Frog Call Resources [an error occurred while processing this directive] <!-- Main body of Text --> <blockquote> <BR> <font face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif" size="2"> <p> <b>List of Frog Call Tapes and CDs</b> <br> <small> Note: AmphibiaWeb does NOT sell these tapes and CDs. </small> <p> <b>Africa</b> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Frog Voices of the West African Savanna </b>(2000) <br> By T. Ulmar Grafe <br> <a href="">Chimaira</a> </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> South African Frog Calls </b>(1995) <br> By N. I. Passmore & V. C. Carruthers <br> Southern Book Publishers (Pty) Ltd. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Frogs and Frogging in Southern Africa </b>(2001) <br> By Vincent Carruthers <br> <a href="">Struick Publishers</a> </li> <p> <b>Asia</b> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Love Songs From Coorg. Frog calls from the Western Ghats of India </b>(1998) <br> By Katie Hampson & Daniel Bennett <br> <a href=""> Mampam Conservation </a> </li> <p> <b>Australia</b> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Australian Frog Calls: Subtropical East</a> </b> <br> Produced by John N. Hutchinson. <br> </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Australian Frog Calls: Tropical North-east</a> </b> <br> Produced by David Stewart -- Nature Sound. <br> </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Calls of Victorian Frogs </b> (1987) <br> Murray Littlejohn <br> </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Frog Calls of North-east Queensland </b> (1995) <br> Produced and narrated by <a href="">Jean-Marc Hero</a>. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Frogs calls of S.E.Australia </b> <br> Produced by G.C. Grigg and J.Barker <br> </li> <p> <b>Europe</b> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Amphibiens de nosétangs </b>(1988) <br> By Jean-Claude Roché <BR> </li> <P> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Frog Talk / Au pays des Grenouilles: A Sound Guide to the Frogs and Toads of Western Europe </b> <br> By Jean C. Roché. Published by Sitelle. <BR> </li> <P> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Heimische Froschlurch - Rufe zur Paarungszeit </b> (1995) <br> Produced by Naturschutzbund Deutschland, Landesverband Brandenburg, Landesfachanschuß Herpetologie. Distributed by Natur & Text, Friedensallee 21, 15834 Rangsdorf, Germany. </li> <P> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Guide Sonore des Amphibiens de France,Belgique et Luxembourg </b>(2003) <br> By F. Deroussen, B.Jollivet, V. Fradet, J. Goatmeur, P. Faucheux, J. Roché, M. Vences,J. Chevalier, A. Nöllert, C. Serfling, C. de Hita, R. Boistel, O.Boucher, A. Boucher & R.Duguet <BR> </li> <P> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Sound Guide of frogs and toads of Spain and Portugal (2nd Edition) Fonoteca Zoologica/Alosa Editions</a> </b> <br> By R. Marquez & E. Matheu. See also <a href=""></a>. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Stimmen der Amphibien Mittleleuropas </b>(1987) <br> By Kurt Grossenbacher </li> <p> <b>North America</b> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Frogs & Toads of Kentucky </b> (1998) <br> By John MacGregor, Doug Stephens,Bob Todd, Sherri Evans, Brainard Palmer-Ball---Frogloggers Inc., Kentucky,USA </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Frog and Toad Calls of the Pacific Coast: Vanishing Voices</a> </b> (1995) <br> By Carlos Davidson. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Frog and Toad Calls of the Rocky Mountains: Vanishing Voices</a> </b> (1996) <br> By Carlos Davidson. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Sounds of North American Frogs: The Biological Significance of Voice in Frogs</a> </b> (1958; 1998) <br> Conceived, narrated and documented, with field recordings by Charles M. Bogert, with the cooperation of The American Museum of Natural History. Produced by Smithsonian Folkways. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Ontario Frogs Calls </b> (1982) <br> Metro Toronto Zoo </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>The Calls of Frogs and Toads: A comprehensive audio guide to the breeding calls and other sounds made by 42 species of frogs and toads found east of the Great Plains</a> </b> (1994) <br> By Lang Elliott -- Naturesound Studio. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Voices of the Night: The Calls of the Frogs and Toads of Eastern North America</a> </b> (1982) <br> By the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Calls of the Wild. Vocalizations of Georgia's Frogs </b> (2003) <br> Produced by John B. Jensen & Walter W. Knapp </li> <p> <b>South America</b> <p> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Anfibios y Reptiles de Puerto Rico </b> (1978) <br> By Juan A.Rivero <br> Universidad de Puerto Rico Editorial Universitaria </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Frösche im brasilianischen Araukarienwald </b> (2001) <br> By Axel Kwet <br> Natur und Tier - Verlag GmbH An der Kleimannbrücke 39 </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> The Frogs of Boraceia, Brazil </b> (1990) <br> By R. B. Cocroft <br> R.B. Cocroft. Deparment of Vertebrate Zoology National Museum of Natural History. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. 20560, USA </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Catalogue of the Voices of Argentine Amphibians</a> </b> (1993) <br> By Roberto Straneck, Esperanza V. de Olmedo, and Gustavo R. Carrizo. <br> Published by Editorial L.O.L.A., Viamonte 976, 2 piso dpto. D, (1053) Buenos Aires, Argentina. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Frogs of Tambopata</a> </b> (2001) <br> By Rex Cocroft, Victor R. Morales, and Roy W. McDiarmid. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Frogs of the Ecuadorian Amazon, a Guide to their Calls</a> </b> <br> By Morley Read. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Frogs of Trinidad, Tobago and the Lesser Antilles, a Guide to their Calls</a> </b> <br> By Morley Read. </li> <p> <li> <b><a href=> Guia interativo dos Anfíbios anuros do Cerrado, Campo rupestre e Pantanal</a></b> <br> Authors: Luís Felipe Toledo. João G. R. Giovanelli, Luís O. M. Giasson, Cynthia P. A. Prado, Lorena D. Guimarães, Rogérios P. Bastos, Célio F. B. Haddad. <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Guide to the Frogs of Mindo </b> (2002) <br> By Morley Read <br> Morley Read Productions Readymoney Cove, Fowey, Cornwall </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>Sounds of Frogs and Toads of Bolivia</a> </b> <br> By R. Márquez, I. De la Riva, J. Bosch & E. Matheu </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> <a href="" target=_blank>The Tailless Amphibians of French Guiana</a> </b> (1999) <br> By Christian Marty and Philippe Gaucher. Published by CEBA. </li> <p> <li> <font size="2" face="Verdana,Arial,sans-serif"> <b> Vocalizaciones de Ranas y Sapos del Monumento Natural Barro Colorado, Parque Nacional Soberanía y áreasadyacentes</b> (1999) <br> By Roberto Ibañez D., A. Stanley Rand, Michael J. Ryan & Cesar A. Jaramillo <br> Sony Music Entertaiment (Central America) </li> <p> <P>This list is not complete. If you know of sites or other resources that are missing, <a href="/cgi/dlpmail?step=form&site=aw&receiver=AmphibiaWeb">send us e-mail</a> </p> </UL> <BR> <BR> </blockquote> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=leftsidebottom> </td> <td class=footer> <hr> <script> var monthNames = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]; var date = new Date(); var day = date.getDate(); var monthIndex = date.getMonth(); var year = date.getFullYear(); console.log(day, monthNames[monthIndex], year); document.write('Citation: '); document.write('AmphibiaWeb. ' + year + '. <<a href=></a>> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. 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