Literature references belonging to the species accounts entered by Mark Oliver Roedel
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id: 1030 ADJANOHOUN, E. & L. AKE ASSI (1967): Inventaire floristique des forets claires sub-soudanaises et soudanaises en Cote d'Ivoire.- Ann. Univ. Abidjan, III Sci.: 89-141. id: 1031 AHL, E. (1924a): Ueber einige afrikanische Froesche.- Zool. Anz., 59/60: 269-273. id: 1032 AHL, E. (1924b): Neue Reptilien und Batrachier aus dem Zoologischen Museum Berlin.- Arch. Naturgesch., Abt. A, 90: 246-254. id: 1033 AHL, E. (1929): Zur Kenntnis der afrikanischen Baumfrosch-Gattung Leptopelis.- Sber. Gesell. naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1929: 185-222. id: 1034 AHL, E. (1930a): Beschreibung einer neuen Baumfroschart der Gattung Chiromantis.- Zool. Anz., 88: 219-221. id: 1035 AHL, E. (1930b): Zur Kenntnis der afrikanischen Froschgattung Kassina GIRARD.- Zool. Anz., 88: 277-283. id: 1036 AHL, E. (1931a): Zur Systematik der afrikanischen Arten der Baumfroschgattung Hyperolius (Amph. Anur.).- Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 17: 1-132. id: 1037 AHL, E. (1931b): Anura III, Polypedatidae.- In: SCHULZE, F.E. & W. KUEKENTHAL (Ed.): Das Tierreich, 55. Lieferung, Walter de Gruyter (Berlin & Leipzig), I-XVI + 1-477. id: 1038 AKEF, M.S.A. (1997): A comparison of hematological characteristics and oxygen consumption of Rana levantina and Ptychadena mascareniensis (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) in Egypt.- J. Afr. Zool., 111: 249-259. id: 1039 AKEF, M.S.A. (1998): Comparison of acclamatory patterns of two species of the genus Bufo in Egypt (Amphibia, Bufonidae).- J. Afr. Zol., 112: 77-85. id: 1040 AKEF, M.S.A. & H. SCHNEIDER (1993): Reproductive behavior and mating call pattern in Degen's toad, Bufo vittatus, in Egypt (Bufonidae, Amphibia).- J. Afr. Zool., 107: 97-104. id: 1041 AKEF, M.S. & A. H. SCHNEIDER (1995): Calling bahavior and mating call pattern in the mascarene frog, Ptychadena mascareniensis, (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) in Egypt.- J. Afr. Zool., 109: 225-229. id: 1042 ALTIG, R. & G.J. JOHNSTON (1986): Major characteristics of free-living anuran tadpoles.- Smith. Herpetol. Inform. Serv., No. 67: 1-75. id: 1043 ALTIG, R. & G.J. JOHNSTON (1989): Guilds of anuran larvae: relationships among developmental mode, morphologies and habitats.- Herpetol. Monogr, 3: 81-109. id: 1044 AMIET, J.-L. (1970): Morphologie et developpement de la larve de Leptodactylodon ventrimarmoratus (BOULENGER) (Amphibien Anoure).- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 4: 53-71. id: 1045 AMIET, J.-L. (1971a): Especes nouvelles ou mal connues de Leptodactylodon (Amphibiens Anoures) de la dorsale camerounaise.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 5: 57-81. id: 1046 AMIET, J.-L. (1971b): Les batraciens orophiles du Cameroun.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 5: 83-102. id: 1047 AMIET, J.-L. (1971c): Leptodactylodon nouveaux du Cameroun (Amphibiens Anoures).- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 7-8: 141-172. id: 1048 AMIET, J.-L. (1972a): Notes faunistiques, ethologiques et ecologiques sur quelques amphibiens anoures du Cameroun.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 9: 127-153. id: 1049 AMIET, J.-L. (1972b): Description de trois Bufonides orophiles du Cameroun appartenant au groupe de Bufo preussi MATSCHI (Amphibiens Anoures).- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 11: 121-140. id: 1050 AMIET, J.-L. (1972c): Description de cinq nouvelles especes camerounaises de Cardioglossa (Amphibiens Anoures).- Biologia Gabonica, 8: 201-231. id: 1051 AMIET, J.-L. (1973a): Compte rendu d'une mission batrachologique dans le Nord-Cameroun.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 12: 63-78. id: 1052 AMIET, J.-L. (1973b): Notes faunistiques, ethologiques et ecologiques sur quelques amphibiens anoures du Cameroun.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 13: 135-161. id: 1053 AMIET, J.-L. (1973c): Voix d'Amphibiens camerounais II.- Arthroleptinae: genre Cardioglossa.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 14: 149-164. id: 1054 AMIET, J.-L. (1973d): Caracteres diagnostiques de Petropetes perreti, nov. sp. et notes sur les autres especes camerounaises du genre (Amphibiens Anoures).- Bull. Inst. fond. Afr. noire, Ser. A, 35: 462-474. id: 1055 AMIET, J.-L. (1974a): La ponte et la larve d'Opisthothylax immaculatus BOULENGER (Amphibiens Anoures).- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 17: 121-130. id: 1056 AMIET, J.-L. (1974b): Voix d'amphibiens camerounais IV.- Raninae: genres Ptychadena, Hildebrandtia et Dicroglossus.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 18: 109-128. id: 1057 AMIET, J.-L. (1974c): Le tetard d'Hyperolius obstetricans AHL (Amphibiens Anoures).- Bull. Inst. fond. Afr. noire, Ser. A, 36 (4): 973-981. id: 1058 AMIET, J.-L. (1975): Ecologie et distribution des amphibiens anoures de la region de Nkongsamba (Cameroun).- Ann. Fac. Sci. Yaounde, 20:33-107. id: 1059 AMIET, J.-L. (1976a): Voix d'Amphibiens camerounais. V.- Bufonidae: genres Bufo, Werneria et Nectophryne.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 21-22: 139-157. id: 1060 AMIET, J.-L. (1976b): Observations anatomique et biologique sur le genre Werneria POCHE, 1903.- Rev. Zool. afr., 90: 33-45. id: 1061 AMIET, J.-L. (1976c): Les formes larvaires d'Hyperolius krebsi MERTENS et H. koehleri MERTENS (Amphibiens Anoures).- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 21-22: 159-169. id: 1062 AMIET, J.-L. (1977): Les Astylosternus du Cameroun (Amphibia Anura, Astylosterninae).- Ann. Fac. Sci. Yaounde, 23-24: 99-227. id: 1063 AMIET, J.-L. (1978): A propos d'Hyperolius platyceps (BOULENGER), H. kuligae MERTENS et H. adametzi AHL (Amphibiens Anoures).- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 25: 221-256. id: 1064 AMIET, J.-L. (1980a): Revision du genre Leptodactylodon ANDERSSON (Amphibia, Anura, Astylosterninae).- Ann. Fac. Sci. Yaounde, 27: 69-224. id: 1065 AMIET, J.-L. (1980b): Un Hyperolius nouveau du Cameroun: Hyperolius endjami n.sp. (Amphibia Anura, Hyperoliidae).- Rev. Suisse Zool., 87: 445-460. id: 1066 AMIET, J.-L. (1981a): Ecologie, ethologie et developpement de Phrynodon sandersoni PARKER, 1939 (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae).- Amphibia-Reptilia, 2: 1-13. id: 1067 AMIET, J.-L. (1981b): Une nouvelle Cardioglossa orophile de la dorsale camerounaise: C. schioetzi nov. sp. (Amphibia, Anura, Arthroleptinae).- Ann. Fac. Sci. Yaounde, 28: 117-131. id: 1068 AMIET, J.-L. (1983a): Un essai de cartographie des anoures du Cameroun.- Alytes, 2: 124-146. id: 1069 AMIET, J.-L. (1983b): Une espece meconnue de Petropedetes du Cameroun: Petropedetes parkeri n. sp. (Amphibia Anura: Ranidae, Phrynobatrachinae).- Rev. Suisse Zool., 90: 457-468. id: 1070 AMIET, J.-L. (1987): Aires disjointes et taxons vicariants chez les anoures du Cameroun: implications paleoclimatiques.- Alytes, 6: 99-115. id: 1071 AMIET, J.-L. (1989): Quelques aspects de la biologie des amphibiens anoures du Cameroun.- Ann. Biol., 28: 73-136. id: 1072 AMIET, J.-L. (1989-1990a): Images d'amphibiens camerounais. I. Sacs vocaux et postures de chant.- Alytes, 8: 3-10. id: 1073 AMIET, J.-L. (1989-1990b): Images d'amphibiens camerounais. II. L'enfouissement et la phonation bouche ouverte chez Conraura crassipes (BUCHHOLZ & PETERS, 1875).- Alytes, 8: 99-104. id: 1074 AMIET, J.-L. (1991a): Images d'amphibiens camerounais. III. Le comportement de garde des œufs.- Alytes, 9: 15-22. id: 1075 AMIET, J.-L. (1991b): Images d'amphibiens camerounais. IV. Les constructeurs de nids.- Alytes, 9: 71-77. id: 1076 AMIET, J.-L. (1991c): Un Leptopelis meconnu de la faune forestiere camerounaise (Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae).- Alytes, 9: 89-102. id: 1077 AMIET, J.-L. & J.-L. PERRET (1969): Contributions a la faune de la region de Yaounde (Cameroun) II.- Amphibiens Anoures.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 3: 117-137. id: 1078 AMIET, J.-L. & A. SCHIOETZ (1973): Voix d'Amphibiens camerounais I. Astylosterninae: genres Leptodactylodon, Scotobleps et Nyctibates.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 12: 79-100. id: 1079 AMIET, J.-L. & A. SCHIOETZ (1974): Voix d'Amphibiens camerounais III. Hyperoliidae: genre Leptopelis.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 17: 131-163. id: 1080 ANDERSSON, L.G. (1903): Neue Batrachier aus Kamerun, von den Herren Dr. Y. SJOESTEDT und Dr. R. JUNGNER.- Verh. zool. bot. Ges. Wien, 53: 141-145. id: 1081 ANDERSSON, L.G. (1905): Batrachians from Cameroon collected by Dr. Y. SJOESTEDT in the years 1890-1892.- Ark. f. Zool., 2: 1-29 + 1 plate. id: 1082 ANDERSSON, L.G. (1937): Reptiles and batrachians. Collected in the Gambia by GUSTAV SVENSSON and BIRGER RUDEBECK (Swedish Expedition 1931).- Ark. f. Zool., 29 A (16): 1-28. id: 1083 ANGEL, M.F. (1922): Sur une collection de reptiles et de batraciens, recueillis au Soudan Francais par la Mission du Dr. MILLET HORSIN.- Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., 28: 39-41. id: 1084 ANGEL, F. (1940): Descriptions de trois amphibiens nouveaux du Cameroun, materiaux de la Mission P. LEPESME, R. PAULIAN et A. VILLIERS (2e note).- Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat.,12: 238-243. id: 1085 ANGEL, F. (1948): Etude comparative des formes oxyrhynchus et gribinguiensis de Rana oxyrhynchus.- Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., 20: 441-443. id: 1086 ANGEL, F. (1949): Une grenouille nouvelle, Rana (Ptychadena) retropunctata, du Mt. Nimba (Materiaux de la Mission M. LAMOTTE en Haute Guinee Francaise).- Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., 21: 509-511. id: 1087 ARANO, B., G.A. LLORENTE, A. MONTORI, D. BUCKLEY & P. HERRERO (1998): Diversification in North-West African water frogs: molecular and morphological evidence.- Herpetol. J., 8: 57-64. id: 1088 ARNOULT, J. & M. LAMOTTE (1958): Contribution a l'etude des batraciens de l'Ouest africain VI.- Developpement larvaire de deux especes d'Hyperolius: H. zonatus LAURENT et H. lamottei LAURENT.- Bull. Inst. fond. Afr. noire, Ser. A, 20: 573-586. id: 1089 ARNOULT, J. & M. LAMOTTE (1968): Les Pipidae de l'Ouest africain et du Cameroun.- Bull. Inst. fond. Afr. noire, Ser. A, 30: 270-306. id: 1090 BABAK, E. (1903a): Ueber den Einfluss der Nahrung auf die Laenge des Darmkanals I.- Biol. Centralblatt, 23 (13): 477-483. id: 1091 BABAK, E. (1903b): Ueber den Einfluss der Nahrung auf die Laenge des Darmkanals II.- Biol. Centralblatt, 23 (14/15): 519-528. id: 1092 BACHMANN, K., H. HEMMER, A. KONRAD & L.R. MAXSON (1980): Molecular evolution and the phylogenetic relationships of the African toad Bufo danielae PERRET, 1977 (Salientia: Bufonidae).- Amphibia-Reptilia, 1: 173-183. id: 1093 BACKWELL, P.R.Y. (1988): Functional partitioning in the two-part call of the leaf-folding frog Afrixalus brachycnemis.- Herpetologica, 44: 1-7. id: 1094 BACKWELL, P.R.Y. & N.I. PASSMORE (1990a): Polyandry in the leaf-folding frog Afrixalus delicatus.- Herpetologica, 46: 7-10. id: 1095 BACKWELL, P.R.Y. & N.I. PASSMORE (1990b): Suitable approach perches affect female phonotaxis in an arboreal frog.- Herpetologica, 46: 11-14. id: 1096 BACKWELL, P.R.Y. & N.I. PASSMORE (1990c): Aggressive interactions and intermale spacing in choruses of the leaf-folding frog Afrixalus delicatus.- S. Afr. J. Zool., 25: 133-137. id: 1097 BACKWELL, P.R.Y. & N.I. PASSMORE (1990d): Advertisment calls and female phonotaxis in Natal dwarf Afrixalus (Anura: Hyperoliidae).- J. Afr. Zool., 105: 275-280. id: 1098 BACKWELL, P.R.Y. & N.I. PASSMORE (1991a): Sonic complexity and mate localisation in the leaf-folding frog, Afrixalus delicatus.- Herpetologica, 47: 226-229. id: 1099 BACKWELL, P.R.Y. & N.I. PASSMORE (1991b): Satellite behaviour in the leaf-folding frog Afrixalus delicatus.- J. Herpetol., 25: 497-498. id: 1100 BAHADURI, J.L. & S.L. BASU (1957): A study of the urinogenital system of Salientia.- Mus. R. Afr. Centr., Ser IN-8, Sci. zool., 55: 1-56 + 5 plates. id: 1101 BAHA EL DIN, S.M. (1993): A new species of toad (Anura: Bufonidae) from Egypt.- J. Herpetol. Assoc. Afr., 42: 24-27 id: 1102 BALINSKY, B.I. (1969): The reproductive ecology of amphibians of the Transvaal Highveld.- Zool. Afr., 4: 37-93. id: 1103 BALLETTO, E., M.A. CHERCHI & B. LANZA (1978): A new ranid frog from Somalia.- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl., 11: 103-110. id: 1104 BALLETTO, E., M.A. CHERCHI & B. LANZA (1980): Hildebrandtia macrotympanum (BOULENGER, 1912), a distinct species (Amphibia Ranidae).- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl., 12: 12-147. id: 1105 BALLETTO, E., M.A. CHERCHI & J. GASPERETTI (1985): Amphibians of the Arabian Peninsula.- Fauna Saudi Arabia, 7: 318-392. id: 1106 BARBAULT, R. (1967): Recherches ecologiques dans la savane de Lamto (Cote d'Ivoie): Le cycle annuel de la biomasse des amphibiens et des lezards.- Terre Vie, 3: 297-318. id: 1107 BARBAULT, R. (1972): Les peuplements d'amphibiens des savanes de Lamto (Cote d'Ivoire).- Ann. Univ. Abidjan, Ser. E., 5: 59-142. id: 1108 BARBAULT, R. (1974a): Observations ecologiques dans la savane de Lamto (Cote d'Ivoire): Structure de l'herpetocenose.- Bull. Ecol., 5: 7-25. id: 1109 BARBAULT, R. (1974b): Le regime alimentaire des amphibiens de la savane de Lamto (Cote d'Ivoire).- Bull. Inst. fond. Afr. noire, Ser. A, 36: 952-972. id: 1110 BARBAULT, R. (1976): Structure et dynamique d'un peuplement d'amphibiens en savane protegee du feu (Lamto, Cote d'Ivoire).- Terre Vie, 30: 246-263. id: 1111 BARBAULT, R. (1984): Strategies de reproduction et demographie de quelques amphibiens anoures tropicaux.- Oikos, 43: 77-87. id: 1112 BARBAULT, R. & T. PILORGE (1980): Observations sur la reproduction et la dynamique des populations de quelques anoures tropicaux V. - Phrynobatrachus calcaratus.- Acta Oecol., 1980, 1: 373-382. id: 1113 BARBAULT, R. & M. TREFAUT RODRIGUES (1978): Observations sur la reproduction et la dynamique des populations de quelques anoures tropicaux I. Ptychadena maccarthyensis et Ptychadena oxyrhynchus.- Terre Vie, 32: 441-452. id: 1114 BARBAULT, R. & M. TREFAUT RODRIGUES (1979a): Observations sur la reproduction et la dynamique des populations de quelques anoures tropicaux III. - Arthroleptis poecilonotus.- Trop. Ecol., 20: 64-77. id: 1115 BARBAULT, R. & M. TREFAUT RODRIGUES (1979b): Observations sur la reproduction et la dynamique des populations de quelques anoures tropicaux IV. - Phrynobatrachus accraensis.- Bull. Inst. fond. Afr. noire, Ser. A, 41: 417-428. id: 1116 BARBOUR, T. (1911): Some West African amphibians.- Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, 54: 129-136 id: 1117 BARBOUR, T. & A. LOVERIDGE (1930a): Reptiles and amphibians from Liberia.- In: STRONG, R.P. (Ed.): The African republic of Liberia and the Belgian Congo, based on the observations made and material collected during the Harvard African Expedition 1926-1927, Vol. 2, Greenwood Press, New York: 769-786. id: 1118 BARBOUR, T. & A. LOVERIDGE (1930b): Reptiles and amphibians from the central African lake region.- In: STRONG, R.P. (Ed.): The African republic of Liberia and the Belgian Congo, based on the observations made and material collected during the Harvard African Expedition 1926-1927, Vol. 2, Greenwood Press, New York: 787-796 id: 1119 BATES, M.F. (1995): Distribution and diversity of amphibians in the Free State, South Africa.- Madoqua, 19: 3-14. id: 1120 BAUER, A.M., R. GUENTHER & M. KLIPFEL (Ed.) (1995): The herpetological contributions of WILHELM C. H. PETERS (1815-1883).- Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (Ithaca, New York), 714 pp. id: 1121 BEDDARD, F.E. (1894): Notes upon the tadpole of Xenopus laevis (Dactylethra capensis).- Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1894: 101-107 + 1 plate. id: 1122 BENTLEY, P.J. (1966): Adaptations of Amphibia to arid environments.- Science, 152: 619-623 id: 1123 BERGERARD, Y. & M. LAMOTTE (1949): L'emploi d'un crapaud Ouest-Africain, Xenopus tropicalis (GRAY) (X. calcaratus PETERS) pour le diagnostic de la grossesse.- Notes Africaines, 41: 25-26. id: 1124 BISHOP, P.J. & N.I. PASSMORE (1993): A new species of Arthroleptella HEWITT (Ranidae: Phrynobatrachinae) from the mist belt of the Natal Highlands, South Africa.- Ann. Transvaal Mus, 36: 17-20. id: 1125 BISHOP, P.J., M.D. JENNIONS & N.I. PASSMORE (1995): Chorus size and call intensity: female choice in the Painted Reed Frog, Hyperolius marmoratus.- Behaviour, 132: 721-731. id: 1126 BLACK, J.H. (1974): Larval spadefoot survival.- J. Herpetol., 8 (4): 371-373. id: 1127 BLES, E.J. (1907): XVI. Notes on anuran development; Paludicola, Hemisus and Phyllomdusa.- In: KERR, J.G. (Ed.): The work of JOHN SAMUEL BUDGETT, University Press, Cambridge: 443-458 + 4 plates. id: 1128 BOCAGE, J.V.B. (1867): Batraciens nouveaux de l'Afrique Occidentale, (Loanda et Benguella).- Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 843-846. id: 1129 BOECKHELER, C. (1993): Untersuchungen zur Lebensstrategie und zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie von Hyperolius viridiflavus nitidulus (Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae).- unpublished diploma thesis, University of Wuerzburg. id: 1130 BOETTGER, O. (1885/86): Beitraege zur Herpetologie und Malakozoologie Suedwest-Afrikas.- Ber. senckenb. naturf. Ges., 1885/86: 3-29 + 1 plate. id: 1131 BOETTGER, O. (1887): Zweiter Beitrag zur Herpetologie Suedwest- und Sued-Afrikas.- Ber. senckenb. naturf. Ges., 1887: 135-173. id: 1132 BOGART, J.P. (1981): How many times has terrestrial breeding evolved in anuran amphibians?.- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl. 15, No. 3: 29-40. id: 1133 BOGART, J.P. & J.-L. PERRET (1977): The karyotype of Bufo danielae PERRET.- Rev. Suisse. Zool., 84: 501-504. id: 1134 BOGART, J.P. & M. TANDY (1976): Polyploid amphibians: Three more diploid-tetraploid cryptic species of frogs.- Science, 4250: 334-335. id: 1135 BOGART, J.P. & M. TANDY (1981): Chromosome lineages in African frogs.- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl. 15, No. 5: 55-91. id: 1136 BOEHME, W. (1975): Zur Herpetofaunistik Kameruns, mit Beschreibung eines neuen Scinciden.- Bonn. zool. Beitr., 26: 1-48. id: 1137 BOEHME, W. (1978): Zur Herpetofaunistik des Senegal.- Bonn. zool. Beitr., 29: 360-417. id: 1138 BOEHME, W. (1994a): A record of Dimorphognathus africanus from Bioko, Equatorial Guinea, and deletion of Phrynodon sandersoni from the faunal list of this island (Anura: Ranidae: Petropedetinae).- Bonn. zool. Beitr., 45: 125-128. id: 1139 BOEHME, W. (1994b): Amphibien und Reptilien aus dem tropischen Afrika.- DATZ, 4/1994: 240-243. id: 1140 BOEHME, W. (1994c): Froesche und Skinke aus dem Regenwaldgebiet Suedost-Guineas, Westafrika. I. Einleitung; Pipidae, Arthroleptidae, Bufonidae.- herpetofauna, 16 (92): 11-19. id: 1141 BOEHME, W. (1994d): Froesche und Skinke aus dem Regenwaldgebiet Suedost-Guineas, Westafrika. II. Ranidae, Hyperoliidae, Scincidae; faunistisch-oekologische Bewertung.- herpetofauna, 16 (93): 6-16. id: 1142 BOEHME, W. & G. NIKOLAUS (1989): Herpetological specimens from the Gotel Mountains and Mambilla Plateau, Nigeria.- Tauraco Research Report, 1: 28-30. id: 1143 BOEHME, W. & B. SCHNEIDER (1987): Zur Herpetofaunistik Kameruns (III) mit Beschreibung einer neuen Cardioglossa (Anura: Arthroleptidae).- Bonn. zool. Beitr., 38: 241-263. id: 1144 BOEHME, W., H. MEINIG & M.-O. ROEDEL (1996): New records of amphibians and reptiles from Burkina Faso and Mali.- Brit. herpetol. Soc. Bull., 55: 7-26. id: 1145 BOUGART, R., C. ROURE & S.-D. KULO (1996): Nouvelles donnees sur les Trematodes d'amphibiens d'Afrique Occidentale. Description d'Haematoloechus aubriae n. sp.- Rev. Suisse Zool., 103: 383-394. id: 1146 BOULENGER, G.A. (1882): Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia s. Ecaudata in the collection of the British Museum.- 2.ed., British Museum, London, 503 pp. id: 1147 BOULENGER, G.A. (1883): Descriptions of new species of reptiles and batrachians in the British Museum.- Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (5) 12: 161-167. id: 1148 BOULENGER, G.A. (1894): Third report on additions to the batrachian collection in the Natural History Museum.- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894: 640-646 + 2 plates. id: 1149 BOULENGER, G.A. (1895): On the reptiles and batrachians obtained by Mr. E. LORT-PHILIPS in Somaliland.- Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 16: 164-171 + 1 plate. id: 1150 BOULENGER, G.A. (1898): Fourth report on additions to the batrachian collection in the Natural History Museum.- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1898: 473-482 + 2 plates. id: 1151 BOULENGER, G.A. (1901): Descriptions of a new frog from British East Africa.- Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 8 (7): 515-516. id: 1152 BOULENGER, G.A. (1903): Descriptions of new batrachians in the British Museum.- Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 12 (7): 552-557. id: 1153 BOULENGER, G.A. (1905): Descriptions of new West-African frogs of the genera Petropedetes and Bulua.- Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 15 (7): 281-283. id: 1154 BOULENGER, G.A. (1906a): Report on the batrachians collected by the late L. FEA in West Africa.- Ann. Mus. Civi. Storia Nat., 42: 157-172 + 2 plates. id: 1155 BOULENGER, G.A. (1906b): Descriptions of new batrachians discovered by Mr. G.L. BATES in South Cameroon.- Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 17 (17): 317-323. id: 1156 BOULENGER, G.A. (1907a): Second report on the batrachians and reptiles collected in South Africa by. Mr. C.H.B. GRANT, and presented to the British Museum by Mr. C.D. RUDD.- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1907: 478-487 + 2 plates. id: 1157 BOULENGER, G.A. (1907b): Description of a new frog discovered by Dr. W.J. ANSORGE in Mossamedes, Angola.- Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (7) 20: 109. id: 1158 BOULENGER, G.A. 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(1995): The relationship between Breviceps (Anura: Microhylidae) and Hemisus (Hemisotidae) remains equivocal.- J. Herptol. Ass. Afr., 44: 55-57. id: 1200 CHANNING, A. & J.P. BOGART (1996): Description of a tetraploid Tomopterna (Anura: Ranidae) from South Africa.- S. Afr. J. Zool., 31: 80-85. id: 1201 CHANNING, A. & R. C. BOYCOTT (1989): A new frog genus and species from the Mountains of the Southwestern Cape, South Africa (Anura: Ranidae).- Copeia, 1989: 467-471. id: 1202 CHANNING, A. & D.G. BROADLEY (1992): The tadpole of Kassina kuvangensis.- Alytes, 10: 105-112. id: 1203 CHANNING, A. & M.-D. CRAPON DE CAPRONA (1987): The tadpole of Hyperolius mitchelli.- S. Afr. J. Zool., 22: 235-237. id: 1204 CHANNING, A. & R.C. DREWES (1997): Description of the tadpole of Bufo kisoloensis.- Alytes, 15: 13-18. id: 1205 CHANNING, A. & M. GRIFFIN (1993): An annotated checklist of the frogs of Namibia.- Madoqua, 18: 101-116. id: 1206 CHANNING, A., D. HENDRICKS & A. 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GRANT (1994): Phylogenetic relationships and call structure in four African bufonid species.- S. Afr. J. Zool., 29: 1-10. id: 1214 CHOVANEC, A. (1992): The influence of tadpole swimming behaviour on predation by dragonfly nymphs.- Amphibia-Reptilia, 13: 341-349. id: 1215 CLARKE, B. T. (1981): Comparative osteology and evolutionary relationships in the African Raninae (Anura Ranidae).- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl. 15, No. 14: 285-331. id: 1216 CLARKE, B.T. (1988): The amphibian fauna of the East African rainforests, including the description of a new species of toad, genus Nectophrynoides.- Trop. Zool., 1: 169-177. id: 1217 COE, M.J. (1967): Co-operation of three males in nest construction by Chiromantis rufescens GUENTHER (Amphibia: Rhacophoridae).- Nature, 214: 112-113. id: 1218 COE, M. (1974): Observations on the ecology and breeding biology of the genus Chiromantis (Amphibia: Rhacophoridae).- J. Zool., London, 172: 13-34. id: 1219 COMBAZ, C. & L.P. 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(1990): Cacosternum boettgeri, dainty frog, feeding, predation and termites.- J. Herpetol. Ass. Afr., 37: 45. id: 1231 DOUGLAS, R.M. (1995): Pyxicephalus adspersus highvield bullfrog juvenile growth.- African Herp News, 24: 20-21. id: 1232 DREWES, R.C. (1972): Report on a collection of reptiles and amphibians from the Ilemi Triangle, southwestern Sudan.- Occ. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci., 100: 1-14. id: 1233 DREWES, R.C. (1984): A phylogenetic analysis of the Hyperoliidae (Anura): Treefrogs of Africa, Madagascar, and the Seychelles Islands.- Occ. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci., 139: 1-70. id: 1234 DREWES, R.C. (1985): A case of paraphyly in the genus Kassina GIRARD, 1853 (Anura: Hyperoliidae).- S. Afr. J. Sci., 81: 186-190. id: 1235 DREWES, R.C. (1997): A new species of treefrog from the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania (Anura: Hyperoliidae: Hyperolius).- Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 49 (13): 439-446. id: 1236 DREWES, R.C. & R. ALTIG (1996): Anuran egg predation and heterocannibalism in a breeding community of East African frogs.- Trop. Zool., 9: 333-347. id: 1237 DREWES, R.C. & B. ROTH (1981): Snail-eating frogs from the Ethiopian highlands: a new anuran specialization.- Zool. J. Linnean Soc., 73: 267-287. id: 1238 DREWES, R.C. & J.V. VINDUM (1994): Amphibians of the impenetrable forest, Southwest Uganda.- J. Afr. Zool., 108: 55-70. id: 1239 DREWES, R.C., R. ALTIG & K.M. HOWELL (1989): Tadpoles of three frog species endemic to the forests of the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania.- Amphibia-Reptilia, 10: 435-443. id: 1240 DREWES, R.C., S.S. HILLMAN, R.W. PUTMAN & O.M. SOKOL (1977): Water, nitrogen and ion balance in the African treefrog Chiromantis petersi BOULENGER (Anura: Rhacophoridae), with comments on the structure of the integument.- J. comp. Physiol. 116: 257-267. id: 1241 DRINKROW, D.R. & M.I. CHERRY (1995): Anuran distribution, diversity and conservation in South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland.- S. Afr. J. Zool., 30: 82-90. id: 1242 DUBOIS, A. (1981): Liste des genres et sous-genres nominaux de Ranoidea (Amphibiens Anoures) du monde, avec identification de leurs especes-types: consequences nomenclaturales.- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl. 15, No. 13: 225-284. id: 1243 DUBOIS, A. (1984a): Miscellanea nomenclatorica batrachologica (I).- Alytes, 3: 39-43. id: 1244 DUBOIS, A. (1984b): La nomenclature supragenerique des amphibiens anoures.- Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat., Ser. A, 131 : 1-56. id: 1245 DUBOIS, A. (1988): Miscellanea nomenclatorica batrachologica (XVII).- Alytes, 7: 1-5. id: 1246 DUBOIS, A. (1992): Notes sur la classification des Ranidae (Amphibiens Anoures).- Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon, 61: 305-352. id: 1247 DUELLMAN, W.E. (1986): Plate tectonic, phylogenetic systematics and vicariance biogeography of anurans: Methodology for unresolved problems.- In: ROCEK, Z. (Hrsg.): Stud. Herpetol.: 59-62. id: 1248 DUELLMAN, W.E. (1992): Fortpflanzungsstrategien von Froeschen.- Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 9/1992: 64-74. id: 1249 DUELLMAN, W.E. (1993a): Amphibian species of the world: additions and corrections.- Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist., Special Publications No. 21, 372 pp. id: 1250 DUELLMAN, W.E. (1993b): Amphibians in Africa and South America: Evolutionary history and ecological comparisons.- In: GOLDBLATT, P. (Ed.): Biological relationships between Africa and South America, Yale University Press, New Haven & London: 200-243. id: 1251 DUELLMAN, W.E. & L. TRUEB (1986): Biology of Amphibians.- McGraw-Hill, New York, 670 pp. id: 1252 DUFF-MACKAY, A. & A. SCHIOETZ (1971): A new Hyperolius (Amphibia Anura) from Kenya.- J. East Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. Nat. Mus., 29: 1-3. id: 1253 DURAND, J.-R. & C. LEVEQUE (1981): Flore et Faune aquatique de l'Afrique sahelo-soudanienne, Tome II, ORSTOM, documentations techniques no. 45, 873 pp. id: 1254 DUPOUY, J. & J.-L. AMIET (1977): Protopolystoma xenopi (PRICE, 1943) (Monogenea: Polystomatidae) chez Xenopus fraseri BOULENGER (Anura: Pipidae) au Cameroun.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Yaounde, 23-24: 87-97. id: 1255 DUPREEZ, L.H. (1995): Anuran community structure in the Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve, South Africa.- Madoqua, 19: 25-29. id: 1256 DUPREEZ, L. (1996): Field guide and key to the frogs and toads of the Free State.- Department of Zoology and Entomology, Bloemfontain, 81 pp. id: 1257 DYSON, M.L. (1985): The effect of call sound pressure level on selective phonotaxis of female Hyperolius marmoratus.- S. Afr. J. Sci., 81: 209. id: 1258 DYSON, M.L. & N.I. PASSMORE (1988): Two-choice phonotaxis in Hyperolius marmoratus: the effect of temporal variation in presented stimuli.- Anim. Behav., 36: 648-652. id: 1259 DYSON, M.L. & N.I. PASSMORE (1992a): Effect of intermale spacing on female frequency preferences in the painted reed frog.- Copeia, 1992: 1111-1114. id: 1260 DYSON, M.L. & N.I. PASSMORE (1992b): Inter-male spacing and aggression in African painted reed frogs.- Ethology, 91: 237-247. id: 1261 DYSON, M.L., S.P. HENZI, & N.I. PASSMORE (1994): The effect of changes in the relative timing of signals during female phonotaxis in the reed frog, Hyperolius marmoratus.- Anim. Behav., 48: 679-685. id: 1262 DYSON, M.L., S.P. HENZI, T.R. HALLIDAY & L. BARRETT (1998): Success breeds success in mating male reed frogs (Hyperolius marmoratus).- Proc. R. Soc. London, B, 265: 1417-1421. id: 1263 DYSON, M.L., N.I. PASSMORE, P.I. BISHOP & S.P. HENZI (1992): Male behavior and correlates of mating success in a natural population of African painted reed frogs (Hyperolius marmoratus).- Herpetologica, 48: 236-246. id: 1264 EUSKIRCHEN, O., A. SCHMITZ & W. BOEHME (1999): Zur Herpetofauna einer montanen Regenwaldregion in SW-Kamerun (Mt. Kupe und Bakossi-Bergland) II. Arthroleptidae, Ranidae und Phrynobatrachidae.- herpetofauna, 21 (122): 25-34. id: 1265 EUZET, L. C. COMBAZ, & L.-P. KNOEPFFLER (1966): Parasites d'amphibiens du Gabon: Polystomatidae (Monogenea).- Biologia Gabonica, 2: 215-233. id: 1266 EUZET, L. C. COMBAZ, & L.-P. KNOEPFFLER (1969): Parasites d'amphibiens de Cote d'Ivoire et du Liberia: Polystomatidae (Monogenea).- Biologia Gabonica, 3: 217-221. id: 1267 EVANS, B.J., J.C. MORALES, M.D. PICKER, D.J. MELNICK & D.B. KELLEY (1998): Absence of extensive introgression between Xenopus gilli and Xenopus laevis laevis (Anura: Pipidae) in Southwestern Cape Province, South Africa.- Copeia, 1998: 504-509. id: 1268 FAHR, J. (1993): Ein Beitrag zur Biologie der Amphibien der Insel Sao Tome (Golf von Guinea).- Faun. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 19: 75-84. id: 1269 FAHR, J. (1996): Die Chiroptera der Elfenbeinkueste (unter Beruecksichtigung des westafrikanischen Raumes): Taxonomie, Habitatpraeferenzen und Lebensgemeinschaften.- unpublished diploma thesis, University of Wuerzburg, 204 pp. + 36 maps. id: 1270 FAHR, J. (1998): Die Sandlaufkaefer (Coleoptera: Cicindilidae) des Comoe-Nationalparks, Elfenbeinkueste: Faunistik, Zoogeographie und Oekologie.- Bonn. zool. Beitr., 47: 321-343. id: 1271 FAIN, A. & R.C. TINSLEY (1993): A new Xenopacarus (Acari, Ereynetidae) from the nasal cavities of Xenopus sp. (fraseri group), with a discussion on the evolution host-parasite.- J. Afr. Zool., 107: 513-517. id: 1272 FGU-KRONBERG (1979): Gegenwaertiger Status der Comoe- und Tai-Nationalparks sowie des Azagny-Reservats und Vorschlaege zu deren Erhaltung und Entwicklung zur Foerderung des Tourismus.- GTZ PN: 73.2085.6, Band II: Comoe-Nationalpark, Teil 1: Bestandsaufnahme der oekologischen und biologischen Verhaeltnisse. 236 pp. id: 1273 FISCHBERG, M. B. COLOMBELLI & J.-J. PICARD (1982): Diagnose preliminaire d'une espece nouvelle de Xenopus du Zaire.- Alytes, 1: 53-55. id: 1274 FISCHER, E. & H. 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A, 21: 1336-1350. id: 1456 LANZA, B. (1978): On some new or interesting East African amphibians and reptiles.- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl., 14: 229-297. id: 1457 LANZA, B. (1981): A check-list of the Somali amphibians.- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl. 15, No. 10: 151-186. id: 1458 LARGEN, M.J. (1974): The status of the genus Afrixalus (Amphibia Anura Hyperoliidae) in Ethiopia, including descriptions of two new species.- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl., 5: 111-127. id: 1459 LARGEN, M.J. (1975): The status of the genus Kassina (Amphibia Anura Hyperoliidae) in Ethiopia.- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl., 6: 1-28. id: 1460 LARGEN, M.J. (1977): The status of the genus Leptopelis (Amphibia Anura Hyperoliidae) in Ethiopia, including descriptions of two new species.- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl., 9: 85-136. id: 1461 LARGEN, M.J. (1991): A new genus and species of petropedetine frog (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) from high altitude in the mountains of Ethiopia.- Trop. 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Zool., 44 (18): 137-140. id: 1507 LAURENT, R.F. (1963b): Three new species of the genus Hemisus.- Copeia, 1963: 395-399. id: 1508 LAURENT, R.F. (1964a): Adaptive modifications in frogs of an isolated highland fauna in Central Africa.- Evolution, 18: 458-467. id: 1509 LAURENT, R.F. (1964b): Reptiles et amphibiens de l'Angola.- Publ. cult. comp. diam. Angola, Estudos Diversos (Biologia), 67: 11-165. id: 1510 LAURENT, R.F. (1965): Frogs and turtles.- In: GANS, L., R.F. LAURENT & H. PANDIT (Ed.): Notes on a herpetological collection from the Somali Republic, Mus. R. Afr. Centr., Ser. IN-8, Sci. zool., no. 134: 15-23. id: 1511 LAURENT, R.F. (1972a): Tentative revision of the genus Hemisus GUENTHER.- Mus. R. Afr. Cent., Sci. Zool., no. 194: 1-67. id: 1512 LAURENT, R.F. (1972b): The morphology, systematics, and evolution of the Old World treefrogs (Rhacophoridae and Hyperoliidae).- Copeia, 1972: 198-201. id: 1513 LAURENT, R.F. 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(1957): Check list of the reptiles and amphibians of East Africa (Uganda; Kenya; Tanganyika; Zanzibar).- Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, 117 (2): 151-362 + i-xxxvi. id: 1565 LOVERIDGE, J.P. (1976): Strategies of water conservation in Southern African frogs.- Zool. Afr., 11: 319-333. id: 1566 LOVERIDGE, J.P. & G. GRAYE (1979): Cocoon formation in two species of southern African frogs.- S. Afr. J. Zool., 75: 18-20. id: 1567 LOVERIDGE, J.P. & P.C. WITHERS (1981): Metabolism and water balance of active and coconed African bullfrogs, Pyxicephalus adspersus.- Physiol. Zool., 54: 203-214. id: 1568 MAEDER, A.-M. (1969): Trematodes de batraciens de Cote d'Ivoire.- Rev. Suisse Zool., 76: 903-919. id: 1569 MAEDER, A.-M., C. COMBAZ & L.-P. KNOEPFFLER (1969a): Parasites d'amphibiens du Gabon: Mesocoeliidae (Digenea). Taxonomie et chronologie du genre Mesocoelium ODHNER, 1911.- Biologia Gabonica, 5: 283-288. id: 1570 MAEDER, A.-M., C. COMBAZ & L.-P. 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(1915): Neues Verzeichnis der Kriechtiere (ausser den Schlangen) von Deutsch-Ostafrika. II. Teil: Amphibia.- Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 7: 345-390. id: 1609 NIEDEN, F. (1923) Anura I, Subordo Aglossa und Phaneroglossa Sectio 1 Arcifera.- In: HEIDER, K. (Ed.): Das Tierreich, 46. Lieferung, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & Leipzig, I-XXXII + 1-584. id: 1610 NIEDEN, F. (1926) Anura II, Engystomatidae.- In: HEIDER, K. (Ed.): Das Tierreich, 49. Lieferung, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & Leipzig, 110 pp. id: 1611 NOBLE, G.K. (1924): Contributions to the herpetology of the Belgian Congo based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909-1915, Part III. Amphibia.- Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 49: 147-347 + 20 plates. id: 1612 NOBLE, G.K. (1926a): The importance of larval characters in the classification of South African Salientia.- Am. Mus. Nov., 237: 1-10. id: 1613 NOBLE, G.K. (1926b): The "buccal brooding habits" of the African tree frog Leptopelis brevirostris.- Copeia, 1926: 134-135. id: 1614 NOBLE, G.K. (1929): The adaptive modification of the arboreal tadpoles of Hoplophryne and the torrent tadpoles of Staurois.- Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 53: 291-336. id: 1615 NUSSBAUM, R.A. & H. HINKEL (1994): Revision of East African caecilians of the genera Afrocaecilia TAYLOR and Boulengerula TORNIER (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliaide).- Copeia, 1994: 750-760. id: 1616 OHLER, A. (1996): Systematics, morphometrics and biogeography of the genus Aubria (Ranidae, Pyxicephalinae).- Alytes, 13: 141-166. id: 1617 OHLER, A. (1999): Une nouvelle espece du genre Leptodactylodon (Arthroleptidae, Astylosterninae) du Gabon.- Alytes, 17: 73-80. id: 1618 OHLER, A. & M. KAZADI (1990): Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Aubria BOULENGER, 1917 (Amphibiens, Anoures) et rediscription du type d'Aubria subsigillata (A. DUMERIL, 1856).- Alytes, 8: 25-40. id: 1619 OLDHAM, R.S. (1977): Terrestrial locomotion in two species of amphibian larva.- J. Zool., London, 181: 285-295. id: 1620 ORTON, G.L. & F.D. MORRISON (1946): Some amphibians and reptiles from the Gold Coast.- Copeia, 1946: 15-17. id: 1621 OESTERDAHL, L. & R. OLSSON (1963): The sexual behaviour of Hymenochirus boettgeri.- Oikos, 14: 35-43. id: 1622 PALLETT, J.R. & N.I. PASSMORE (1990): The significance of multi-note advertisement calls in a reed frog, Hyperolius tuberlinguis.- J. Herpetol. Ass. Afr., 36: 72. id: 1623 PARKER, H.W. (1930a): Report on the Amphibia collected by Mr. J. OMER-COOPER in Ethiopia.- Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1930: 1-16. id: 1624 PARKER, H.W. (1930b): A collection of frogs from Portuguese East Africa.- Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1930: 897-905 + 1 plate. id: 1625 PARKER, H.W. (1931): Some new and rare frogs from West Africa.- Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10) 7: 492-498. id: 1626 PARKER, H.W. (1932): Two collections of reptiles and amphibians from British Somaliland.- Proc. Zool. Soc. 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Suisse Zool., 65: 259-275. id: 1647 PERRET, J.-L. (1959a): Batraciens nouveaux du Cameroun.- Rev. Suisse Zool., 66: 711-721. id: 1648 PERRET, J.-L. (1959b): Etudes herpetologiques africaines.- Bull. Soc. neuch. Sc. nat., 82: 247-253. id: 1649 PERRET, J.-L. (1960a): Batraciens du genre Afrixalus du Cameroun.- Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 61: 366-374 + 4 plates. id: 1650 PERRET, J.-L. (1960b): Note additive sur le genre Afrixalus au Cameroun.- Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 62: 340-342. id: 1651 PERRET, J.-L. (1961): La biologie d'Acanthixalus spinosus (Amphibia Salientia).- Rech. Etud. cameroun., 1: 90-101. id: 1652 PERRET, J.-L. (1962): Revision des types de Leptopelis et note sur quelques Hyperolius (Amphibia Salientia) de la region camerounaise, conserves au Museum de Berlin.- Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., 64: 235-246. id: 1653 PERRET, J.-L. (1966): Les amphibiens du Cameroun.- Zool. Jb. (Syst.), 8: 289-464. id: 1654 PERRET, J.-L. 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Suisse Zool., 84: 841-868. id: 1661 PERRET, J.-L. (1979a): Moyen de defense chez les anoures.- Mus. Geneve, 191: 15-18. id: 1662 PERRET, J.-L. (1979b): Remarques et mise au point sur quelques especes de Ptychadena (Amphibia, Ranidae).- Bull. Soc. neuchâtel. Sci. Nat., 102: 5-21. id: 1663 PERRET, J.-L. (1980a): Identification of treefrogs (Hyperoliidae) from Kenya, photographed by ROBERT BOECK and commented upon by WIM KOESEN.- Copeia, 1980: 155. id: 1664 PERRET, J.-L. (1980b): Sur quelques Ptychadena (Amphibia Ranidae) d'Ethiopie.- Monit. zool. ital., N.S. Suppl., 13: 151-168. id: 1665 PERRET, J.-L. (1981): Le statut de Ptychadena schubotzi (STERNFELD) (Amphibia, Ranidae).- Bull. Soc. neuchâtel. Sci. nat., 102: 53-57. id: 1666 PERRET, J.-L. (1982): Les ecailles de deux Gymnophiones africaines (Batraciens apodes), observees au microscope electronique a balayage.- Bonn. Zool. Beitr., 33: 343-347. id: 1667 PERRET, J.-L. (1983): Nouvelles donnees sur Hylarana occidentalis PERRET (Amphibia, Ranidae).- Bull. Soc. neuchâtel. Sci. nat., 106: 109-113. id: 1668 PERRET, J.-L. (1984): Identification des syntypes de Petropedetes obscurus AHL, 1924 (Amphibia, Phrynobatrachinae), conserve au museum de Berlin.- Bull. Soc. neuchat. Sci. Nat., 107: 167-170. id: 1669 PERRET, J.-L. (1985): Description of Kassina arboricola n. sp. (Amphibia, Hyperoliidae) from the Ivory Coast and Ghana.- S. Afr. J. Sci., 81: 196-199. id: 1670 PERRET, J.-L. (1986): Considerations sur le genre Phlyctimantis LAURENT et combaz (Anura, Hyperoliidae).- Mus. Hist. Natl. Geneve, 109: 19-26. id: 1671 PERRET, J.L. (1987): À propos de Ptychadena schillukorum (WERNER, 1907) (Anura, Ranidae).- Bull. Soc. neuchat. Sci. Nat., 110: 63-70. id: 1672 PERRET, J.-L. (1988a): Les especes de Phrynobatrachus (Anura, Ranidae) a eperon palpepral.- Archs. Sci. Geneve, 41: 275-294. id: 1673 PERRET, J.-L. (1988b): Sur quelques genres d'Hyperoliidae (Anura) restes en question.- Mus. Hist. Nat. Geneve, 111: 35-48. id: 1674 PERRET, J.-L. (1991a): Description de Ptychadena ingeri n. sp. (Anura, Ranidae) du Zaire.- Archs. Sci. Geneve, 44: 265-281. id: 1675 PERRET, J.-L. (1991b): Le statut d'Arthroleptis bivittatus F. MUELLER (Anura, Arthroleptidae).- Bull. Soc. neuchât. Sci. Nat., 114: 71-76. id: 1676 PERRET, J.-L. (1994a): Revision of the genus Aubria BOULENGER 1917 (Amphibia Ranidae) with the description of a new species.- Trop. Zool., 7: 255-269. id: 1677 PERRET, J.-L. (1994b): Description de Ptychadena largeni n. sp. (Anura, Ranidae) d'Èthiopie.- Mus. Hist. Nat. Geneve, 117: 67-77. id: 1678 PERRET, J.-L. (1996a): Sur un enigmatique batraciens d'Angola.- Bull. Soc. neuchat. Sci. Nat., 119: 95-100. id: 1679 PERRET, J.-L. (1996b): Une nouvelle espece du genre Ptychadena (Anura, Ranidae) du Kenya.- Rev. Suisse Zool., 103: 757-766. id: 1680 PERRET, J.-L. (1997): Description de Ptychadena arnei n. sp. (Amphibia, Ranidae) une espece meconnue d'Afrique Occidentale.- Bull. Soc. neuchat. Sci. Nat., 120: 77-86. id: 1681 PERRET, J.-L. & J.-L. AMIET (1971): Remarques sur les Bufo (Amphibiens Anoures) du Cameroun.- Ann. Fac. Sci. Cameroun, 5: 47-55. id: 1682 PERRET, J.-L. & R. MERTENS (1957a): Revision du materiel herpetologique du Cameroun, etudie par A. MONARD.- Rev. Suisse Zool., 64: 73-78. id: 1683 PERRET, J.-L. & R. MERTENS (1957b): Etude d'une collection herpetologique faite au Cameroun de 1952 a 1955.- Bull. Inst. fond. Afr. noire, Ser. A, 19: 548-601. id: 1684 PETERS, W. (1854): Diagnose neuer Batrachier, welche zusammen mit der frueher (24. Juli und 17. August) gegebenen Uebersicht der Schlangen und Eidechsen mitgetheilt werden.- Ber. Bekanntmach. geeignet. Verh. Koenigl.- Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, November: 614-628. id: 1685 PETERS, W. 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(1987): Notes on the distribution of anurans among biotopes of the Calabar area of southeastern Nigeria.- In: VAN GELDER, J.J., H. STRIJBOSCH & P.J.M. BERGERS (Eds.): Proceedings of the 4th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Nijmegen: 325-330. id: 1749 REUMER, J.W.F. (1986): Note on the taxonomic status of Xenopus ruwenzoriensis (Pipidae, Amphibia).- Rev. Suisse Zool., 93 (3): 641-645. id: 1750 REUMER, J.W.F. & J.-D. GRAF (1986): Contribution to the phylogeny of Xenopus (Anura: Pipidae).- In: ROCEK, Z. (Ed.): Studies in Herpetology, Prag: 107-110. id: 1751 REUMER, J.W.F. & C.-H. THIEBAUD (1987): Osteocyte lacunae size in the genus Xenopus (Pipidae).- Amphibia-Reptilia, 8: 315-320. id: 1752 RICHARDS, C.M. (1977): Reproductive potential under laboratory conditions of Hyperolius viridiflavus (Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae), a Kenyan reed frog.- J. Herpetol., 11: 426-428. id: 1753 RICHARDS, C.M. 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