AmphibiaWeb - Stumpffia angeluci


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Stumpffia angeluci Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
family: Microhylidae
subfamily: Cophylinae
genus: Stumpffia
Species Description: Rakotoarison A, Scherz MD, Glaw F, Koehler J, Andreone F, Franzen M, Glos J, Hawlitschek O, Jono T, Mori A, Ndriantsoa SH, Raminosa NR, Riemann JC, Roedel M-O, Rosa GM, Fieites DR, Crottini A, Vences M 2017 Describing the smaller majority: integrative taxonomy reveals twenty-six new species of tiny microhylid frogs (genus Stumpffia) from Madagascar. Vertebrate Zoology Senckenberg 67:271-398.
Stumpffia angeluci
© 2024 Devin Edmonds (1 of 3)

sound file   hear call (242.5K MP3 file)

[call details here]

Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account
National Status None
Regional Status None


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Country distribution from AmphibiaWeb's database: Madagascar

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