Description A sturdy salamander. Total length up to 144 mm for males, up to 151 mm for females. Slightly elongated head, with two large kidney-shaped paratoid glands. The body has 11-13 costal grooves on either side. The tail is square in cross-section. One double row of poison glands runs down the center of the back. One single row of poison glands runs along either side of the body onto the tail.
Usually black or brown-black, but the subspecies Salamandra atra aurorae has a bright coloration on the head, back, and dorsal side of the extremities. This coloration can consist of continuous patches or be spotted or blotched. It can vary in color from whitish or yellow to greenish or gray. Males have a slightly more pronounced cloaca than females.
Distribution and Habitat
Country distribution from AmphibiaWeb's database: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland
The Alpine salamander is an endemic of the alpine arc with some isolated areas
in the Dinaric Alps. In earlier times, the whole Alps were considered to be
inhabited by a single species. With the declaration of the new species
S. lanzai, the situation in the W. Alps is no longer clear.
The range of S. atra range probably does not exceed the Rhône valley in the
region of the Lake Geneva (W. Switzerland). The northern limit of the area
follows the chalk Alps through Central Switzerland - Säntis Massif - Wengen
near Isny im Allgäu (Baden-Württemberg, F.R.G.) - Nesselwang - Lenggries -
Wendelstein - Rauschberg - Wolfgangsee - Lunz - Schneeberg (50 km from Vienna).
The southern limit is less exactly known; all indications from the Savoyan
Alps, the Valle d'Aosta and the Swiss Ticino are uncertain or probably wrong.
Some known sites along the southern limit are Passo del Spluga - Alpi Orobie
- Massif of Adamello - Monte Pasubio south of Trento - southern border of the
eastern Dolomites - Bosco del Cansiglio east of Belluno - S Carnian Alps.
The range turns to the south through higher mountains of Slovenia and Croatia
to the S Dinarids. Only some isolated massifs in Bosnia, Montenegro and
N. Albania (Dragobya) are colonized. The eastern border goes through the
Karawanken _ koralpe - Fischbach Alps - Schneeberg. Some parts of the Central
Alps with a dry climate are avoided: Valais and Engadine in Switzerland,
Valtelline and Vinschgau/Valle Venosta in Italy. An element of mystery
surrounds some old and not absolutely certain records in the French/Swiss
Jura, which could not be confirmed in recent times. Salamandra a. prenjensis
occurs in the Cvrsnica and Prenj mountains near Sarajevo, but the validity
of this subspecies is very doubtful. The range of the subspecies
S. a. aurorae is extremely small (less than 50 square kilometers),
situated at the southern border of the total area between Trento and Asiago
in NE Italy. The habitat consists of mixed decidious and coniferous forests
on cretacious limestone at altitudes between 1300 and 1800 m (a.s.l.). The
typical habitats of the alpine salamander are alpine humid meadows and
woodlands, where it lives in cracks, crevices or burrows, only to emerge at
night or after rainfall. The species hibernates, depending on the altitude,
for a period of 6-8 months (Noellert and Noellert 1992).
The lowest known sites are at identical altitudes in Austria and Switzerland:
430 m (a.s.l.). South of the Alps the species is rarely found below 900 m (a.s.l.).
The highest record sites are in Switzerland, at 2430 m, and in
Austria/Carinthia at 2800 m (Gasc 1997).
Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors Salamandra atra is a fully terrestrial species. Mating involves a ventral amplexus by the male, followed by the deposition of the spermatophore. Longevity is at least 10 years.
This species, although cryptic, can be quite abundant. This becomes evident
after heavy rainfall, when the animals become active and leave their hideouts.
Densities of 2380 individuals per ha are known to occur. Population densities
are lower in less suitable habitats, such as relatively dry areas.
When threatened, they excrete a poisonous liquid from their skin glands (Noellert and Noellert 1992).
Larva This species is viviparous and does not have a free-living larval form. One embryo develops in each of the two uteri. The developing young first feed on fertilized, and later on unfertilized ova in the uteri. Later in development, a zona trophica develops on the border between oviduct and uterus, which continuously provides the young with a cellular material that serves as food. The young develop extremely large external gills. Gestation takes 2 years between 650 and 1000 m, and 3 years between 1400 and 1700 m elevation. The terrestrial, fully metamorphosed young are 40-50 mm total length upon birth (Griffiths 1996). Trends and Threats In the most parts of the N Alps in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, the
species is still very abundant and not considered endangered. In dryer regions
of the S Alps, it is much more difficult to find, with status unknown. The
subspecies S. a. aurorae is highly endangered in its very small range.
Possible threats to the alpine salamander are the destruction of habitats by
tourism, in lower regions intensifying and expanding of agriculture, and
killing by road traffic. Negative effects of air pollution, rain and soil
acidification are likely though not proved (Gasc 1997).
Possible reasons for amphibian decline General habitat alteration and loss Intensified agriculture or grazing Disturbance or death from vehicular traffic
Comments This species was featured in News of the Week 6 January 2025:
The fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) is believed to have invaded Europe from Asia via the amphibian pet trade and has severely damaged the salamander populations there. While several studies have shown that members of the genus Salamandra are highly susceptible to Bsal, few studies have surveyed for the disease broadly. A study by Böning et al (2024) sampled Alpine salamanders (Salamandra atra and S. lanzai) in the mountains of the Alps in Europe. Ecological modelling shows that the Alps and Dinarides mountains, where Alpine salamanders occur, are generally suitable for Bsal, but this study found no evidence of Bsal. They analyzed skin swabs of 818 individuals of Alpine salamanders and co-occurring amphibians at 40 sites between 2017 to 2022. In addition, the study also includes data previously collected from 319 individuals from 13 additional sites, all of them found no Bsal infections. Their study suggests that the salamander plague so far is absent from the geographic ranges of Alpine salamanders. Thus, there is still a chance to implement surveillance and conservation strategies that could help thwart the effects of Bsal on native salamanders in the European Alps and Dinarides mountains. (Written by Vance Vredenburg)
Gasc, J.-P. (1997). Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe. Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Bonn, Germany.
Griffiths, R.A. (1996). Newts and Salamanders of Europe. T. and A. D. Poyser, London.
Nöllert, A. and Nöllert, C. (1992). Die Amphibien Europas. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH and Company, Stuttgart.
Stumpel-Rieks, S. E. (1992). Nomina Herpetofaunae Europaeae. AULA-Verlag, Wiesbaden.
Originally submitted by: Arie van der Meijden (first posted 1999-12-30)
Edited by: M. J. Mahoney, Michelle S. Koo (2025-01-05)Species Account Citation: AmphibiaWeb 2025 Salamandra atra: Alpine salamander <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed Feb 6, 2025.
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Citation: AmphibiaWeb. 2025. <> University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Accessed 6 Feb 2025.
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