AmphibiaWeb - Thorius omiltemi


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Thorius omiltemi Hanken, Wake & Freeman, 1999
family: Plethodontidae
subfamily: Hemidactyliinae
genus: Thorius

© 2010 Sean Michael Rovito (1 of 6)
Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account Endangered (EN)
National Status None
Regional Status None



View distribution map in BerkeleyMapper.

Country distribution from AmphibiaWeb's database: Mexico

bookcover Excerpts from Les Urodèles du Monde, 1st and 2nd editions and more recent updates, by Jean Raffaëlli (©2007, ©2014 by Jean Raffaëlli), used with permission. The 2nd edition of this book is available directly from the author: and from this website.

Author: Jean Raffa�lli

Thorius omiltemi Hanken, Wake et Freeman, 1999

Grande forme de la Sierra Madre del Sur occidentale (Guerrero). Robuste. 2,96 cm SVL. T�te assez grande et longue, narine de forme allong�e, notamment chez les femelles, �il petit, queue �paisse � la base, arrondie et assez courte, de la taille du reste du corps. Membres assez courts. Dents pr�sentes sur les maxillaires (deux par maxillaire) chez les femelles uniquement. Glandes dorsales dot�es d�un orifice. Brun noir�tre fonc� avec une bande dorsale brun jaune � brun rouge plus ou moins accus�e selon les sp�cimens, parfois avec un dessin en forme de chevron. La bande devient diffuse sur la queue. Abondante moucheture blanche sur le ventre et les flancs. Ventre brun gris�tre. Terrestre, dans les for�ts mixtes pins/ch�nes associ�es parfois � des sapini�res, dans les troncs � terre, sous les �corces et d�bris v�g� taux, entre 2 200 et 2700 m, � Cerro Cacho de Oro et dans les environs du village d�Omiltemi, Sierra Madre del Sur, dans le centre du Guerrero. 37km2. EN. Relativement commune dans son aire. La localit�-type � Asoleadero, au sud-ouest de Carrizal de Bravo, du Cerro Cacho de Oro, est �galement celle de P. mixcoatl, et a �t� presque compl�tement d�truite. Pr�sente dans le parc national naturel d�Omiltemi.


The general aspect is robust. 2.96cm SVL(a big form for the genus). The head is rather large and long, the nostril is elongated, notably in females. The eyes are small, the tail is thick at its base, it is round, and equals the length of the rest of the body. Limbs are rather short. Teeth on the maxillary bones only in females (2 per bone). Dorsal glands have an orifice. It is dark brown/black with a more or less pronounced dorsal stripe which is yellowish/reddish brown. This stripe sometimes has chevrons. The stripe becomes diffuse on the tail. There is abundant white freckling on the ventral parts and the flanks. The ventral parts are greyish brown.

Habitat & Range: Occidental Sierra Madre del Sur. It is terrestrial and lives in mixed pine/oak forests and sometimes in pine forests. Its habitats are under fallen trunks, under bark and other vegetal fragments, between 2200 and 2700m asl. It can be found in Cerro Cacho de Oro and the surroundings of the Omiltemi village, Sierra Madre del Sur, central Guerrero. 37km²

Conservation: Endangered. It is relatively common throughout its range. The type-locality in Asoleadero, south-west of Carrizal de Bravo, Cerro Cacho de Oro, is also the one of P. mixcoatl and has been almost completely destroyed. It is present in the Omiltemi national park.

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Citation: AmphibiaWeb. 2024. <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed 2 May 2024.

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