List of Frog Call Tapes and CDs
Note: AmphibiaWeb does NOT sell these tapes and CDs.
Frog Voices of the West African Savanna
By T. Ulmar Grafe
South African Frog Calls
By N. I. Passmore & V. C. Carruthers
Southern Book Publishers (Pty) Ltd.
Frogs and Frogging in Southern Africa
By Vincent Carruthers
Struick Publishers
Love Songs From Coorg. Frog calls from the Western Ghats of India
By Katie Hampson & Daniel Bennett
Mampam Conservation
Australian Frog Calls: Subtropical East
Produced by John N. Hutchinson.
Australian Frog Calls: Tropical North-east
Produced by David Stewart -- Nature Sound.
Calls of Victorian Frogs
Murray Littlejohn
Frog Calls of North-east Queensland
Produced and narrated by
Jean-Marc Hero.
Frogs calls of S.E.Australia
Produced by G.C. Grigg and J.Barker
Amphibiens de nosétangs
By Jean-Claude Roché
Frog Talk / Au pays des Grenouilles: A Sound Guide to the Frogs and Toads of Western Europe
By Jean C. Roché. Published by Sitelle.
Heimische Froschlurch - Rufe zur Paarungszeit
Produced by Naturschutzbund Deutschland, Landesverband Brandenburg, Landesfachanschuß Herpetologie.
Distributed by Natur & Text, Friedensallee 21, 15834 Rangsdorf, Germany.
Guide Sonore des Amphibiens de France,Belgique et Luxembourg
By F. Deroussen, B.Jollivet, V. Fradet, J. Goatmeur, P. Faucheux, J. Roché, M. Vences,J. Chevalier, A. Nöllert, C. Serfling, C. de Hita, R. Boistel, O.Boucher, A. Boucher & R.Duguet
Sound Guide of frogs and toads of Spain
and Portugal (2nd Edition) Fonoteca Zoologica/Alosa Editions
By R. Marquez & E. Matheu. See also
Stimmen der Amphibien Mittleleuropas
By Kurt Grossenbacher
North America
Frogs & Toads of Kentucky
By John MacGregor, Doug Stephens,Bob Todd, Sherri Evans, Brainard Palmer-Ball---Frogloggers Inc., Kentucky,USA
Frog and Toad Calls of the Pacific Coast: Vanishing Voices
By Carlos Davidson.
Frog and Toad Calls of the Rocky Mountains: Vanishing Voices
By Carlos Davidson.
Sounds of North American Frogs: The Biological Significance of Voice in Frogs
(1958; 1998)
Conceived, narrated and documented, with field recordings by
Charles M. Bogert, with the cooperation of The American Museum of Natural History.
Produced by Smithsonian Folkways.
Ontario Frogs Calls
Metro Toronto Zoo
Calls of Frogs and Toads: A comprehensive audio guide to the breeding calls and
other sounds made by 42 species of frogs and toads found east of the Great Plains
By Lang Elliott -- Naturesound Studio.
Voices of the Night: The Calls of the Frogs and Toads of Eastern North America
By the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology.
Calls of the Wild. Vocalizations of Georgia's Frogs
Produced by John B. Jensen & Walter W. Knapp
South America
Anfibios y Reptiles de Puerto Rico
By Juan A.Rivero
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Editorial Universitaria
Frösche im brasilianischen Araukarienwald
By Axel Kwet
Natur und Tier - Verlag GmbH
An der Kleimannbrücke 39
The Frogs of Boraceia, Brazil
By R. B. Cocroft
R.B. Cocroft. Deparment of Vertebrate Zoology National Museum of Natural History. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. 20560, USA
Catalogue of the Voices of Argentine Amphibians
By Roberto Straneck, Esperanza V. de Olmedo, and Gustavo R. Carrizo.
Published by Editorial L.O.L.A., Viamonte 976, 2 piso dpto. D, (1053) Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Frogs of Tambopata
By Rex Cocroft, Victor R. Morales, and Roy W. McDiarmid.
Frogs of the Ecuadorian Amazon, a Guide to their Calls
By Morley Read.
Frogs of Trinidad, Tobago and the Lesser Antilles, a Guide to their Calls
By Morley Read.
Guia interativo dos Anfíbios anuros do Cerrado, Campo rupestre e Pantanal
Authors: Luís Felipe Toledo. João G. R. Giovanelli, Luís O. M. Giasson, Cynthia P. A. Prado, Lorena D. Guimarães, Rogérios P. Bastos, Célio F. B. Haddad.
Guide to the Frogs of Mindo
By Morley Read
Morley Read Productions
Readymoney Cove, Fowey, Cornwall
Sounds of Frogs and Toads of Bolivia
By R. Márquez, I. De la Riva, J. Bosch & E. Matheu
The Tailless Amphibians of French Guiana
By Christian Marty and Philippe Gaucher. Published by CEBA.
Vocalizaciones de Ranas y Sapos del Monumento Natural Barro Colorado, Parque Nacional Soberanía y áreasadyacentes
By Roberto Ibañez D., A. Stanley Rand, Michael J. Ryan & Cesar A. Jaramillo
Sony Music Entertaiment (Central America)
This list is not complete. If you know of sites or other resources that are
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