AmphibiaWeb - Leptodactylus insularum


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Leptodactylus insularum Barbour, 1906
Caribbean Ditchfrog, San Miguel Island Frog
family: Leptodactylidae
subfamily: Leptodactylinae
genus: Leptodactylus
Species Description: Barbour, T. 1906. Vertebrata from the savanna of Panama—Reptilia; Amphibia. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Cambridge, Massachusetts 46: 224–230.
Taxonomic Notes: Resurrected by: Heyer WR, de Sa RO 2011 Variation, systematics, and relationships of the Leptodactylus bolivianus complex (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae). Smithsonian Contrib Zoology 635:1-58.
Leptodactylus insularum
© 2012 Andrés Acosta (1 of 5)
Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account Least Concern (LC)
National Status None
Regional Status None
conservation needs Access Conservation Needs Assessment Report .


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