Amphibians are in desperate need of concerted help from the zoological
community, perhaps more now than any other class of vertebrates (Peterson
1996, Zippel and Snider 2001). Numerous populations of amphibians around
the world are declining, some to the brink of extinction and beyond
(see the Amphibian
Declines page). This taxon is suffering an extinction crisis the
likes of which some believe has not been seen since the Jurassic/Cretaceous
dinosaur extinctions, which of course the amphibians survived. There
are four vital needs in amphibian conservation: some amphibian species
require immediate sanctuary in captivity to see them through this extinction
crisis, most need research on their biology in the lab and field, all
species would benefit from education of the general public regarding
their value and plight, and of utmost importance, all species must have
some protection within their natural habitats. While a few biologists
view captive breeding as a last-resort conservation action or even a
trivial pursuit (e.g., Marcellini 1994), the IUCN (see
pdf) endorses captive breeding as a proactive conservation measure,
one that should be initiated while a species is still available to allow
for a husbandry learning curve. Amphibians are even considered by some
as ideal candidates for such programs (Bloxam and Tonge 1995, Marsh
and Trenham 2001, Trenham and Marsh 2002, Wiese and Hutchins 1994, but
see Dodd and Seigel 1991, Seigel and Dodd 2002).
This document attempts to summarize the multitude of ways zoos are
striving and struggling to meet these vital needs of amphibians (see
also Maruska 1986 for a discussion of select programs to that date),
and to reiterate the charge of Chiszar et al. (1993) for further zoo/academia
III. Species-Specific Conservation Programs.
The following is a list of intensively managed, species-specific programs
that illustrate how zoos contribute to amphibian science and conservation.
In more-or-less chronologic order of organized zoo involvement, the
programs are:
Japanese Giant Salamander (Andrias
japonicus) [1971-present]
Status: USFWS Endangered, IUCN Near Threatened, CITES I
Summarized by: Kevin Zippel, Detroit Zoo (zippelk[at]yahoo[dot]com)
Contact person: overall project: Haruo Otsu, Asa Zoo(otsu[at]asazoo[dot]jp)
or zoo: Diane Barber, Ft. Worth Zoo (dbarber[at]fortworthzoo[dot]org)
Asa Zoo in Hiroshima, Japan has been working with the
Japanese giant salamander since 1971. Efforts include rescue of animals
from degraded habitat, in and ex situ studies, and captive
breeding. Captive breeding has occurred annually since 1979 and has
resulted in 1000s of offspring and detailed descriptions of reproductive
biology (Kuwabara et al. 1989). No reintroduction or restocking has
been done to date. A number of offspring have been imported to AZA
institutions, but no breeding has yet occurred in the US. Maruska
(1986) at the Cincinnati Zoo reviewed husbandry and propagation of
the Japanese giant salamander.
A newly formed AZA group, the Cryptobranchid
Interest Group (CIG) , aims to work towards the conservation of
cryptobranchids through cooperative program building, in and
ex situ research, information exchange, and increasing public
and political awareness. This group provides funds to Sumio Okada,
a Japanese biologist studying movement patterns and population structure
in A. japonicus. The National Zoo also helps to financially
support Sumioís work.
© 1996 Brad Moon
Ozark Hellbender (Cryptobranchus
alleganiensis bishopi) [1975-present]
Status: not classified
Summarized by: Ron Goellner, St. Louis Zoo (goellner[at]stlzoo[dot]org)
Contact person: Ron Goellner, St. Louis Zoo (goellner[at]stlzoo[dot]org)
The hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) is the largest
species of salamander native to North America. Two subspecies of hellbender
are currently recognized. The Ozark hellbender (Cryptobranchus
a. bishopi) is restricted to the Ozark Plateau of south-central
Missouri and northern Arkansas and inhabits streams and rivers that
are part of the Black - White River drainage system. Like many other
species of aquatic wildlife, the hellbender's populations have been
negatively affected by a number of human activities (stream impoundment,
pollution, siltation, etc.). The St. Louis Zoo has been working with
hellbenders since 1975 when they exhibited a pair of Ozark animals
and manipulated their photoperiod and water temperature to bring them
into reproductive condition. In the mid-80s. the zoo worked with Eric
Routman, then a grad student at Washington University doing his PhD
work on a genetic analysis of hellbenders. When Eric started, he needed
help with collecting sites and techniques so the zoo helped him out
in his initial endeavors. Then, in the early 90s when word started
filtering in that the hellbender populations in Arkansas were disappearing,
a concerned Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) asked the zoo
to help with a brief survey in the Current, Jack's Fork and North
Fork of the White rivers. The result of the survey concluded that
they apparently were doing fine in Missouri. However, five years later
we started seeing the same problems Arkansas had experienced, with
a 70% - 85% decline within the past ten years. At the current rate,
it will not be long before the hellbender is extirpated from Missouri
and Arkansas, which means extinction for the Ozark hellbender. The
zoo has teamed up with a number of concerned organizations, including
the MDC and USFWS, in an effort to save Ozark hellbenders. The zoo's
Hellbender Conservation Center (HCC) is working on developing effective
husbandry protocols for the care and reproduction of this native amphibian.
If we are successful, the zoo would be in a position to headstart
young hellbenders for future reintroductions into historic hellbender
streams that have been declared suitable for repatriation by the MDC.
The zoo is currently rearing about 150 young hellbenders (both C.
a. bishopi and C. a. alleganiensis). Some of these animals
will be used by grad students at St. Louis University and Southern
Missouri State University for behavioral research on predator recognition
(game fish, currently being introduced throughout the state by MDC)
from visual and olfactory cues. When they are large enough to take
a transmitter, some might be released to monitor their ability to
survive after captive rearing. The HCC also supports evaluations of
hellbender stream quality and hellbender health issues in the wild.
Zoo sponsored research dealing with water quality analysis, endocrine
disruption and hematology is being carried out by Dr. Yue-wern Huang
(University of Missouri-Rolla). Public awareness concerning the plight
of the hellbender is being spearheaded by the MDC.
A newly formed AZA group, the Cryptobranchid
Interest Group (CIG), aims to work towards the conservation of
cryptobranchids through cooperative program building, in-situ
and ex-situ research, information exchange, and increasing
public and political awareness. This group provides funds to Jeff
Humphries, a Clemson University biologist studying various elements
of hellbender populations and habitats in South Carolina.
Houston Toad (Bufo
houstonensis) [1978-1988]
Status: USFWS Endangered, IUCN Endangered
Summarized by: Paul Crump, Houston Zoo pcrump[at]houstonzoo[dot]org
Contact person: overall project: Andy Price Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department (andy[dot]price[at]tpwd[dot]state[dot]tx[dot]us) or zoo:
Stan Mays, Houston Zoo (stanmays[at]aol[dot]com)
Originally described in 1953, the Houston toad is found in association
with the deep sandy soils and the Post Oak Savannah vegetation regions
of east-central Texas. The toad declined sharply in distribution and
abundance primarily because of Texas' severe drought in the 1950s
and secondarily because of loss of habitat from land development.
It was placed on the original Endangered Species List in 1965. In
1977, Dr. David Jameson of the University of Houston completed a thorough
analysis of the critical habitat and conducted a population survey
for the Houston toad in the Greater Houston Area. The results indicated
the extinction of the toad from Harris County. The following year
the Houston Zoo began a captive propagation/release and relocation
program that continued for 10 years. As only one population of Houston
toad was known to exist at that time in Bastrop County, the Recovery
Team identified the need for a satellite population to be established.
The Attwater Prairie
National Wildlife Refuge (which is within the historical range of
the toad) was used as the satellite population release site. From
1983 to 1987, 372,506 Houston toads of different life stages were
released at the Wildlife Refuge. During the first four years of the
program all toads were toe clipped before release. Those released
during the final year were not as it was felt toe clipping might have
contributed to poor toad survival. Problems encountered and overcome
during the course of the program were the initial captive breeding
of the toad, water quality issues, captive larval and toadlet mortality
due to dietary deficiencies, and released toadlet mortality due to
red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) predation. Unfortunately,
a lack of funds prevented additional field surveys and halted captive
propagation by the Houston Zoo. However, recent surveys have indicated
that, as of 2003, wild populations have been discovered in 9 additional
counties in east-central Texas. The population in Bastrop County is
considered relatively stable, benefiting from both State and Federal
protection. No wild populations have been found in any county in the
Greater Houston Area. Although several clutches were found at Attwater
following the releases, the population did not persist. For additional
information see Harwell and Quinn (1982), Quinn (1980), Quinn et al.
(1989), and Seal (1994).
Puerto Rican Crested Toad (Bufo
lemur) [1980-present]
Status: USFWS Threatened, IUCN Critically Endangered, AZA SSP
Summarized by: Bob Johnson, Toronto Zoo (bjohnson[at]torontozoo[dot]ca)
Contact person: Bob Johnson, Toronto Zoo (bjohnson[attorontozoo[dot]ca)
The crested toad is endemic to Puerto Rico and Virgin Gorda. Historical
changes to its habitat since Spanish settlement include clearing of
coastal areas and draining of wetlands for agricultural use. The introduction
of rats, mongoose and the large marine toad (Bufo marinus)
might also have contributed to crested toad decline. Thought to be
extinct until 1967, a small breeding population of crested toads was
discovered in northwest Puerto Rico (near Quebradillas) and subsequently
in a seasonally flooded parking lot in the southwest (Guanica Forest
Preserve). No toads have been seen in the northern population since
1989; they had no protected or natural breeding areas and were only
known to breed in large concrete cattle troughs or tanks. Southern
populations are only found in the Guanica Forest Preserve and have
only one natural breeding pond. The southern population is estimated
to be no more then 300 animals. Captive work with this species began
in 1980 at the Mayaguez Zoo; offspring produced there in 1980-81 were
sent to US zoos, including Buffalo Zoo where they first bred in 1983.
An SSP was formed in 1983, using the USFWS Recovery Plan to set conservation
priorities, with the goal of assisting Puerto Ricans in their recovery
of this unique and beautiful toad. Efforts include education and habitat
restoration programs. The SSP is supporting high school students who
look for toads and study ponds in the northern part of Puerto Rico
and have a special biology club with the toad as their logo. The 23
zoos and aquaria in the SSP along with our Puerto Rican partners including
teachers, students, the Guanica Forest Manager, the Puerto Rican DNR
and USFWS, construct new ponds for toads; install gates and signs
to protect the breeding beach; print conservation booklets, bumper
stickers and decals for students and interpretive centers; work with
the local Juan Rivero Zoo in Mayaguez to help in their conservation
programs for Puerto Rican wildlife, including the toad; and support
research on toad habitats and diseases by Puerto Rican graduate students
and veterinarians. In captivity, the toads are managed genetically
to ensure a diverse assurance population in case of unexpected loss
of the small Guanica population and its single breeding pond. Captive-bred
tadpoles are sent back to Puerto Rico for release to the wild with
the goal of establishing at least 5 backup populations. Two artificial
release ponds have been constructed to receive the captive bred tadpoles.
Releases began in 1983 with 75 toadlets. About 100,000 tadpoles have
been released over the last 10 years. In 2003 the first adult toads
released as captive bred tadpoles returned to breed in the constructed
ponds. Toronto Zoo biologists are also studying hormonal induction
of spermiation in male toads comparing 2 analogs of LHRH and hCG.
For additional information, see Paine (1984, 1989) and Johnson (1994).
© 2003 Chris Mattison
Mallorcan Midwife Toad (Alytes
muletensis) [1985-present]
Status: IUCN Vulnerable
Summarized by: Kevin Buley, Chester Zoo , (K.Buley[at]chesterzoo[dot]co[dot]uk)
and Richard Griffiths, Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology
, (
Contact person: Gerardo Garcia, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
, (gerardo[dot]garcia[at]durrell[dot]org)
This species was described from fossils on the island of Mallorca
in 1979. It was presumed to have gone extinct sometime in the preceding
2000 years when predatory snakes (Natrix maura) and competing
anurans (Rana perezei) were introduced to the island. However,
several relict populations were discovered in remote mountains on
the island in 1980, and state and regional laws were quickly enacted
to forbid the capture, keeping, or killing of this species. The Durrell
Wildlife Conservation Trust (DWCT, then the Jersey Wildlife Preservation
Trust) and the Mallorcan Consellaria d'Agriculturai Pesca (CDAP) formed
a conservation program in 1985 that came to include in and
ex situ studies, captive breeding and releases, and range-country
education. The first reintroduction of captive-bred toads occurred
in 1989, when, at the request of the Mallorcan government, 76 tadpoles
were returned to the island and released at two historic localities
chosen by the CDAP. Since then, releases of both young toads and larvae
have occurred on a nearly annual basis, using animals from a number
of the institutions breeding them. Follow-up surveys revealed tadpoles
at the release sites, indicating that released captive-bred toads
had successfully established. Captive husbandry continues today at
DWCT, Open University, Barcelona Zoo, the Durrell Institute of Conservation
and Ecology at the University of Kent (DICE), Marineland Park in Mallorca,
Stuttgart Museum and Stuttgart Zoo. To date, release of captive-bred
stock has led to a doubling of the range and the number of reproductive
populations, with 25% of wild toads originating from captivity. It
is thought that there are currently between 1000 and 3000 animals
in the wild. As of 2002, reintroductions have ceased pending detailed
genetic analyses of all populations. DICE staff members are researching
the impacts of introduced predators, as well as fitness and genetic
issues concerning the captive, reintroduced and wild populations.
A manuscript in press indicates natural responses to predators seem
to have been retained by captive toads through several generations
of captive breeding, although there is some evidence of loss of fitness
and inbreeding, which needs serious consideration. Educational initiatives
include displays about the species at two museums on Mallorca (one
at Lluc and the other Valldemossa), and staff from the Mallorcan Conselleria
also lecture on the toads at local schools on a regular basis. For
additional information, see Buley and Garcia (1997), Mallison (1998),
and Buley and Gonzalez (2000).
© 2003 Alexander Haas
Natterjack Toad (Bufo
calamita) [1980s-present]
Status: Britain Endangered, IUCN Least Concern
Summarized by: Kevin Zippel, Detroit Zoo , (ZippelK[at]zoo[dot]ci[dot]detroit[dot]mi[dot]us)
Contact person: overall project: John Buckley, Herpetological Conservation
Trust , (john.buckley[at]herpconstrust[dot]org[dot]uk) or zoo: Emma
Hutchins, Marwell Zoo , (emmah[at]marwell[dot]org[dot]uk)
The natterjack toad has been declining since the early 1900s due
primarily to loss of habitat from anthropogenic and successional changes.
Recovery efforts involve intensive habitat management and restoration
with subsequent reintroductions. The reintroduction program has been
highly successful in establishing new toad populations, with at least
6 of 20 reintroductions clearly resulting in new robust populations
with another 8 moving promisingly in that direction (Denton et al.
1997). The majority of releases involved translocating wild tadpoles,
in some cases head-started. There have been some releases of captive-bred
stock, primarily from private breeders, but the Marwell Zoo has had
some successful breeding and releases. In 1997, Marwell produced ~16,000
tadpoles, which were released at two existing heathland reintroduction
sites. For additional information, see Raw and Pilkington (1988),
Edgar (1990), Banks et al. (1994), and Denton et al. (1997).
© 2001 Arie van der Meijden
Agile Frog (Rana
dalmatina) [1986-present]
Status: IUCN Least Concern
Summarized by: Kevin Buley, Chester Zoo, (K[dot]Buley[at]chesterzoo[dot]co[dot]uk)
Contact person: Gerardo Garcia, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
, (gerardo[dot]garcia[at]durrell[dot]org)
The agile frog is distributed widely throughout much of southern
and central Europe, but is found in only a few northern locations
including Jersey - the frog is not found elsewhere in the British
Isles. The Jersey population has been declining in both range and
numbers since the early 1900ís. In the 1970's only seven localities
were listed where the frog could still be found, and by the mid 1980's
this had fallen to only two natural sites. In 1987, one of the remaining
two populations was lost as a result of a lethal spill of agricultural
pesticide into the breeding pond. The species is now believed to be
confined to a single fragile population at L'OuaisnÈ Common in the
southwest of the island. A collaborative program incorporating captive-breeding,
reintroduction and habitat management, and involving the Herpetology
Department of the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (DWCT), The
States of Jersey Planning and Environment Committee, Environmental
Services Unit (ESU) and the SociÈtÈ Jersiaise, Zoology Section, has
sought to arrest this potentially terminal decline in wild frog numbers.
In 1986 the DWCT was asked by the Conservation Officer of the Island
Development Committee (IDC) (now Planning and Environment Committee,
P&EC) to head-start wild spawn; Durrell received spawn from LíOuaisnÈ
in 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1992, and released more than 300 froglets
over those years. Similar head-starting techniques have been employed
in 1997, 1998 and 1999. In addition to head-starting, the program
involves captive maintenance and breeding of an assurance population,
which hedges against extirpation of the wild population and generates
surplus tadpoles and frogs for reintroduction into existing, and potential,
new sites. To this end, there are 5-6 captive/semi-captive populations
in outdoor enclosures around the island, with an estimated total population
of 50 adult animals. Although it is difficult to track the success
of tadpoles released for reintroduction, in areas of the island suitable
for frogs but not currently inhabited by them, introduced animals
have become established, as evidenced by new egg masses in subsequent
years. For additional information, see Gibson and Freeman (1997).
© 2003 Alexander Haas
European treefrog (Hyla
arborea) [1988-present]
Status: Latvia Endangered
Summarized by: Ilze Dunce, Riga Zoo, (lzedunce[at]hotmail[dot]com)
Contact person: Ilze Dunce, Riga Zoo , (ilzedunce[at]hotmail[dot]com)
The amphibian department of Riga Zoo was founded in 1988 as The Laboratory
of Ecology. The main task was the reintroduction of European tree
frog (Hyla arborea) in Latvia. This species disappeared from
Latvia over the past century due to habitat modification/fragmentation
and the extinction of the beaver, which created vital wetland habitat.
Beavers have been reintroduced and are now widespread throughout the
country. Riga has captive-bred about 5,000 froglets to date, and released
them into suitable habitat. At the present, there is again a stable
native population in Latvia. For additional information, see Zvirgzds
(1995, 1998).
© 1996 Henk Wallays
Emperor Newt (Tylototriton
shanjing) [1989-present]
Status: IUCN Near Threatened, AZA PMP
Summarized by: Kevin Zippel, Detroit Zoo , (ZippelK[at]zoo[dot]ci[dot]detroit[dot]mi[dto]us)
Contact person: Kevin Zippel, Detroit Zoo , (ZippelK[at]zoo[dot]ci[dot]detroit[dot]mi[dto]us)
The emperor newt is endemic to the Yunnan Province, China where it
is protected under Schedule II, Species Subject to Local Key Protection.
It is not currently classified by CITES, USDI, or IUCN. Wild population
numbers are unknown, but due to the limited range, habitat destruction,
human consumption, the kill-on-sight policy of some locals, and continued
smuggling into the international pet trade, T. shanjing is
at considerable risk of becoming extinct in the wild. This species
was first reported in AZA institutions in 1980. Since that time, there
have been reports of 439 (36.49.354) wild-caught animals, 34 (4.2.28)
animals of unknown origin, 8 (0.0.8) possibly wild-bred captive-hatched
animals (female oviposited in pet store), and 564 (3.8.553) captive-hatched
animals, for a total of 1045 (43.59.943) animals shared among 46 accredited
institutions. The first breeding took place in Detroit in 1989, and
the majority of subsequent breeding activity has occurred there. Since
1989, Detroit has had 16 breeding events involving at least 6 different
females yielding 296 metamorphs, of which 236 were sent out to 19
other zoos. A large shipment of hundreds of wild-caught T. shanjing
was confiscated by USFWS in 1996; many of the animals were dead or
died shortly thereafter. Approximately 100 were placed in AZA institutions
and many have since produced progeny. They have bred numerous times
at Detroit, Baltimore, and Toronto. Currently, T. shanjing
is the most widely held caudate in AZA institutions, and the captive
population is managed as a Population Management Plan (PMP) by the
Detroit Zoo. The knowledge we have gained by working with this species
has been critical to our success in developing a breeding program
for the related yet lesser-known Anderson's newt (Echinotriton
andersoni). Plans are in place to acquire several specimens
of the IUCN Critically Endangered Chinhai newt (E. chinhaiensis).
For additional information, see Zippel (2002b).
Texas Aquifer Salamanders (Eurycea spp.) [1990-present]
Status: Federally Endangered (E. rathbuni, E. sosorum), Federally
Threatened (E. nana), IUCN Vulnerable (E. nana, E. rathbuni)
Summarized by: David Roberts, Dallas Zoo , (graphicsman2001[at]yahoo[dot]com),
Lynn Ables, Dallas Aquarium, Dave Schleser, (formerly) Dallas Aquarium
Contact person: David Roberts, Dallas Zoo , (graphicsman2001[at]yahoo[dot]com)
or Dee Ann Chamberlain, City of Austin , (dee‑ann.chamberlain[at]ci[dot]austin[dot]tx[dot]us)
Salamanders have generally received little attention from U.S. Zoos,
and troglobitic salamanders in particular have been almost entirely
ignored. Unfortunately, these denizens of caves and aquifers are coming
under increasing pressure from human activities. Recreational cave exploration,
pollution of groundwater, and changes in the level of the water table
from heavy use are altering their extremely limited habitats, and in
some cases, salamanders are literally being pumped up from underground
through wells. Several species are now classified as Endangered, Threatened,
or Vulnerable. The Dallas Zoo and the Dallas Aquarium at Fair Park have
enjoyed some breeding success of aquifer salamanders using flow-through
systems fed by a well ~300 miles north of the Edwards Plateau aquifer.
Both the Barton Springs salamander (E. sosorum) (in 1995) and
the Texas blind salamander (E. rathbuni) (many occurences)
were bred in simple aquaria setup in this manner. Staff members also
introduced animals into an ìartificial aquifer upwellingî consisting
of a 5-gallon aquarium atop and confluent with a 4í tall, 6î diameter
acrylic tube filled with limestone shards. Water from a natural well
is pumped into the bottom of the cylinder and overflows at the top of
the aquarium. The Texas salamander (Eurycea neotenes) was bred
in such a system every year from 1993 to 1995 (Roberts et al. 1995).
Unfortunately, eggs were typically deposited on rocks within the acrylic
tube, and removing them required pulling out all the rocks above. Eurycea
sosorum did not breed under these conditions. Since 1995, salamanders
kept in the upwelling tanks have bred fairly consistently, while those
animals maintained in barren aquaria have not bred. Although, Cincinnati
Zoo, the first in the country to breed E. rathbuni, did so in
bare-bottomed closed-system tanks (Maruska 1982). Detroit has bred E.
rathbuni 3 times since 2000: twice in a closed-system exhibit with
gravel and rocks, and once in a closed-system bare-bottomed aquarium
with Java moss (K. Zippel pers. com.). Detroit has also bred E. neotenes
on 2 occasions in a simulated cave-entrance setup with water flowing
from a dark cave end through a twilight zone and out the lighted cave
entrance (K. Zippel pers. com.). The City of Austin began working on
a captive-breeding program for the Austin blind salamander (E. waterlooensis)
and E. sosorum in 2000 at a temporary facility at the University
of Texas; so far they have only successfully reproduced the latter species.
Plans are in place to add E. tonkawae to the collection as
Romer's Treefrog (Chirixalus
romeri) [1992-1997]
Status: IUCN Endangered, Hong Kong Protected
Summarized by: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo , (cbanks[at]zoo[dot]org[dot]au)
Contact person: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo , (cbanks[at]zoo[dot]org[dot]au)
Romerís treefrog was known from 3 islands near Hong Kong. In 1991,
wild populations were estimated at ~1300. However, WWF-Hong Kong noted
that the imminent construction of a new Hong Kong international airport
threatened to extirpate the frogs from 1 of the islands, Chek Lap Kok.
Assurance populations were established at the University of Hong Kong
and the Melbourne Zoo. Thirty frogs were transferred to Melbourne in
April 1992 for maintenance and breeding. The program was quite successful;
through breeding and husbandry, valuable life history data were collected
by zoo staff (Banks 1996). Once new release sites on the Hong Kong islands
and New Territories on the mainland had been identified through an ecological
study by the University of Hong Kong, funded by the Royal Hong Kong
Jockey Club, 439 frogs bred at Melbourne were returned in 1994 and a
further 260 in 1995. Follow-up studies revealed that the released frogs
were established and breeding at seven of the eight field sites at least
five years post-release (Dudgeon and Lau 1999). Since 1997, no additional
plans are in place to send frogs back to the wild from Melbourne.
Sharp-Snouted Day or Torrent Frog (Taudactylus
acutirostris) [1993-1995]
Status: IUCN Critically Endangered, Australia Endangered
Summarized by: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo, (cbanks[at]zoo[at]org[at]au)
Contact person: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo , (cbanks[at]zoo[at]org[at]au)
The sharp-snouted day frog is restricted to montane, fast-flowing streams
in far-north-east Australia and suffered massive declines over the mid-late
1980s and early 1990s. In early 1993, Queensland agencies decided to
remove all remaining frogs from the wild and approached a number of
zoos and universities to try and establish a captive population. This
included small batches of tadpoles and a handful of frogs to Melbourne
Zoo and Taronga Zoo. Half the tadpoles died before metamorphosis and
the rest during or post-metamorphosis. One frog at Melbourne was raised
to almost two years of age before dying. Chytrid fungus was subsequently
determined as the major cause of death (Banks and McCracken 2002). The
status of the species in the wild remains unclear; none has been seen
since 1997, and extinction is already likely.
Roseate Frog (Geocrinia
rosea) [1994-1997]
Status: not classified
Summarized by: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo, (cbanks[at]zoo[at]org[at]au)
Contact person: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo , (cbanks[at]zoo[at]org[at]au)
The Action Plan for Australian Frogs includes two species in the genus
Geocrinia: G. alba (white-bellied frog) and G. vitellina
(orange-bellied frog) (Tyler et al. 1997). These are listed as Endangered
and Vulnerable, respectively, in Australia, and as Critically Endangered
and Vulnerable, respectively, by the IUCN. Both these species have been
the subject of a coordinated attention by national and state agencies
in Australia since 1995. Melbourne Zoo was asked by Western Australian
agencies in early 1994 to develop husbandry protocols for the related,
and common, G. rosea, with the view of applying that knowledge
to the two threatened species should that become necessary in the future.
Small groups of frogs and spawn were received by the Zoo in 1994. Although
successful breeding was not achieved, much useful data were obtained
on growth, behavior, and egg-laying (Birkett et al. 1999). The project
concluded in 1997 when the Recovery Team decided to refocus the overall
© 2004 Franco Andreone
Tomato Frog (Dyscophus
antongilii) [1994-present]
Status: IUCN Vulnerable, CITES I
Summarized by: Vicky Poole, Baltimore Zoo , (vapoole[at]aol[dot]com)
Contact person: Vicky Poole, Baltimore Zoo, (vapoole[at]aol[dot]com)
The tomato frog ranges narrowly along the northeastern coast of Madagascar
from Antongil Bay south to Andevoranto. It is endangered as a result
of deforestation and over-collecting for the pet trade. In an effort
to preserve the species in captivity, the Baltimore Zoo spearheaded
a collaborative effort in 1994 by arranging for shipment of tomato frogs
to the University of California at Berkeley from the Chaffee Zoological
Gardens of Fresno, Ft. Worth Zoological Park, Sedgwick County Zoo, Woodland
Park Zoological Gardens, and two private collections. There, under the
direction of Dr. Dale Denardo, researchers successfully induced reproduction
utilizing hormones, producing 255 froglets from two spawnings. The Baltimore
Zoo received 14 of these offspring in December of 1994 and successfully
bred their tomato frogs naturally, through environmental manipulation,
as the use of hormones can sometimes produce adverse side effects. The
frogs produced from the Baltimore spawning have been placed in the collections
of other U.S. zoological institutions with the intention of pairing
them with frogs from different bloodlines when they become available.
In addition to captive reproduction efforts, Baltimore was actively
involved in several other tomato frog conservation projects. For example,
to educate the Malagasy people on the plight of this endangered species
and to combat the challenges of insufficient genetic diversity in the
captive U.S. zoo population, Baltimore funded the construction of a
tomato frog exhibit in Parc Zoologique Ivoloina, a zoo in Madagascar.
This was accomplished by working through the Madagascar Fauna Group.
Significantly, this is the first and only exhibit for an amphibian species
in the entire country. It features eight wild-caught tomato frogs that
zookeepers there will attempt to breed so offspring may be available
to zoos abroad. Educational graphics educate visitors about the preservation
of this endangered species and its habitat, as very few people in Madagascar
are aware of the threats to its survival. The Detroit Zoo (AAZK and
Andy Snider) funded a keeper at this exhibit for 1 year. Baltimore has
also provided funding for Dr. Edward Louis of Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo
to perform DNA testing on blood samples taken from tomato frogs with
unknown pedigrees in U.S. zoos. This will enable zoos to determine exact
lineages for all captive tomato frogs, so they can breed pairs that
provide maximum genetic diversity in the captive population. (modified
from Wisnieski et al. 1997)
Wyoming toad (Bufo
baxteri) [1994-present]
Status: USFWS Endangered, IUCN Extinct in the Wild, AZA SSP
Summarized by: Brint Spencer, Philadelphia Zoo, (spencer[dot]brint[at]phillyzoo[dot]org)
Contact person: Brint Spencer, Philadelphia Zoo, (spencer[dot]brint[at]phillyzoo[dot]org)
Wyoming toads were once abundant in the wetlands and irrigated
meadows of Wyomingís southeastern plains. However, by the 1970ís the
population had declined drastically and was confined to privately owned
lands surrounding Mortenson Lake. Agricultural practices and disease
(chytrid) were thought to be major contributing factors. In 1984, the
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) recognized the speciesí precarious status
by listing the Wyoming toad as endangered. To protect the last population,
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) stepped in and purchased the lake and surrounding
lands, totaling approximately 1,800 acres (730 hectares). But populations
continued to decline, and by 1994 the species was extinct in the wild:
only captive populations remained. In December of 1996, the American
Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) approved a Species Survival Plan
(SSP) that formalized a cooperative program of the AZA, FWS, and Wyoming
Game and Fish Department (WGF). This program was designed to restore
the Wyoming toad to a secure status in the wild. The reintroduction
story began in 1988, when a small number of toads were taken from Mortenson
Lake to WGF facilities for captive breeding. In 1992, the FWS purchased
some of the Wyoming toadís last habitat from TNC and established the
Mortenson National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). That same year, tadpoles and
toadlets were released at Lake George and Rush Lake on Hutton NWR in
an effort to establish a second wild population. By 1994, it was apparent
that emergency measures were needed. In an effort to prevent the animal
from becoming extinct, the last remaining toads were captured and a
more intensive captive breeding program was initiated. The captive population
greatly increased by 1995, with the help of several AZA affiliated zoos
and the WGF facilities. Two government facilities, the Saratoga National
Fish Hatchery (WY) and Sybille Wildlife Research Center (WY), also have
captive populations. Nearly 600 toads now exist in captivity and there
are almost 4,500 historical records in the studbook. Each spring, a
number of the offspring produced that year are held back for the captive
breeding program. The rest are returned to Wyoming, where they are released
as tadpoles or toadlets. Since 1996, the program has produced approximately
47,800 toads for reintroduction into the Laramie basin. Most of the
release efforts have focused on Mortenson Lake. Once a viable population
has been established there, we will concentrate on other lakes in the
area. So far, only a small number of toads have survived to breed. By
the spring of 1998, 4 healthy egg masses were deposited and hatched
in the wild. Again, in 1999, 2002, and 2003, there were several more
healthy egg masses deposited and hatched in the wild. The AZA has also
been involved in several research projects on the Wyoming toad. A radiotelemetry
field study was funded by the AZA Conservation Endowment Fund (CEF)
and a Challenge Cost Share Agreement from the FWS was initiated last
year to look at microhabitat use. In addition, the Center for the Reproduction
of Endangered Wildlife at the Cincinnati Zoo received a CEF grant to
study the feasibility of cryopreserving toad sperm. Vitamin A levels
in the captive population seem extraordinarily low and a study is being
undertaken at the Philadelphia Zoo to look at the dietary levels and
uptake of this vitamin. An additional part of this study will analyze
the nutritional content of wild prey items to compare to the captive
diets. Future goals for the recovery effort include increasing the publicís
awareness of the Wyoming toadís critical status, expansion of the captive
breeding program, and additional research. An outreach coordinator is
being solicited to initiate education programs to reach adults and students
in local schools. Upcoming research projects will include studies on
the effects of temperature and the duration of hibernation, field work
to identify toad hibernation sites, and a genetic analysis of captive
versus wild bred populations (modified from Spencer 1999). Burton (1991)
and Burton et al. (1995) offered experiences on managing the Wyoming
toad and Taylor et al. (1994) reviewed causes of mortality in the captive
population at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.
© 2003 Nathan Litjens
Barred Frogs (Mixophyes
spp.) [1995-present]
Status: stuttering frog (M. balbus) - IUCN Vulnerable, Australia
Endangered; Fleay's barred frog (M. fleayi) - IUCN Endangered,
Australia Endangered
Summarized by: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo, (cbanks[at]zoo[dot]org[dot]au)
Contact person: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo, (cbanks[at]zoo[dot]org[dot]au)
Frogs of the genus Mixophyes were identified as a target group
by the ARAZPA Reptile & Amphibian TAG in 1995. This led to Melbourne
Zoo commencing a program to establish the husbandry and breeding protocols
for the most common species in the genus, the great barred frog (M.
fasciolatus), in 1996. The long-term goal of this initiative is
to then apply the knowledge and techniques gained to the more threatened
species (Banks et al. 2003). This has been achieved and the Zoo developed
a partnership with the Northern New South Wales Threatened Frog Recovery
Team in 2000 to work with M. balbus. This species was once widespread
along the east coast of Australia, but the only substantial population
left is in the far north of the speciesí historic range. The Zoo is
currently rearing 15 frogs metamorphosed in captivity. Dispersal of
M. fasciolatus bred at Melbourne Zoo has generated interest in
frogs among a number of other zoos and supported a project at Lone Pine
Sanctuary in southeast Queensland for Fleay's barred frog (M. fleayi).
The project is being implemented in conjunction with Queensland agencies
(O'Callaghan 2001).
© 2004 Graeme R. Gillespie
Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria
aurea) [1995-present]
Status: IUCN Vulnerable, Australia Endangered
Summarized by: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo, (cbanks[at]zoo[dot]org[dot]au)
Contact person: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo (cbanks[at]zoo[dot]org[dot]au)
This species was once widespread across southeast Australia, but has
declined dramatically in recent years and is now only found in less
than 30 sites in the central coast region of New South Wales, eastern
Australia (see Pyke and Osborne 1996). Taronga Zoo has worked with New
South Wales agencies since 1995 to develop and implement a captive breeding
and release program at one site south of Sydney, which is part of a
broader conservation education program titled "Frog Focus" (deBritt
and Russell 1999). This has involved captive breeding and release of
over 200 tadpoles, with students from two local schools participating
in the field monitoring. The program is currently under review.
© 2004 William Flaxington
Lowland Leopard Frog (Rana
yavapaiensis) [1995-1999]
Status: Arizona Species of Special Concern
Summarized by: Mike Demlong, Arizona Game and Fish Department, (MDemlong[at]gf[dot]state[dot]az[dot]us)
Contact person: Mike Demlong, Arizona Game and Fish Department, (MDemlong[at]gf[dot]state[dot]az[dot]us)
Lowland leopards suffered mass deaths in Arizona in 1996-97. Since
1995, keepers on the Arizona Trail at the Phoenix Zoo have been rearing
larvae in captivity as a model to prepare for working with ranid Species
of Special Concern. Demlong and Sredl (1997) studied the effects of
density on larval development. An education program "Tadpoles in the
Classroom" put tadpoles, aquarium kits, husbandry manuals, and a lesson
plan in low-income grade schools in the region; froglets were eventually
returned to the zoo and released by students in an attempt to establish
the species on zoo grounds.
Southern Corroboree Frog (Pseudophryne
corroboree) [1995-present]
Status: IUCN Critically Endangered, Australia Endangered
Summarized by: Chris Banks and Russel Traher, Melbourne Zoo, (cbanks[at]zoo[dot]org[dot]au)
and (reptiles[at]zoo[dot]org[dot]au)
Contact person: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo (cbanks[at]zoo[dot]org[dot]au)
Southern corroboree frogs have been declining since the early 1980ís.
Drought, localized habitat destruction, fires, and chytrid fungus have
been implicated in their decline. Most populations have gone extinct
or declined to very low numbers. In 1991, the wild population was estimated
to be 10,000 - 30,000 adults (Osborne 1991); in 2004 it was approximately
150 individuals (Hunter pers. com.). Seventy-seven percent of the subpopulations
consist of less then 5 calling males. Results from long term monitoring
demonstrate a high inclination for populations with fewer than 5 calling
males to go extinct (Osborne 1998). The detrimental effects of small
population size may also be part of the declining process. The Corroboree
Frog National Recovery Team (CFNRT) was formed in 1996 to implement
the recovery process. In 1997, a population augmentation program started
to: assess whether it is possible to increase recruitment through to
the metamorphic stage via a combination of captive-rearing and active
field management to prevent tadpole mortality in the field; and determine
whether an increase in the level of recruitment through to metamorphosis
will result in an increase in the breeding adult population size in
small remnant populations of P. corroboree (Hunter et al. 1999).
The captive-rearing component of the augmentation program was carried
out by Melbourneís, Amphibian Research Centre (ARC). Eggs were collected
from the wild, hatched and raised in captivity and the tadpoles released
at their collection site just prior to metamorphosis. This process significantly
increased survivorship through to metamorphosis. In addition to the
captive-rearing component, the development of a captive breeding program
was deemed essential in order to provide a source of animals for future
experimental and reintroduction projects. In 1997, a captive colony,
started from eggs, was created at the ARC. In 2001, Melbourne Zoo (MZ)
received a small number of tadpoles and frogs and created the first
public display of the species. Following the 2002-03 disastrous bush-fires,
which destroyed over 90% of the frogís habitat, the CFNRT decided to
remove all eggs from the wild during the 2003/2004 breeding season and
increase the intensity of the captive breeding program. Due to the continued
collapse of the wild population, the level of commitment from MZ to
the recovery process has increased. MZ is now in the process of building
a large rearing, breeding and research facility to help develop and
contribute to the large scale production of frogs. MZ involvement to
date has concentrated on increasing public awareness, a collaborative
education program between MZ and the ARC, and profiling the recovery
team and its associated sponsors and stakeholders. For additional information,
Osborne (1989) and Osborne and Norman (1991).
© 2004 Michal Beree
Blue Dart-Poison Frog (Dendrobates
azureus) [1996-present]
Status: IUCN Vulnerable, CITES II, AZA PMP
Summarized by: Ben Eiben, National Aquarium in Baltimore, (BEiben[at]aqua[dot]org)
Contact person: Jack Cover, National Aquarium in Baltimore,(jcover[at]aqua[dot]org)
The blue poison dart frog is a Suriname endemic found in a few isolated
"rainforest islands" in the Sipaliwini savanna of remote southern Suriname.
This species was discovered on the western slopes of the Vier Gebroeder
Mountains in 1968. The species is classified CITES II, but due to the
remoteness of its range, reliable reports on the status of the wild
population are largely unknown. There were rumors from European dart
frog collectors that a fire had rendered the wild populations extinct
in 1992. To get first hand knowledge of the wild population status,
The National Aquarium in Baltimore in partnership with Conservation
International conducted two field surveys to the region in 1996 and
1997. The Suriname Forest Service permitted the NAIB to collect 20 D.
azureus in 1997 to start a captive breeding program. The program
is now a PMP and includes 20 participating institutions holding a total
of 175 F1 captive-bred offspring. Fourteen of the original 20 wild caught
founders are currently reproductive and within the past year three under-represented
bloodlines have produced offspring. The NAIB has not personally had
the opportunity to return to the field to observe the wild population
status since 1997. In 2003 we collaborated with Brice Noonan, a graduate
student at the University of Texas at Arlington studying Dendrobates
tinctorius systematics in Suriname. In May of 2003 he traveled to
the Vier Gebroeders to observe D. azureus and collect DNA samples
for comparison to nearby D. tinctorious populations. Mr. Noonan
observed D. azureus in the locations he traveled but no population
surveys were conducted. In the future a more thorough field survey should
be implemented to get a more accurate population account and to develop
needed trust of NAIB by the Suriname Forest Service. In conjunction
with this, the potential for the co-development of a long-term
D. azureus conservation plan with the Suriname Forest Service
would be a valuable step for the establishment of a needed in situ
conservation component for this program. It should also be noted that
there has been a studbook for this species in the U.K. for a decade.
© 2001 Joyce Gross
California Red-Legged Frog (Rana
draytonii) [1997-present]
Status: USFWS Threatened, IUCN Near Threatened, California Species
of Concern
Summarized by: Russell Smith, Los Angeles Zoo, (RSmith[at]ZOO[dot]LACITY[dot]ORG)
and David Hild, (formerly) Sacramento Zoo, (cordylus17[at]hotmail[dot]com)
Contact person: Russell Smith, Los Angeles Zoo, (RSmith[at]ZOO[dot]LACITY[dot]ORG)
The California Red-legged frog was once the most common large ranid
frog in California and also the subject of Mark Twain's "The Celebrated
Jumping Frog of Calaveras County". However, because of commercial exploitation
for frog legs, introduced predators (bullfrogs, crayfish, fish), and
habitat destruction, this subspecies has now disappeared from 90% of
its original range. Recent analyses suggest that this taxon is a distinct
species (Shaffer et al. 2004). The Los Angeles Zoo is working with UC
Davis, USFWS, and The Nature Conservancy to study populations in the
Santa Monica Mountains, Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, and Baja,
Mexico. The focus is on the Santa Rosa population, which was down to
5.1 frogs in 1997, 3.0 in 1998. In situ studies include population
surveys, genetic analyses, and radio telemetry. The Zoo is also working
on captive rearing protocols. Genetic analyses suggest that the closest
related animals to the Santa Rosa population are from northern Baja;
permits are in the works to import egg masses or tadpoles to supplement
the Santa Rosa population. For additional information, see Krofta (2003).
The Sacramento Zoo conducted some head-starting in the spring of 2002,
when a USFWS agent found two Red-legged frog egg masses in a Bay Area
pond that might be impacted by nearby road construction. 75 animals
were reared through metamorphosis, and in the fall of that same year
after construction was complete, the USFWS agent released the metamorphs
back at the collection site.
© 2004 Hank Wallays
Mexican Axolotl (Ambystoma
mexicanum) [1998-present]
Status: CITES II, IUCN Vulnerable
Summarized by: Richard Griffiths, Durrell Institute of Conservation
and Ecology, (R.A.Griffiths[at]ukc[dot]ac[dot]uk) and Bob Johnson, Toronto
Zoo, (bjohnson[at]torontozoo[dot]ca)
Contact person: overall project: Richard Griffiths, Durrell Institute
of Conservation and Ecology, (R.A.Griffiths[at]ukc[dot]ac[dot]uk) or zoo:
Bob Johnson, Toronto Zoo, (bjohnson[at]torontozoo[dot]ca)
All Mexican Ambystoma species are threatened due to drainage
and pollution of their lake water habitat, introduced fish, and overcollection.
The axolotl is found only in Lake Xochimilco, the last remnant of a
once extensive wetland system that covered much of the volcanic basin
in which Mexico City now sits. This closed aquatic system was maintained
by a network of natural springs, rainwater and meltwater from surrounding
volcanoes. Development of the wetland for agriculture stems from pre-Aztec
times, but intensified following the foundation of the Aztec capital
city of Tenochtitl·n on an island in the lake. Farmers reclaimed land
by piling up mud and vegetation to form raised fields known as ëchinampasí,
and an extensive lacustrine economy developed. Present-day water bodies
cover a mere 2.3 square kilometers, and this reduction is largely the
result of the diversion of natural springs over 100 years ago to meet
the water demands of a burgeoning human population. In order to try
and restore water levels, discharge of tertiary-treated sewage back
into the system was initiated in 1957. Although this has probably stopped
Lake Xochimilco disappearing completely, water quality and eutrophication
are now major issues. A census carried out at 12 sampling sites using
the services of a reliable local fisherman between 1995-1996 captured
76 animals. This translates into a population density of about 60 individuals
per hectare. A recent survey of axolotls carried out in January-February
2002 - again using the traditional fishing method - yielded no axolotls.
The laboratory of Dr. Virginia Graue Weichers, Centro de Investigaciones
Biologicas y Acuicolas de Cuemanco (CIBAC), was set up near the Lake
and set to release captive-produced eggs and larvae, in addition to
conducting research into the effects of carp and contaminants on larvae.
It was destined to become a center for lake restoration, community involvement
in the conservation of the axolotl and other wildlife. Unfortunately,
Dr. Weichers passed away recently. Axolotl conservation is now carried
out in Mexico in collaboration with El Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas
y Acuicolas de Cuemanco (CIBAC), Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
- Xochimilco (UAM), Chapultepec Zoo, the Durrell Institute of Conservation
and Ecology (DICE), and community based conservation groups. Cooperative
axolotl conservation efforts include habitat restoration and conservation
education. DICE, with support from a Darwin Initiative Grant and in
partnership with UAM, Mexican conservation authorities (CONABIO and
SEMARNAT) and community stakeholders are developing long term conservation
plans that include population assessment, research, support for artisans
in developing axolotl carvings, and development of community based nature
tourism (beginning with boat operators on the lake). The Toronto Zoo
has sponsored several research projects and provides financial and technical
support for in situ conservation and research. Toronto Zoo was
awarded the Canadian Museum Association and Department of Canadian Heritage
Young Canada Works Grant to support student involvement in GIS analysis
of the Lake Xochimilco ecosystem and distribution patterns of axolotl.
The 2002 survey of axolotl populations mentioned above produced results
confirming a drastic decline in numbers in the lake (Jones 2002) and
ongoing surveys are recommended. Toronto Zoo also provides support for
Mexico Cityís Chapultepec Zoo outreach resources and axolotl displays.
Although there is much captive-breeding of axolotls, in zoos and universities
around the world, there are no plans for release until the original
threats can be alleviated. Zoos will surely continue to house and breed
axolotls for exhibit purposes, but a managed program in captivity is
not recommended at this time because there are already Mexican researchers
and zoo folk working with the species. Parties interested in supporting
work with endangered Mexican ambystomatids can contact these Mexican
or DICE biologists, or consider working with one of the other lesser-represented
species (e.g., Ambystoma andersoni, A. dumerilii). For
additional information on the axolotl program, see Griffiths et al.
© 1990 Brad Moon
Chiricahua Leopard Frog (Rana
chiricahuensis) [1998-present]
Status: USFWS Threatened, IUCN Vulnerable, Wildlife of Special Concern
in Arizona
Summarized by: Kevin Wright, Phoenix Zoo, (KWright[at]thephxzoo[dot]com)
Contact person: overall project: Mike Sredl, Arizona Game and Fish
Department, (MSredl[at]gf[dot]state[dot]az[dot]us) or zoo: Kevin Wright,
Phoenix Zoo, (KWright[at]thephxzoo[dot]com)
The Chiricahua leopard frog underwent a precipitous decline in the
1990s and is currently found in less than 25% of its former range. The
USFWS Recovery Team Technical Subgroup is currently drafting a recovery
plan. Kevin Wright, Director of Conservation and Science at the Phoenix
Zoo, serves as a member of this subgroup. The main factors contributing
to this speciesí decline were habitat loss and fragmentation, especially
as a result of damming of the main rivers in this region and reservoir
management, agricultural conversion of land, groundwater pumping, and
extirpation of beavers that once constructed important pond habitats.
The remaining populations were few and scattered. The coup de grace
to this species has been the effects of bullfrogs, crayfish, and exotic
predatory fish that attack all life stages of the Chiricahua leopard
frog, and outbreaks of chytridiomycosis, a fungal disease of amphibians
that has been implicated in declines and extinctions of amphibians worldwide.
The recovery team consists of a group of Chiricahua leopard frog experts,
the Technical Subgroup, and individuals that use or manage the land
throughout the range of the species, the Stakeholders Subgroup. Both
subgroups will help shape the final recovery plan, which will consist
of effective conservation actions that will try to minimize their impact
to the stakeholders. Recovery is also complicated because this taxon
might be split into two distinct species, with populations in the northern
part of the range being assigned to a new species. The Phoenix Zoo has
helped headstart some Chiricahua leopard frogs. In 1998, nearly 700
of their head-started animals were released back into the wild. In 2004,
23 metamorphs were released on a private ranch southwest of Tucson in
an area of former range. The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum has also assisted
with this project. For additional information, see Sredl and Healy (1999)
and Fernandez (1996).
Phoenix Zoo and Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum currently participate
with the Arizona Game and Fish Departmentís Ranid Strategic Plan that
is identifying additional conservation needs of those ranid frog species
with formal conservation plans (species previously mentioned) and those
lacking a formal plan (e.g. R. pipiens, R. blairi, and
R. yavapaiensis).
© 1996 William Leonard
Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana
pretiosa) [1998-present]
Status: USFWS candidate, California Sensitive Species - Critical, California
Species of Special Concern, Oregon Sensitive species, Washington Endangered,
British Columbia Endangered
Summarized by: Blair Csuti, Oregon Zoo, (csutib[at]metro[dot]dst[dot]or[dot]us)
and Russ Haycock, Canadian Oregon Spotted Frog Recovery Team, (rhaycock[at]hyla[dot]ca)
Contact person: Blair Csuti, Oregon Zoo (csutib[at]metro[dot]dst[dot]or[dot]us)
or Russ Haycock, Canadian Oregon Spotted Frog Recovery Team (rhaycock[at]hyla[dot]ca)
The Oregon spotted frog is among the region's most endangered amphibians.
It has disappeared from well over 70% of its relatively small range in
the Pacific Northwest and is completely extirpated from low elevation
areas south of the Columbia River. Currently, about 35 known extant
populations occur from the Lower Fraser Valley of southern British Columbia
south to southern Oregon, most of which number fewer than 1,000 individuals.
The species may be extinct in northeastern California, the southernmost
extent of its historic range. Many possible reasons have been postulated
for the decline of the Oregon spotted frog, including predation pressure
from non-native species, habitat loss and alteration, increased larval
mortality resulting from fertilizer runoff, climate change, and increased
susceptibility to pathogens or parasites. Because both Oregon spotted
frogs and introduced bullfrogs use warm water habitats, bullfrog predation
is one factor that may have led to the spotted frog's extirpation from
the Willamette Valley. Experimental evidence suggests that predation
by bullfrog larvae reduces survivorship in closely related red-legged
frog larvae. At least one site is known where spotted frogs and bullfrogs
coexist (Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Washington), which may
be due, in part, to habitat partitioning in a relatively complex aquatic
system. This example may provide a model for habitat modification that
might allow successful reintroduction of the Oregon spotted frog to
low elevation sites in the Puget Trough and Willamette Valley. Potential
of reintroduction as a recovery strategy for the Oregon spotted frog,
however, remains hypothetical because successful husbandry techniques
for raising larval Oregon spotted frogs have not yet been developed.
The "Draft Oregon Spotted Frog Conservation Plan" (Hall et al. 1999)
recommends research on a small-scale captive-breeding program "to develop
techniques for possible future use in an introduction or augmentation
program." The Oregon Zoo has raised some frogs to adulthood for exhibit,
where zoo visitors learned the sad story of the vanishing Oregon spotted
frog, but is not presently carrying out research on larval husbandry
techniques. The zoo feels it would be in a position to step forward
if fish and wildlife agencies launch a captive propagation/reintroduction
program as part of the recovery plan for this species. Zoo staff are
also doing excellent research on the dietary needs of larval spotted
frogs (link to
The Oregon spotted frog may be listed as Federally Threatened or Endangered,
however the listing process is currently stalled. Each March for the
last five years, Oregon Zoo employees, together with Zoo volunteers,
have made trips out to Conboy Lake NWR to hunt for egg clutches. When
found, the clutch is marked with a flag and then data on location, size,
water temperature, etc., are recorded. Mr. Frank Slavens has also been
successful raising Oregon spotted frogs from the egg stage to metamorphosis
at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle.
There is an active larval rearing and reintroduction program in British
Columbia. Russ Haycock co-chairs the Canadian Oregon Spotted Frog Recovery
Team, which is partnered with the Vancouver Aquarium, Greater Vancouver
Zoo, and Mountain View Breeding and Conservation Centre. The zoological
facilities have provided space and staff to rear approximately 3,000
larvae/metamorphs in the past two years for head-starting and release
in the case of larvae, and release in the case of metamorphs. The release
sites are a National Defence naval communications site and First Nations
Mountain Chicken (Leptodactylus
fallax) [1999-present]
Status: IUCN Critically Endangered
Summarized by: Kevin Buley, Chester Zoo, (K.Buley[at]chesterzoo[dot]co[dot]uk),
and Jay King, private veterinarian, (Jay[at]marz[dot]com)
Contact person: Gerardo Garcia, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust,(gerardo.garcia[at]durrell[dot]org)
Although this species is thought to have occurred historically on at
least eight Caribbean islands, it is currently found on only two. The mountain
chicken is extremely rare on the island of Montserrat, where it has
suffered from hunting, habitat loss/modification (farming, goats, pigs,
rats), and volcanic eruptions (Daly and Gray 1999). It is also rare
on Dominica, where the primary cause of decline is hunting, but chytrid
fungus was recently diagnosed in dead and dying chickens. Periodic hunting
bans and fear of zoonoses (Shigella) offer some relief from overcollection.
In 1999, at the request of the Montserrat government, the Durrell Wildlife
Conservation Trust brought 13 animals into a captive-breeding program.
The program was a huge success resulting in over 100 offspring that
have been distributed to other zoos (like Detroit, where captive-bred
young are now reproducing) and in a publication by DWCPT staff describing
a unique form of anuran reproduction (Gibson and Buley 2004). It was
also long known that the larvae hatched and completed metamorphosis
within terrestrial foam nests, but DWPT staff first observed that the
larvae survived on more than their yolk stores, in fact, the female
provides trophic eggs to feed the terrestrial larvae and this is their
only food. In the field, Montserrat Forestry Dept staff conduct monthly
population monitoring using transects established by DWCT staff in 1999
(see Daly and Gray 1999). There are discussions underway regarding Paris
Museum of Natural History staff overseeing a reintroduction of captive-bred
animals onto Martinique where this species used to occur.
© 2004 John White
Panamanian Golden Frog (Atelopus
zeteki) [1999-present]
Status: USFWS Endangered, IUCN Critically Endangered, CITES I
Summarized by: Kevin Zippel, Detroit Zoo, (ZippelK[at]zoo[dot]ci[dot]detroit[dot]mi[dot]us)
Contact person: overall project: Roberto Ibanez, Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute ibanezr[at]si[dot]edu or zoo: Vicky Poole, Baltimore
Zoo (vapoole[at]aol[dot]com)
Project Golden Frog (PGF) is a conservation consortium involving numerous
Panamanian and U.S. institutions (including Baltimore and Detroit Zoos)
with interests in wildlife conservation. The single, simple goal is
to ensure against the extinction of one of the world's most recognizable,
culturally significant, and endangered amphibians: the Panamanian golden
frog. Conservation efforts fall into three main areas: population and
habitat assessments, an intensively managed captive-breeding program,
and range-country education initiatives. Four study sites have been
established to investigate various aspects of the species' biology,
such as habitat requirements, seasonal activity patterns, and reproductive
behavior. Transects are monitored on a biweekly basis by a Panamanian
undergraduate student, with assistance from local Panamanians who live
near the golden frogsí habitat. As a precautionary measure against extinction,
golden frogs are also bred in captivity in a PMP program; there are
currently hundreds of offspring distributed among dozens of AZA-accredited
zoos. There are no current plans for reintroduction, at least until
the current threats can be addressed, but talks are underway to establish
a captive-breeding facility in Panama. Project educators disseminate
information from the field studies and captive program to raise awareness
among the Panamanian public regarding the plight of this culturally
important animal. Range-country education initiatives include conducting
teacher workshops, like the one held in Panam· from 17-21 February 2003.
35 teachers and park rangers from throughout the range of the golden
frog were assembled and taught about the natural history, cultural significance,
and conservation status of this species. Participants were also given
curricula containing this information in a format geared toward school
children, thereby empowering them to effectively transfer this information
to the next generation. For additional information, see Zippel (2002a)
Ramsey Canyon Leopard Frog (Rana
subaquavocalis) [1999-2001]
Status: IUCN Critically Endangered, Arizona Wildlife of Special Concern
Summarized by: Kevin Wright, Phoenix Zoo, (KWright[at]thephxzoo[dot]com)
Contact person: overall project: Kimberleigh Field, Arizona Game and
Fish Department, (KField[at]gf[dot]state[dot]az[dot]us) or zoo: Kevin
Wright, Phoenix Zoo, (KWright[at]thephxzoo[dot]com)
Like the other southwestern US ranid species discussed here, Ramsey
canyon leopards have declined dramatically due to emergent diseases,
interactions with nonnative species, and/or habitat destruction. Actions
by the Phoenix Zoo were critical to the survival of the Ramsey Canyon
leopard frog. Head-starting efforts included the raising of thousands
of tadpoles from egg masses for release into protected areas in Ramsey
and Miller Canyons in Arizona. In 1999, the known population was down
to fewer than ten adult frogs in the wild. Phoenix overwintered some
of the last frogs known and released them the following spring. In 2004,
thousands of eggs in dozens of egg masses were reported in the wild
and the population appears to be rebounding. Phoenix Zoo has also been
involved in research related to chytrid infection in a wild population
of Ramsey Canyon leopard frogs. For additional information, see Sredl
et al. (2002).
Phoenix Zoo and Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum currently participate
with the Arizona Game and Fish Departmentís Ranid Strategic Plan that
is identifying additional conservation needs of those ranid frog species
with formal conservation plans (species previously mentioned) and those
lacking a formal plan (e.g. R. pipiens, R. blairi, and
R. yavapaiensis).
© 1992 Brad Moon
Tarahumara Frog (Rana
tarahumarae) [1992-present]
Status: IUCN Vulnerable, Wildlife of Special Concern in Arizona
Summarized by: Craig Ivanyi, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, civanyi[at]desertmuseum[dot]org,
and Mike Sredl, Arizona Game and Fish Department, (MSredl[at]gf[dot]state[dot]az[dot]us)
Contact person: overall project: Mike Sredl, Arizona Game and Fish
Department, (MSredl[at]gf[dot]state[dot]az[dot]us) or zoo: Craig Ivanyi,
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, (civanyi[at]desertmuseum[dot]org)
The Tarahumara frog formerly occurred in Santa Cruz County, in the
Pajarito-Atascosa and Santa Rita mountains. Population declines began
in the late 1970s and continued into the early 1980s, leading to eventual
extirpation of the species in Arizona, probably in 1983. Contributing
factors to the extirpation of this species are largely unknown, but
might include toxic (heavy metal) fallout from smelters and disease.
Wild populations still occur in northern Mexico, and declines that were
noted there in the early to mid 1980s might have stopped. This species
is targeted for a state-managed reintroduction program. The Arizona-Sonora
Desert Museum is a member of the Tarahumara Frog Conservation Team and
has been working with this species in captivity since 1992. Breeding
has occurred in several years and produced 70-80% of the animals released
back into former habitat (see Sredl et al. 2004).
Kihansi Spray Toad (Nectophrynoides
asperginis) [2000-present]
Status: USFWS Endangered, CITES I, IUCN Critically Endangered
Summarized by: Sam Lee, WCS/Bronx Zoo, (slee[at]wcs[dot]org)
Contact person: overall project: Wilfred Sarunday, LKEMP, (lkemp[at]intafrica[dot]com)
or zoo: Sam Lee, WCS/Bronx Zoo, (slee[at]wcs[dot]org)
In November 2000 the Bronx Zoo was asked by the World Bank to help
save Tanzania's Kihansi spray toad. The only known population of this
tiny viviparous toad was threatened by the construction of a huge hydroelectric
project that was about to shut off the unbridled flow of water to the
Kihansi Gorge and alter the spray zone habitat. Zoo staff and Tanzanian
experts collected 499 toads, which were imported into the United States
and distributed among the Bronx and partner zoos in Detroit, Baltimore,
Oklahoma City, Toledo, and Buffalo. Although the species has been bred
to the 3rd generation, success has been offset by high mortality due
to parasitism of the founders and low survival rate of the small offspring.
When WCS asked the World Bank and the United Republic of Tanzania to
help support the captive-breeding program, the request went unheeded.
At that time, in May 2003, the wild population was doing well after
mitigation of the spray wetlands by an artificial sprinkler system Meanwhile,
the captive spray toad population was growing too fast to be managed
adequately so further breeding was discourage until program costs and
expansion plans received funding. In June 2003, the Tanzanian government
elected to release more water from the Kihansi Gorge to see whether
conditions would improve without sprinklers. Within about a week, the
estimated population of 18,000 toads declined to 40. Scientists have
since discovered that chytridiomycosis has infected the wild spray toad
population and other amphibians in the Kihansi and neighboring Udagji
gorges. It is not clear whether dramatic habitat loss, contamination
of the water supply upstream, increased predation from invading ants
and birds, chytridiomycosis, or a combination of these stress factors
caused the decline. In mid-January 2004, Sam Lee (Bronx Zoo) and Kevin
Zippel (Detroit Zoo) visited the Kihansi gorge and saw only three spray
toads and heard two males calling; none has been seen or heard since.
Later, Sam Lee attended an emergency meeting in Washington, D.C., on
the future of the Kihansi Gorge ecosystem and the toads. The World Bank
and the Tanzanian government asked Wildlife Conservation Society to
revive the captive breeding program. It is currently being managed to
increase the number of toads and maintain genetic diversity but is hampered
by the ability to individually identify animals and known sires. For
additional information, see Lee et al. 2004.
© 1998 William Leonard
Blanchard's Cricket Frog (Acris
crepitans blanchardi) [2001-present]
Status: IUCN Least Concern, MI Species of Special Concern, Canada Endangered
Summarized by: Kevin Zippel, Detroit Zoo , ZippelK[at]zoo[dot]ci[dot]detroit[dot]mi[dot]us
Contact person: overall project: Mike Lannoo, Ball State University
, mlannoo[at]bsu[dot]edu or zoo: Bob Johnson, Toronto Zoo, bjohnson[at]torontozoo[dot]ca
Although still common in the south, this species is declining across
the northern extremes of its range and might be extirpated in Canada.
A working hypothesis is that since the range limits might be uninhabitable
periodically (thus limiting the range to that area), peripheral populations
of a short-lived species like the cricket frog are likely extirpated
and recolonized with some regularity. However, recolonization is only
possible if contiguous corridors of suitable habitat allow the dispersal
of cricket frogs from nearby populations. In the extremely fragmented
habitat of the urban environment, this is simply not possible, and extirpations
without intervention are likely permanent. It is likely that persistence
of peripheral populations will depend on anthropogenic gene flow (periodic
translocation of eggs or tadpoles among isolated populations). The Toronto
Zoo is supporting wetland construction and characterization on Pelee
Island and collaborating with Trent University to study the phylogenetics
of different cricket frog populations: when the best donor population
is identified, egg masses will be translocated back onto Pelee Island
where cricket frogs were last documented in Canada. The Detroit Zoo
is collaborating with the University of Michigan Ann Arbor and the University
of Michigan Dearborn to conduct habitat and population assessments;
a translocation effort is also in progress to rescue a population of
cricket frogs on land slated to be developed and move the animals to
a manmade wetland on zoo grounds, within their former range.
Lemur Leaf Frog (Phyllomedusa
lemur) [2001-present]
Status: IUCN Critically Endangered in Costa Rica, unknown in Panama
Summarized by: Ron Gagliardo, Atlanta Botanical Garden, rgagliardo[at]atlantabotanicalgarden[dot]org
and Brian Kubicki, Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center, centrolenid[at]yahoo[dot]com
Contact person: Ron Gagliardo, Atlanta Botanical Garden, rgagliardo[at]atlantabotanicalgarden[dot]org
The lemur leaf frog was once known from several localities in Costa
Rica and Panama. In Costa Rica, it is currently known to occur at only
one site, which is under great pressure from local timber harvest. Although
it has been recently confirmed to still occur there, the exact status
of Phyllomedusa lemur in neighboring Panama remains unclear (R.
Ib·Òez pers. com.). In 2001, the Atlanta Botanical Garden began a captive-breeding
program with this rare phyllomedusine with 4 adult specimens collected
from the single Costa Rican site. In 2003, captive-born offspring were
distributed to other institutions including the Detroit Zoo, Henry Vilas
Zoo, and the National Aquarium in Baltimore. Apparently several years
ago, animals from this same locality were collected and later bred at
the Manchester Museum in the UK. Offspring were distributed into Germany
and recently, specimens of a subsequent generation were sent to the
Atlanta Botanical Garden from a private breeder. These will be raised
to maturity and bred with existing animals to further diversify the
gene pool. Future plans include a return visit to the Costa Rican site
and discussion with academic and government officials to determine their
interest in pursuing further conservation efforts.
© 2003 Stephen C. Richter
Mississippi Gopher Frog (Rana
sevosa) [2001-present]
Status: USFWS Endangered, IUCN Critically Endangered
Summarized by: Kevin Zippel, Detroit Zoo, (ZippelK[at]zoo[dot]ci[dot]detroit[dot]mi[dot]us)
Contact person: overall project: Linda LaClaire, Georgia USFWS , (Linda_LaClaire[at]fws[dot]gov)
or zoo: Steve Reichling, Memphis Zoo, (sreichling[at]memphiszoo[dot]org)
Generally regarded as the most endangered anuran in North America,
only 50-100 adults remain in the wild. Although gopher frogs assigned
to the Rana capito group occurred historically across the Gulf
Coast from Louisiana to Florida and up the Atlantic Coast to North Carolina,
habitat destruction/fragmentation and development have led to numerous
local extirpations and a series of isolated populations. In Mississippi,
gopher frogs are currently restricted to a single site in Harrison County:
Glenís Pond in Desoto National Forest. This single remaining population,
comprising 50-100 adults, was recently shown to be genetically unique
(Young and Crother 2001) and designated the dusky gopher frog (R.
sevosa), now more commonly known as the Mississippi gopher frog.
[This distinct population should not be confused with the earlier taxonomic
entities R. capito sevosa or R. areolata sevosa, which
included this and other populations from Louisiana to the Florida panhandle.
Only the single Mississippi population was elevated to full species
status; the other populations were not unique, lost subspecific designation,
and are now simply considered R. capito.] The habitat surrounding
this critically endangered population at Glenís Pond is threatened by
nearby construction of a housing development and two highways. In 2001,
45 tadpoles were sent to Audubon Zoo and 37 to Detroit Zoo for rearing.
Although Audubon had all the initial success with the tadpoles and established
a successful husbandry protocol, they were unable to grow any to adulthood.
Detroit raised 20 animals to adults, then began losing them to mycobacterium,
an untreatable disease. Later in 2001, a number of bloated, dying Rana
sphenocephala tadpoles were found in Pony Ranch Pond, just a few
kilometers from Glenís Pond. Specimens were sent to Dr. David E. Green
(USGS) who noted abnormalities of the liver, spleen, and kidneys, apparently
caused by an unidentified mesomycetozoan (a Perkinsus-like organism
with characteristics of both yeast and protozoa; not related to chytrid).
This pathogen was first detected in dying Rana catesbeiana tadpoles
from New Hampshire in 1999, and since has been associated with mass
die-offs of larval ranids from Minnesota (2000 & 2001) and Virginia
(2001). In some of these localities, the pathogen was found in association
with concurrent iridovirus infections. In late March 2003, many of the
R. sevosa tadpoles at Glenís pond began succumbing to the same
pathogen (confirmed by Dr. Green). In May of 2003, 70 tadpoles were
transferred to the care of staff at the Memphis Zoo and University of
Tennessee at Memphis. Here they underwent a series of drug trials, and
32 animals were brought through to metamorphosis. It is hoped that these
ëdisease-freeí animals will form the basis of a captive-breeding program.
The vast majority of the tadpoles remaining at Glenís Pond perished;
only 3 metamorphs were found leaving along the drift fence. 50 additional
tadpoles from Glenís pond were sent to Memphis in 2004, where unfortunately,
they all perished. 3100 tadpoles from Glenís Pond were translocated
to a nearby Nature Conservancy pond -- the projectís first translocation
-- and 150 more are being head-started at Harrison Experimental Forest
(HEF) to be released at the TNC property as metamorphs.
Note: 2 new 'populations' of R. sevosa were recently discovered
in Jackson County, MS. A single calling male was recently heard at McCoy's
pond 50 miles east of Glen's, although no other animals and no signs
of breeding were detected. Also, 50 R. sevosa tadpoles were collected
from a new site, Mike's Pond 20 miles west of Glen's, and they are being
head-started at the HEF for release back at Mike's Pond site. For additional
information, see Richter et al. (2003).
Negros Cave Frog (Platymantis
spelaea) [2002-2003]
Status: IUCN Critically Endangered
Summarized by: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo, (cbanks[at]zoo[dot]org[dot]au)
Contact person: Chris Banks, Melbourne Zoo, (cbanks[at]zoo[dot]org[dot]au)
The Negros Cave frog is known historically only from limestone caves
in south‑central Negros Island in the West Visayan region of the
Philippines (Alcala and Brown 1998). None of the habitat in its range
is protected and human encroachment continues to threaten the survival
of the species and wildlife in the area generally. This includes proposals
for dam construction and forest clearance. Concerns about the status
of the frog were raised in 2000, following a very preliminary assessment
of frog numbers, although this was not based on any coordinated surveys
(Alcala and Alcala 2000). However, the suggestion of a greater than
90% decline in less than 20 years created much interest within the Philippines
and resulted in a more detailed survey by researchers from Silliman
University in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. This survey was funded
by Chester and Melbourne Zoos, and recorded frogs in 86 caves across
Basay Province, from 147 caves surveyed (C. Dolino, pers. com.). Numbers
ranged from 6‑16 frogs per cave, for an estimated population size
of around 800 frogs. The continuing movement of people into the area
was identified as the major threat to the survival of the cave habitats,
together with associated pollution, damage to the caves, and collection
of bats, snakes and cave swiflets for food. A series of recommendations
has been presented to the local DENR (Department of Environment & Natural
Resources) office for action, but implementation will require external
Relict Leopard Frog (Rana
onca) [2002-present]
Status: USFWS candidate, IUCN Endangered, Wildlife of Special Concern
in Arizona
Summarized by: Kevin Zippel, Detroit Zoo, (ZippelK[at]zoo[dot]ci[dot]detroit[dot]mi[dot]us)
and Mike Sredl, Arizona Game and Fish Department , (MSredl[at]gf[dot]state[dot]az[dot]us)
Contact person: overall project: Mike Sredl, Arizona Game and Fish
Department , (MSredl[at]gf[dot]state[dot]az[dot]us) or zoo: Kevin Zippel,
Detroit Zoo, (ZippelK[at]zoo[dot]ci[dot]detroit[dot]mi[dot]us)
The relict leopard frog was the first US amphibian species declared
extinct by 1950, but was rediscovered in 1991 in the marginal habitat
of desert springs and creeks in southern Nevada. It continues to suffer
as the spring habitat is developed for human use and non-native species
(fish, bullfrogs) invade the area. The relict leopard is currently known
from only 5-6 populations around very small springs, with 1100 total
individuals, over half of which represent a single population. In cooperation
with the National Park Service and the Nevada Department of Wildlife,
the Detroit Zoo raised ~20 wild tadpoles in 2002 and is now breeding
them as adults. Any resultant offspring will be returned for release
throughout the former range. The relict leopard frog will be conserved
under a multi-agency Conservation Agreement like the Ramsey Canyon leopard
© 2004 Twan Leenders
Costa Rican Variable Harlequin Toad (Atelopus
varius) [2003-present]
Status: none
Summarized by: Ron Gagliardo, Atlanta Botanical Garden, (gagliardo[at]atlantabotanicalgarden[dot]org)
Contact person: Ron Gagliardo, Atlanta Botanical Garden, (gagliardo[at]atlantabotanicalgarden[dot]org)
One of the most brilliantly marked and thus well-publicized
harlequin toads is A. varius, a species native to Costa Rica
and Panama. After an eight year time period without any sightings, this
harlequin toad was presumed to be extinct in Costa Rica although it
is still known to occur in Panama. In June of 2003, a colleague found
a tourist facility in the Pacific drainage of Costa Rica exhibiting
a pair of Atelopus, which were supposedly collected locally and
recently. Molecular analysis of a toe clip confirmed that these were
A. varius (R. Ib·Òez, unpubl. data). In early December 2003,
staff from Atlanta Botanical Garden and Detroit Zoo returned to the
ecotourist facility to verify the existence of this population in the
field. Despite the rainy weather encountered and that Atelopus are
typically only found in abundance at streams during the dry season,
the group was able to locate three individuals in 18 man hours VES (6
evening, 6 night, and 6 morning): two juveniles (one estimated six months
or younger, the other under a year), and one sexually mature male, evident
by the nuptial pads. The presence of juveniles indicated that reproduction
had taken place within the past year. All three specimens were measured,
photographed and released. Another goal of the December trip was to
identify whether the chytrid fungus was present in this area. En route
to the site, several other anuran species were captured and swabbed
for later chytrid testing. This procedure consisted of gently rubbing
the skin surface using a 2î cotton swab with special emphasis on the
lower surfaces of feet, venter, and drink patch. These samples were
sent to Pisces Molecular, (Boulder, Colorado USA) for PCR testing. They
were negative for the presence of chytrid. The three A. varius
specimens found were also swabbed and the samples sent to the laboratory
of Alan Hyatt (Queensland, Australia) for testing. One of these Atelopus
samples tested positive for chytrid. A subsequent visit to the site
by employees of the ecotourism facility in March 2004 resulted in further
confirmation, when 7 specimens were found. No data were collected from
these specimens.
A recovery project for A. varius in Costa Rica could consist
of a collaboration involving the landowners, Costa Rican government,
University of Costa Rica and the Atlanta Botanical Garden. We believe
ex situ conservation measures are needed, since A. varius
has disappeared from the rest of the republic, where it was previously
known from at least 72 populations. This crucial move will secure survival
of the species and could be the seed for reintroduction projects in
the future, if we ever understand why these and other species disappeared
from Costa Rica. In addition, more survey work is warranted, as there
may be other sites at similar elevations and stream habitats where this
species may be found. Using topographic maps, historical data and other
information we are planning future field surveys to investigate the
presence of other populations. As mentioned earlier, one objective is
to establish a captive population of Atelopus varius for safeguarding,
future research and possible reintroduction. Following this, more fieldwork
can be conducted to determine the extent and viability of the specific
population (modified from Bolanos et al 2005).
© 2004 David M. Green
Archey's frog (Leiopelma
archeyi) [2004-present]
Status: IUCN Critically Endangered
Summarized by: Kevin Zippel, Detroit Zoo , (ZippelK[at]zoo[dot]ci[dot]detroit[dot]mi[dot]us)
Contact person: Peter West, (westp[at]ihug[dot]co[dot]nz)
Chytrid fungus has been introduced onto New Zealand and conservation
programs for the endemic leiopelmatids are critically needed. Auckland
Zoo, in partnership with the Department of Conservation and the Native
Frog Recovery Group, is constructing an educational exhibit/captive-breeding
facility - the 'Carter Holt Harvey Native Frog Research Centre' - for
Leiopelma archeyi (
Frogs are expected to be in place by September 2004. For additional
information, see Holyoake et al. (2001).
Afuang, L.E., R.J. Rabor, and C.B. Banks. 2002. Increasing community
awareness of frogs in the Philippines. Oryx 36:14-15.
Alcala, A.C., and E.C. Alcala. 2000. The Negros Cave frog is critically
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Alcala, A.C., and W.C. Brown. 1998. Philippine Amphibians: An Illustrated
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Amidon, S. 2004. Leaps and bounds: anuran training at Disneyís Animal
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Banks, C.B. 1996. A conservation program for the threatened Romer's
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Banks, C.B. 1999. Philippine amphibians assessment. Froglog 33, online
Banks, C.B., and H.E. McCracken. 2002. Captive management and pathology
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Banks, C.B., J. Birkett, S. Young, M. Vincent, and T. Hawkes. 2003.
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Bishop, P. 2000. Chytrid fungi identified from dying frogs in New Zealand.
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Bloxam, Q.M.C., and S.J. Tonge. 1995. Amphibians: suitable candidates
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Bolanos, F., R. Gagliardo, R. Puschendorf, J. Yeager, and K. Zippel.
2005. Rediscovery of the Costa Rican harlequin toad (Atelopus varius).
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Bradford, D.F. 1989. Allotopic distribution of native frogs and introduced
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negative effect of fish introductions. Copeia 1989:775-778.
Bradford, D.F. 1991. Mass mortality and extinction in a high-elevation
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Bradford, D.F., F. Tabatabai, and D.M. Graber. 1993. Isolation of remaining
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Bradford, D.F., D.M. Graber, and F. Tabatabai. 1994. Population declines
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Browne R.K., J. Clulow and M. Mahony. 2001. Short-term storage of cane
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Buley, K.R., Garcia, G. 1997. The recovery programme for the Mallorcan
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Trusts 33:80-90.
Buley, K.R., and C. Gonzalez. 2000. The Durrell Wildlife Conservation
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Burton, M. 1991. Colorado frog watch. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Zoo Vet.:81-84.
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Cover Jr., J.F., S.L. Barnett, and R.L. Saunders. 1994. Captive management
and breeding of dendrobatid and Neotropical hylid frogs at the National
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Daltry, J.C., and Gray. 1999. Treefrog Reintroduction Project in Latvia.
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Daly, J.W., Jr., H.M. Garraffo, T.F. Spande, C. Jaramillo, and A.S.
Rand. 1994a. Dietary source for skin alkaloids of poison frogs (Dendrobatidae).
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