AmphibiaWeb - Cynops wolterstorffi


(Translations may not be accurate.)

Cynops wolterstorffi (Boulenger, 1905)
Kunming Lake Newt, Yunnan Lake Newt
Subgenus: Cynotriton
family: Salamandridae
subfamily: Pleurodelinae
genus: Cynops
Species Description: Boulenger, G. A. (1905)." Description of a new newt from Yunnan." Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1905: 277.
Taxonomic Notes: This extinct species was placed in a monotypic genus Hypselotriton by Wolterstorff 1934, which was soon synonymized with Cynops by Chang, 1936. Dubois & Raffaelli 1009, 2012 Alytes, resurrected Hypselotriton and include all Chinese species of Cynops in it. Sparreboom 2014 uses Cynops for the Chinese species, which on molecular grounds forms a clade with the two Japanese species.
Cynops wolterstorffi
© 2001 Arie van der Meijden (1 of 2)

AmphibiaChina logo AmphibiaChina 中国两栖类.

Conservation Status (definitions)
IUCN Red List Status Account Extinct (EX)
National Status Though to be extinct; Red Data Book of China
Regional Status None


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