AmphibiaWeb - Synapturanus mesomorphus


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Synapturanus mesomorphus Fouquet, Leblanc, Fabre, Rodrigues, Menin, Courtois, Dewynter, Hölting, Ernst, Peloso & Kok, 2021
family: Microhylidae
subfamily: Otophryninae
genus: Synapturanus
Species Description: Fouquet A, K Leblanc, A-C Fabre, MT Rodrigues, M Menin, EA Courtois, M Dewynter, M Hölting, R Ernst, P Peloso, and PJR Kok. 2021. Comparative osteology of the fossorial frogs of the genus Synapturanus (Anura, Microhylidae) with the description of three new species from the Eastern Guiana Shield. Zoologischer Anzeiger 293: 46–73.
Etymology: The species epithet, "mesomorphus," comes from the Greek words "mesos," meaning “middle” or “intermediate,” and "“morphē," meaning “sort, appearance, form.” This refers to the intermediate morphology of Synapturanus mesomorphus between the easternmost species of the Eastern Clade (S. mirandaribeiroi, S. zombie, S. ajuricaba, and other unnamed species) and the species of the Western Clade (including S. rabus and unnamed species) (Fouquet et al. 2021a).
Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account
National Status None
Regional Status None


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