AmphibiaWeb - Boana alfaroi


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Boana alfaroi (Caminer & Ron, 2014)
Alfaro's Treefrog, Rana arborea de Alfaro
family: Hylidae
subfamily: Hylinae
genus: Boana
Species Description: Caminer MA, Ron SR 2014 Systematics of treefrogs of the Hypsiboas calcaratus and Hypsiboas fasciatus species complex (Anura, Hylidae) with description of four new species. ZooKeys 370: 1-68.
Etymology: The species epithet, “alfaroi,” is a patronym for Eloy Alfaro Delgado, former Ecuadorian president (1897-1901, 1906-1911) and leader of the liberal revolution in Ecuador (Caminer and Ron 2014).
Boana alfaroi
© 2009 Andreas & Christel Nöllert (1 of 2)
Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account
National Status None
Regional Status None


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