AmphibiaWeb - Leptobrachella shimentaina


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Leptobrachella shimentaina J. Wang, Z.-T. Lyu & Y.-Y. Wang, 2022
Shimentai Leaf Litter Toad, Shi Men Tai Zhang Tu Chan (石门台掌突蟾 Chinese)
family: Megophryidae
subfamily: Leptobrachiinae
genus: Leptobrachella
Species Description: Wang, Jian, Shuo Qi, Ke-Yuan Dai, Zhi-Tong Lyu, Zhao-Chi Zeng, Hong-Hui Chen, Yuan-Qiu Li, Yong-You Zhao, Yun-Ze Wang and Ying-Yong Wang. 2022. A new Leptobrachella species (Anura, Megophryidae) from South China, with comments on the taxonomic status of L. chishuiensis and L. purpurus. Zoosystematics and Evolution 98(1): 165-180.
Etymology: The origin of the species epithet, “shimentaina,” refers to the location the species is found, the Shimentai Nature Reserve in Yingde, China (Wang et al. 2022).

AmphibiaChina logo AmphibiaChina 中国两栖类.

Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account
National Status None
Regional Status None


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