, Jooyong Kwon (updated 2023-12-12)
Edited by: Ann T. Chang (2024-08-22) Species Account Citation: AmphibiaWeb 2024 Vietnamophryne cuongi: Cuong’s Dwarf Frog <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed Feb 8, 2025.
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Citation: AmphibiaWeb. 2025. <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed 8 Feb 2025. AmphibiaWeb's policy on data use. |