(Translations may not be accurate.)

Important Note:

posted 27 August 2018

It is with great regret that I am stepping down as the compiler of the Latest Papers section of Froglog; illness has forced me to quit. My monthly listing has its origins in Froglog and the discipline that it required was my way of keeping up with everything that was being published about amphibian declines. At the time, I had no idea how a trickle of papers would eventually become a torrent. I am proud to have been associated with AmphibiaWeb which, in my view is a quite outstanding resource for biologists. It would have been very difficult for me to have written "The Book of Frogs" without it. I am sure that AmphibiaWeb will continue to thrive and diversify and remain a unique feature of the herpetological world.

Tim Halliday

See the archived lists by Tim Halliday

These monthly reference lists were compiled by Professor Tim Halliday (formerly DAPTF International Director). They list papers on amphibian declines, their causes, and on amphibian conservation, with an emphasis on those that describe methods for monitoring and conserving amphibian populations. It was discontinued in July 2018.

Back to current Literature Lists

July 2018

Alcala, N. et al.  (in press)  Use of stochastic patch-occupancy models in the California red-legged frog for Bayesian inference regarding past events and future persistence.  Conservation Biology:

Boone, M. D.  (in press)  An amphibian with a contracting range is not more vulnerable to pesticides in outdoor experimental communities than common species.  Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry:

Chaukulkar, S. et al.  (2018)  Pathogen invasion and non-epizootic dynamics in Pacific newts in California over the last century.  PLoS One:  13;  e0197710.

Cook, K. J. et al.  (2018)  Non-lethal isolation of the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) from amphibians.  Diseases of Aquatic Organisms: 129;  159-164.

Cramp, R. L. & Franklin, C. E.  (2018)  Exploring the link between ultraviolet B radiation and immune function in amphibians:  implications for emerging infectious diseases.  Conservation Physiology:  6;  coy035.

Griffiths, S. M. et al.  (in press)  Genetic variability and ontogeny predict microbiome structure in a disease-challenged montane amphibian.  The ISME Journal:

Hu. L. et al. (in press)  Microplastics in small waterbodies and tadpoles from Yangtze River Delta, China.  Environmental Science & Technology:

Karwacki, E. E. et al.  (2018)  Novel quantitative PCR assay specific for the emerging Perkinsea amphibian pathogen reveals seasonal infection dynamics.  Diseases of Aquatic Organisms:  129;  85-98.

Mutnale, M. C. et al.  (2018)  Enzootic frog pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Asian tropics reveals high ITS haplotype diversity and low prevalence.  Scientific Reports:  8;  10125.

Robert, J. et al.  (in press)  Water contaminants associated with unconventional oil and gas extraction cause immunotoxicity to amphibian tadpoles.  Toxicological Science:

Syamili, M. S. & Nameer, P. O.  (2018)  The amphibian diversity of selected agroecosystems in the southern Western Ghats, India.  J. of Threatened Taxa:  10;  121027-121034.

Smith, H. K. et al.  (2018)  Skin mucosome activity as an indicatorof Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans susceptibility in salamanders.  PLoS One:  13 (7);  e0199295.