AmphibiaWeb - Ambystoma bombypellum


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Ambystoma bombypellum Taylor, 1940

Subgenus: Heterotriton
family: Ambystomatidae
genus: Ambystoma
Species Description: Taylor, E. H. 1940 "1939". New salamanders from Mexico, with a discussion of certain known forms. University of Kansas Science Bulletin 26: 407–430.
Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account Data Deficient (DD)
National Status None
Regional Status None
conservation needs Access Conservation Needs Assessment Report .


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Country distribution from AmphibiaWeb's database: Mexico

bookcover Excerpts from Les Urodèles du Monde, 1st and 2nd editions and more recent updates, by Jean Raffaëlli (©2007, ©2014 by Jean Raffaëlli), used with permission. The 2nd edition of this book is available directly from the author: and from this website.

Author: Jean Raffaëlli

Ambystoma (Hetereotriton) bombypellum Taylor, 1940
Ambystome de San Martin

14,2 cm. Taille faible pour le groupe. Taxon douteux, qui n’a fait l’objet d’aucune étude moléculaire. Se métamorphose dans la nature. Tête aplatie. Doigts et orteils sans palmure. Peau apparaissant légèrement verruqueuse due à la présence de très petites stries. Coloration dorsale gris brunâtre à gris bleuâtre avec une ligne médiodorsale sombre de la tête à la base de la queue. Flancs inférieurs et parties latérales caudales inférieures gris blanchâtres, parties ventrales brunâtres.

* Plans d'eau dans les environs de Jilotepec, nord-ouest de l'Etat de Mexico. Décrit de 14 km à l’est de San Martin (Asuncion). Zone de prairies et de forêts mixtes pins/chênes à environ 2 500 m. Habitat plus ouvert que celui d’A. amblycephalum, décrit du Michoacan voisin. 86 km2. CR. Menacé par la pollution des plans d’eau et réservoirs, et par l’introduction de poissons prédateurs.

Un seul exemplaire d’une espèce à la validité hautement douteuse, Ambystoma schmidti Taylor, a été cité de la localité-type d’Ambystoma bombypellum au Mexique. Cet exemplaire ressemblait étroitement à A. texanum des Etats-Unis, selon Taylor. Aucun autre individu n’a été retrouvé depuis.

ENGLISH TRANSLATION - Julian Wittische, December 2011 and Krystal Austin, April 2017

14.2 cm. Ambystoma bombypellum is of middle size. The taxon is under question and has never been the subject of any molecular study. Metamorphosis occurs in nature. A. bombypellum has a flat head, fingers and toes without webbing. Its skin seems a little verrucous due to the presence of small ridges. Dorsal color is from brownish grey to bluish grey with a dark mediodorsal line from the head to the base of the tail. Underside flanks and lateral caudal parts are whitish grey. Its ventral sides are brownish.

Habitat & Range: Stretches of water around Jilotepec in the northwest of the State of Mexico. The species has been described 14 km east of San Martin (Asuncion) at an altitude of 2500 m in prairies and mixed pine/oak forests. The habitat is more open than that of A. amblycephalum, from the neighboring Michoacan State. Range of 86km2.

Conservation: This species is Critically Endangered (CR). It is threatened by water pollution and the introduction of predatory fish.

A single highly doubtful instance of Ambystoma schmidti Taylor, has been cited in the type- locality of Ambystoma bombypellum in Mexico. This instance strongly resembles A. texanum from the United States, according to Taylor. No individuals have been found since.

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Citation: AmphibiaWeb. 2025. <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed 21 Jan 2025.

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