AmphibiaWeb - Hyperolius nimbae


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Hyperolius nimbae Laurent, 1958
Nimba Reed Frog
family: Hyperoliidae
genus: Hyperolius
Hyperolius nimbae
© 2008 Arne Schiotz (1 of 2)
Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account Endangered (EN)
National Status None
Regional Status None


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A large Hyperolius frog (males 30-37 mm, females 34-38 mm). Dorsum shagreened or warty. Webbing extensive. Pupil horizontal.

This species shows developmental changes in patterning, with two phases, J (juveniles and many mature males) and F (mature females and some mature males). Phase J with hour-glass pattern. All newly metamorphosed individuals are phase J, which is normally brownish to green with paired light dorsolateral lines, or an hourglass pattern. All females, and some males, develop into phase F before the first breeding season. Phase F greyish with black spots and specks. Phase F is often colorful and variable, showing the diagnostic color characteristics for the species or subspecies. Either well-defined morphs may be present, or graded variation (Schiøtz 1999).

Distribution and Habitat

Country distribution from AmphibiaWeb's database: Cote d'Ivoire

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From lowland forest clearings near Mt. Nimba. Known from only a few localities within a few miles of each other, where it is found calling from grass at the edges of large, probably temporary, swamps. The species is abundant and conspicuous here, so it is not likely it has been overlooked at other apparently suitable localities in West Africa.

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors
Males call from grass at the edge of large swamps. The call is a fast series of clicks with a clear tonal quality, sounding like small bells. Calls were always heard in series, about 7 per second, never singly as in most other Hyperolius. The single call has a well-defined frequency-intensity maximum at about 2400 cps, and sounds very similar to the single call of Hyperolius viridiflavus.


A member of the H. viridiflavus complex. Once regarded as a subspecies of H. tuberculatus. Belongs to a group together with H. tuberculatus and H. hutsebauti, occurring in clearings in the forest belt. Probably closely related to the savanna-living Hyperolius viridiflavus complex.

This account was taken from "Treefrogs of Africa" by Arne Schiøtz with kind permission from Edition Chimaira publishers, Frankfurt am Main.


Schiøtz, A. (1999). Treefrogs of Africa. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main.

Originally submitted by: Arne Schiøtz (first posted 2001-01-29)
Edited by: Kellie Whittaker, Michelle S. Koo (2022-10-09)

Species Account Citation: AmphibiaWeb 2022 Hyperolius nimbae: Nimba Reed Frog <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed Feb 6, 2025.

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Citation: AmphibiaWeb. 2025. <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed 6 Feb 2025.

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