AmphibiaWeb - Odontophrynus juquinha


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Odontophrynus juquinha Rocha, Sena, Pezzuti, Leite, Svartman, Rosset, Baldo & Garcia, 2017
family: Odontophrynidae
genus: Odontophrynus
Species Description: Rocha PC, Sena LMFde, Pezzuti TL, Leite FSF, Svartman M, Rosset SD, Baldo D, Garcia PCdeA 2017 A new diploid species belonging to the Odontophrynus americanus species group (Anura: Odontophrynidae) from the Espinhaco range, Brazil. Zootaxa 4329:327-350.
Odontophrynus juquinha
© 2017 Fernando Leal (1 of 1)

sound file   hear call (3464.3K WAV file)

[call details here]

Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account
National Status None
Regional Status None


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Distribution and Habitat

Country distribution from AmphibiaWeb's database: Brazil

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Odontophrynus juquinha occurs in the Espinhaço range of southeastern Brazil ranging in elevation from 900 to 1540 m a.s.l. At its northernmost known distribution of Serra do Itobira, municipality of Rio de Contas, Bahia State, it extends south to Serra do Cipó, municipality of Santana do Riacho, Minas Gerais State (Rocha et al 2017).

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors
Males call from shallow waters in nutrient-poor rupestrian grasslands (campo rupestre) usually at the start of the rainy season after heavy rains, even in the daytime. Their loud choruses can be heard from a distance but they will cease calling if approached (Rocha et al 2017).

Tadpoles can be found in mainly freshwater bodies (lentic environments) such as side or backwater streams, flooded wetlands, and seasonal ponds.

Rocha et al 2017 has detailed morphological description of the tadpole.

This species was featured in News of the Week on 10 July 2023:

Pollen is potentially a nutritious food source and widespread in the right season. Whether tadpoles take advantage of pollen and effectively consume pollen may depend on whether they can digest the grains despite its hard outer coats, the season, and feeding morphology. Kloh et al 2023 examined three frog species with different tadpole feeding behaviors to investigate the role of pollen in their diets: Phasmahyla jandaia, which feeds at the water’s surface; Scinax curicica, which feeds in the water column; Odontophrynus juquinha, which feeds on the bottom. Comparing gut contents, pollen digestion, developmental stages, morphology, and seasonality, they found that surface-feeding tadpoles were generally the better consumers and consumed the most pollen. Some seasonal variation existed in the water-column feeders with pollen consumption high in the dry season likely when other food sources are more scarce. They did find all three species consumed pollen regardless of stage. Their work highlights an overlooked food source for amphibians and the importance of conserving the food web of riparian habitats. (Written by Michelle Koo)


Rocha, P.C., de Sena, L.M.F, Pezzuti, T.L., Leite, F.S.F., Svartman, M., Rosset, S.D., Baldo, D., de Anhietta Garcia, P.C. (2017). ''A new diploid species belonging to the Odontophrynus americanus species group (Anura: Odontophrynidae) from the Espinhaço range, Brazil.'' Zootaxa, 4329(4), 327-350.

Originally submitted by: Michelle S. Koo (2023-07-09)
Distribution by: Michelle S. Koo (updated 2023-07-09)
Larva by: Michelle S. Koo (updated 2023-07-09)

Edited by: Michelle S. Koo (2023-07-09)

Species Account Citation: AmphibiaWeb 2023 Odontophrynus juquinha <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed Feb 7, 2025.

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Citation: AmphibiaWeb. 2025. <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed 7 Feb 2025.

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