Sylvacaecilia grandisonae (Taylor, 1970)
Aleku caecilian; Ethiopian caecilian | family: Grandisoniidae genus: Sylvacaecilia |
Species Description: Taylor, E. H. 1970. A new caecilian from Ethiopia. University of Kansas Science Bulletin 48: 849–854. | |
Etymology: The genus Sylvacaecilia was named after “sylva”, a Greek word meaning “forest”, referencing its tropical deciduous forest habitat, and “caecilia”, referencing its taxon (Wake 1987). The species epithet, "grandisonae", is in honor of Miss Alice G. C. Grandison, the Curator of Herpetology at the British Museum, who provided two of these caecilians to E. H. Taylor (1970) for his study. |
Description The premaxillary-maxillary series for S. grandisonae is 19 - 1 - 21, the prevomeropalatine series is 20 - 1 - 21, the dentary series is 17 - 17, and the splenial series is 5 - 5; the dentary teeth are mostly larger than the premaxillary or maxillary teeth, while the splenials are smaller or equal to the prevomeropalatine teeth (Taylor 1970). The body itself is 4.6 - 11.5 mm in width and the length is around 20.4 - 26.9 times that (Taylor 1970; Largen et al. 1972). Following the occiput, there are two indistinctive collars, which Taylor (1970) noted to be slightly swollen in the holotype, perhaps due to a tumor in the mouth and throat. There are 84 - 95 primary annuli that follow the second collar, which are dorsally complete, but narrowly incomplete on the ventrum for a majority of the anterior half of the body. Additionally, there are 69 - 72 secondary annuli, with roughly 32 - 33 of them being complete. Sylvacecila grandisonae has several nuchal grooves on the collars. First, a distinctive lateral nuchal groove that is vague dorsally and laterally, followed by a vague transverse groove on the collar. Next, there is a nuchal groove that limits the first groove and is vague on the dorsal surface, but distinct ventrally and laterally. Lastly, there is another nuchal groove that is distinct dorsally and ventrally, which briefly fuses with the first primary ring. Beginning on the primary annuli near the first secondary annuli, scales are observable, with two to three scale rows (potentially complete ventrally) in each ring at the midbody and four to five scale rows in each ring on the last 20 mm of the body. These posterior scales vary in size, but the largest is 1.2 - 1.4 mm in width. There are no subdermal scales nor scale rows in the first secondary annuli (Taylor 1970). Sylvacecila grandisonae has a 3 mm wide terminal shield and a sub-circular vent with elevated surrounding denticulations. From vent to terminus, the length is roughly 2 mm and the width of the body near the vent is 8.5 mm (Taylor 1970). The cloacal structure and extruded phallodeum have connective tissue ridges, visible patterns of sacs, lateral flanges, and lateral lobes (Wake 1987). In males, a fully extruded penis can be found with a length of around 12.8 mm and breadth of 6.6 mm (Largen et al. 1972). There are visible skin glands on S. grandisonae. Elongate glands are within the grooves as well, directing forward and backward (Taylor 1970). Wake (1987) describes a juvenile of total length 110 - 145 mm. Sylvacaecilia grandisonae can be differentiated from caecilians in Geotrypetes, which it was previously assigned to, by its number of posterior scale rows, fewer splenial teeth, fewer primary body rings, greater number of secondary (and complete) body rings, closer proximity of its tentacular aperture to its eye rather than nares, extensively marginally free tongue with narial plugs, oviparity (where Geotrypetes is viviparous), and numerous osteological differences (Taylor 1970; Wake 1987). In addition, S. grandisonae differs from Herpele by having eyes in a socket, the tentacle between the eye and nares (rather than below as Herpele), and some osteological absences. Osteological differences, fewer splenial teeth, and a presence of larval period further separate S. grandisonae from Schistometopum and Idiocranium, which respectively lack a larval period or have direct development. Additionally, phallodeal morphology separates S. grandisonae from Schistometopum. Lastly, an unroofed eye socket and secondary annuli and scales also differentiate S. grandisonae from Boulengerula and Afrocaecilia, and splenial teeth further diagnose S. grandisonae from Boulengerula (Wake 1987). Please see Wake (1987) for an in-depth description of osteological differences. In life, S. grandisonae is a near uniform dull bluish to violet/dark purplish-brown with a violet anterior from a dorsal view and paler/pinkish from a ventral view. Dorsally and laterally, the head and chin is lighter than the dorsum and grayish. Over and surrounding the eye (creating a ring), at the nostril, at the tentacle, and covering the vent area’s denticles, there is a visible light spot. The pale ring around the eye extends to the pale spot at the tentacle, which itself is bright red. A suffusion of minute pale spots are visible on all body surfaces, indicating the presence of skin glands and creating a dusty appearance, but the spots are more distinct in the grooves of the primary and secondary annuli. Anteriorly, the lateral folds have narrow and vague light edges (Taylor 1970; Largen et al. 1972; Largen and Spawls 2010). In preservation, S. grandisonae is dark slate-gray or purple-gray dorsally and pinkish-gray ventrally, with a whitish bloom on all surfaces due to a mucous covering, and a dark brown pigmentation beneath such a layer (Largen et al. 1972). Taylor (1970) describes variation in the secondary annuli and scales, with some caecilians lacking scales. Additionally the first few secondary annuli featured elongate glands filled with a cheese-like substance that may be the result of infection or similar glands in the primary annuli, with few scales in these regions. Distribution and Habitat Country distribution from AmphibiaWeb's database: Ethiopia
Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors These caecilians swim by vigorous lateral undulations with a large amplitude, this motion keeping the head of the caecilian above the water, but adults appear unsuited for swimming as Largen et al. (1972) noted by the exhaustion of the caecilians when taken out of the water and their short swimming periods. Sylvacaecilia grandisonae breed in streamlets and small springs, where females lay eggs in burrows close to the water, thus engaging in an oviparous system (Largen and Spawls 2010). Wake (1987) describes such ovarian eggs, within a clutch size of 25 eggs, to be relatively large and well-yolked (Largen 2001; Largen and Spawls 2010). The Aleku caecilian feeds on oligochaetes and termites (Largen and Spawls 2010). Wake (1987) describes such ovarian eggs, within a clutch size of 25 eggs, to be relatively large and well-yolked (Largen 2001; Largen and Spawls 2010). Larva Intra-oviducal, multi-rowed dentition with spoon-shaped crowns can be observed in the larvae and recent metamorphs, with the premaxillary-maxillary series being 9 - 1 - 9 to 10 - 1 - 10, the prevomeropalatine series is 11 - 1 - 11 to 12 - 1- 12, the dentary series is 11 - 11 to 13 - 13, and the splenial series is 2 -2 to 3 - 3 (Largen et al. 1972; Wake 1987). On the sides of the head and body, small pits are distinct and indicate a neuromast sensory system, which has mechanoreceptive neuromasts and electroreceptive ampullary organs to help orient the larvae in murky waters (Wake 1987; Largen and Spawls 2010). Sylvacaecilia grandisonae larvae also have spiracles on each side of the neck, on the groove that separates the first and second collars, which allow water to passed over the internal gills and exit (Largen et al. 1972; Largen and Spawls 2010). At metamorphosis, when the snout-vent length is roughly 105 - 120 mm, the spiracles close, the neuromast system disappears, the fleshy lips disappear, and the ventral edges of the nostril’s vertical slit fuse so the now slightly oval nostrils are horizontal. In addition, the tentacle, which has been gradually moving forward during development, accelerates its movement to the mid-way between the eye and nares and becomes more externally visible as the tentacle perforates to the exterior side (Wake 1987; Largen et al. 1972; Largen and Spawls 2010). In life, the larvae are more pale brown than adults. The heart and blood vessels are visible in very small specimens from a ventral view. Pale-edged pits can be seen on the sides of the head and body too. In preservation, the larvae are gray-brown dorsally and dirty yellow ventrally, with darker pigmentation as size increases (Largen et al. 1972). When larvae hatch, they burrow into water-saturated, soft mud to seek shelter during the day, and presumably feed on aquatic invertebrates in the dark (Largen et al 1972). Trends and Threats Possible reasons for amphibian decline General habitat alteration and loss Comments References Frank, N., and Ramus, E. (1995). A complete guide to scientific and common names of reptiles and amphibians of the world. NG Publishing, Inc. IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group. 2016. Sylvacaecilia grandisonae. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T59598A16944802. Accessed on 4 April 2023. Largen, M. J. (2001). Catalogue of the amphibians of Ethiopia, including a key for their identification. Tropical Zoology, 14(2), 307-402. [link] Largen, M. J., Morris, P. A., and Yalden, D. W. (1972). Observations on the caecilian Geotrypetes grandisonae Taylor (Amphibia Gymnophiona) from Ethiopia: Pubblicazioni del centro di studio per la faunistica ed ecologia tropicali del CNR: LX. Monitore Zoologico Italiano. Supplemento, 4(1), 185-205. [link] Largen, M., and Spawls, S. (2010). The Amphibians and Reptiles of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Edition Chimaira. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Nussbaum, R. A., and Wilkinson, M. (1989). On the classification and phylogeny of caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona), a critical review. Herpetological monographs, 3(1989), 1-42. [link] Taylor, E. H. (1970). A new caecilian from Ethiopia. University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 48(23), 849-854. [link] Wake, M. H. (1987). A new genus of African caecilian (Amphibia: Gymnophiona). Journal of Herpetology, 21(1), 6-15. [link]
[9169][9170][7014][1004][2989][4430][9171][9172][7823] Originally submitted by: Hong Nguyen (2023-04-21) Description by: Hong Nguyen (updated 2024-10-07)
Distribution by: Hong Nguyen (updated 2024-10-07)
Life history by: Hong Nguyen (updated 2024-10-07)
Larva by: Hong Nguyen (updated 2024-10-07)
Trends and threats by: Hong Nguyen (updated 2024-10-07)
Comments by: Hong Nguyen (updated 2024-10-07)
Edited by: Ann T. Chang (2024-10-07) Species Account Citation: AmphibiaWeb 2024 Sylvacaecilia grandisonae: Aleku caecilian; Ethiopian caecilian <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed Feb 7, 2025.
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Citation: AmphibiaWeb. 2025. <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed 7 Feb 2025. AmphibiaWeb's policy on data use. |