QUERY: SELECT * FROM amphib WHERE ordr = "anura" and (submittedby like '%Kellie Whittaker%' or description_contributors like '%Kellie Whittaker%' or distribution_contributors like '%Kellie Whittaker%' or life_history_contributors like '%Kellie Whittaker%' or larva_contributors like '%Kellie Whittaker%' or trends_and_threats_contributors like '%Kellie Whittaker%' or relation_to_humans_contributors like '%Kellie Whittaker%' or comments_contributors like '%Kellie Whittaker%' or refs_contributors like '%Kellie Whittaker%') order by genus, species
Number of matches: 64
Scientific Name | Photo | Sound | IUCN Red List Status | Vernacular Name | Family | Order |
Acanthixalus sonjae | no photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Sonja's Spiny Frog | Hyperoliidae | Anura |
Afrixalus schneideri | no photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Agalychnis callidryas | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Red-eyed Multicolored Treefrog | Hylidae | Anura | |
Agalychnis lemur |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Lemur Leaf Frog | Hylidae | Anura | |
Allobates marchesianus | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Aromobatidae | Anura | ||
Ameerega petersi | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Dendrobatidae | Anura | ||
Ameerega picta | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Dendrobatidae | Anura | ||
Ansonia endauensis | no photos |
Near Threatened (NT) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Ansonia latirostra | no photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Arthroleptis palava |
Least Concern (LC) | Problem Squeaker Frog | Arthroleptidae | Anura | |
Arthroleptis pyrrhoscelis |
Least Concern (LC) | Arthroleptidae | Anura | ||
Atelopus carrikeri |
Endangered (EN) | Bufonidae | Anura | ||
Atelopus cruciger |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Rancho Grande Harlequin Frog | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Atelopus exiguus | no photos |
Endangered (EN) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Atelopus glyphus |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Pirri Harlequin Frog | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Boana picturata |
Least Concern (LC) | Hylidae | Anura | ||
Callulina laphami |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Brevicipitidae | Anura | ||
Clinotarsus curtipes | sounds | Near Threatened (NT) | Ranidae | Anura | ||
Cornufer macrosceles | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Ceratobatrachidae | Anura | |
Cornufer nexipus | no photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Ceratobatrachidae | Anura | |
Craugastor ranoides |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Craugastoridae | Anura | ||
Dendropsophus sarayacuensis | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Sarayacu Treefrog | Hylidae | Anura | |
Duellmanohyla soralia |
Endangered (EN) | Copan Brook Frog | Hylidae | Anura | |
Eleutherodactylus jasperi | no photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Puerto Rican Golden Frog | Eleutherodactylidae | Anura |
Gastrotheca andaquiensis |
Least Concern (LC) | Hemiphractidae | Anura | ||
Gastrotheca antoniiochoai | sounds | Data Deficient (DD) | Hemiphractidae | Anura | ||
Hemiphractus proboscideus |
Least Concern (LC) | Sumaco Horned Treefrog | Hemiphractidae | Anura | |
Huia cavitympanum |
Least Concern (LC) | Hole-in-the-head Frog | Ranidae | Anura | |
Hyalinobatrachium iaspidiense |
Data Deficient (DD) | Centrolenidae | Anura | ||
Hylodes asper | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Brazilian Torrent Frog | Hylodidae | Anura | |
Hyloscirtus larinopygion |
Least Concern (LC) | Hylidae | Anura | ||
Incilius holdridgei |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Holdridge's Toad | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Kassina somalica |
Least Concern (LC) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | ||
Leptobrachium waysepuntiense |
Least Concern (LC) | Megophryidae | Anura | ||
Leptodactylus pentadactylus | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Smoky Jungle Frog | Leptodactylidae | Anura | |
Limnonectes diuatus | no photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Tagibo Wart Frog | Dicroglossidae | Anura |
Litoria daviesae |
Vulnerable (VU) | Davies' Tree Frog | Hylidae | Anura | |
Microhyla borneensis |
Least Concern (LC) | Borneo Rice Frog | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis | no photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Western Nimba Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Nyctibatrachus dattatreyaensis |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Nyctibatrachidae | Anura | ||
Nymphargus laurae | no photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Laura’s Glassfrog | Centrolenidae | Anura |
Odorrana monjerai | no photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Ranidae | Anura | |
Odorrana tormota |
Least Concern (LC) | Concave-eared Torrent Frog | Ranidae | Anura | |
Oophaga granulifera | sounds | Vulnerable (VU) | Granular Poison Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Opisthothylax immaculatus |
Least Concern (LC) | Gray-eyed Frog | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Pelophylax saharicus |
Least Concern (LC) | Sahara Frog | Ranidae | Anura | |
Phrynobatrachus asper |
Vulnerable (VU) | Phrynobatrachidae | Anura | ||
Phrynomantis bifasciatus |
Least Concern (LC) | Red-Banded Rubber Frog | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Phyllobates bicolor |
Endangered (EN) | Black Leg Poison Dart Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Phyllobates terribilis |
Endangered (EN) | Golden Poison Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Phyllobates vittatus |
Vulnerable (VU) | Golfo Dulce Poison-Dart Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Physalaemus ephippifer |
Least Concern (LC) | Steindachner's dwarf frog | Leptodactylidae | Anura | |
Physalaemus santafecinus |
Least Concern (LC) | Santa Fe Dwarf Frog | Leptodactylidae | Anura | |
Pleurodema diplolister | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Peters’ Four-eyed Frog | Leptodactylidae | Anura | |
Pleurodema thaul |
Least Concern (LC) | Chilean Four-eyed Frog | Leptodactylidae | Anura | |
Polypedates leucomystax | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Common Tree Frog | Rhacophoridae | Anura | |
Proceratophrys moratoi | sounds | Critically Endangered (CR) | Odontophrynidae | Anura | ||
Ranitomeya imitator |
Least Concern (LC) | Imitating Poison Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Ranitomeya sirensis |
Least Concern (LC) | Sira Poison Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Ranitomeya vanzolinii |
Least Concern (LC) | Spotted Poison Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Raorchestes luteolus |
Data Deficient (DD) | Coorg Yellow Bush Frog | Rhacophoridae | Anura | |
Rhacophorus pardalis |
Least Concern (LC) | Harlequin Tree Frog | Rhacophoridae | Anura | |
Sclerophrys channingi | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Telmatobius gigas |
Endangered (EN) | Telmatobiidae | Anura |