QUERY: SELECT * FROM amphib WHERE ordr = "anura" and editedby like "%Kellie Whittaker%" order by genus, species
Number of matches: 784
Scientific Name | Photo | Sound | IUCN Red List Status | Vernacular Name | Family | Order |
Acanthixalus sonjae | no photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Sonja's Spiny Frog | Hyperoliidae | Anura |
Acris blanchardi | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Blanchard's Cricket Frog | Hylidae | Anura |
Adelophryne adiastola | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Eleutherodactylidae | Anura | |
Adelphobates castaneoticus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Brazil-nut Poison Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura |
Adenomera hylaedactyla | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Dark-spotted Thin-toed Frog | Leptodactylidae | Anura |
Adenomera simonstuarti | photos |
Leptodactylidae | Anura | ||
Adenomus kandianus | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus aureus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Golden Dwarf Reed Frog | Hyperoliidae | Anura |
Afrixalus delicatus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Delicate Spiny Reed Frog | Hyperoliidae | Anura |
Afrixalus dorsalis | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Striped Spiny Reed Frog | Hyperoliidae | Anura |
Afrixalus dorsimaculatus | no photos |
Endangered (EN) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus equatorialis | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus fulvovittatus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus laevis | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus morerei | photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus osorioi | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Osorio's Spiny Reed Frog | Hyperoliidae | Anura |
Afrixalus quadrivittatus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus schneideri | no photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus septentrionalis | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus spinifrons | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Natal Spiny Reed Frog | Hyperoliidae | Anura |
Afrixalus stuhlmanni | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus sylvaticus | photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus uluguruensis | photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus upembae | no photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus vibekensis | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Afrixalus vittiger | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Agalychnis annae | photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Blue-sided Tree Frog | Hylidae | Anura |
Agalychnis callidryas | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Red-eyed Multicolored Treefrog | Hylidae | Anura |
Agalychnis lemur | photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Lemur Leaf Frog | Hylidae | Anura |
Agalychnis moreletii | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Black-eyed Tree Frog | Hylidae | Anura |
Agalychnis saltator | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Parachuting Red-eyed Leaf Frog | Hylidae | Anura |
Agalychnis spurrelli | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Gliding Leaf Frog | Hylidae | Anura |
Aglyptodactylus laticeps | photos | sounds | Vulnerable (VU) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Aglyptodactylus madagascariensis | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Aglyptodactylus securifer | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Allobates brunneus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Aromobatidae | Anura | |
Allobates marchesianus | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Aromobatidae | Anura | |
Allobates ornatus | photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Aromobatidae | Anura | |
Allobates talamancae | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Striped Rocket Frog | Aromobatidae | Anura |
Allophryne ruthveni | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Tukeit-Hill Frog | Allophrynidae | Anura |
Alsodes hugoi | photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Alsodidae | Anura | |
Alsodes norae | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Alsodidae | Anura | |
Alytes obstetricans | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Midwife Toad | Alytidae | Anura |
Ameerega altamazonica | photos | sounds | Tarapoto Poison Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Ameerega petersi | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Ameerega picta | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Amolops bellulus | no photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Ranidae | Anura | |
Amolops caelumnoctis | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Ranidae | Anura | |
Amolops mantzorum | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Ranidae | Anura | |
Amolops panhai | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Peninsular Torrent Frog | Ranidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus americanus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | American Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus californicus | photos | sounds | Endangered (EN) | Arroyo Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus canorus | photos | sounds | Endangered (EN) | Yosemite Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus cognatus | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Great Plains Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus debilis | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Green Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus exsul | photos | sounds | Vulnerable (VU) | Black Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus fowleri | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Fowler's Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus hemiophrys | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Canadian Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus houstonensis | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Houston Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus kelloggi | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Little Mexican Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus microscaphus | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Arizona Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus nelsoni | photos | sounds | Endangered (EN) | Amargosa Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus punctatus | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Red-Spotted Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus quercicus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Oak Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus retiformis | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Sonoran Green Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus terrestris | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Southern Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Anaxyrus woodhousii | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Woodhouse's Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Andinobates bombetes | photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Cauca Poison Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura |
Andinobates daleswansoni | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Andinobates dorisswansonae | photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Anhydrophryne ngongoniensis | no photos |
Endangered (EN) | Mistbelt Moss Frog | Pyxicephalidae | Anura |
Anilany helenae | photos | sounds | Critically Endangered (CR) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Anodonthyla moramora | photos | sounds | Endangered (EN) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Anomaloglossus parkerae | no photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Aromobatidae | Anura | |
Anomaloglossus stepheni | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Aromobatidae | Anura | |
Ansonia endauensis | no photos |
Near Threatened (NT) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Ansonia inthanon | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Ansonia latirostra | no photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Aplastodiscus leucopygius | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Guinle Treefrog | Hylidae | Anura |
Arlequinus krebsi | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Aromobates nocturnus | no photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Venezuelean Skunk Frog | Aromobatidae | Anura |
Arthroleptis crusculum | photos |
Near Threatened (NT) | Guinea Screeching Frog | Arthroleptidae | Anura |
Arthroleptis langeri | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Arthroleptidae | Anura | |
Arthroleptis nlonakoensis | no photos |
Endangered (EN) | Arthroleptidae | Anura | |
Arthroleptis palava | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Problem Squeaker Frog | Arthroleptidae | Anura |
Arthroleptis poecilonotus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Arthroleptidae | Anura | |
Arthroleptis pyrrhoscelis | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Arthroleptidae | Anura | |
Arthroleptis stenodactylus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Common Squeaker | Arthroleptidae | Anura |
Ascaphus montanus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog | Ascaphidae | Anura |
Asterophrys turpicola | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | New Guinea Bush Frog | Microhylidae | Anura |
Atelopus angelito | no photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Atelopus carrikeri | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Atelopus chiriquiensis | photos |
Extinct (EX) | Chiriqui Harlequin Frog | Bufonidae | Anura |
Atelopus cruciger | photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Rancho Grande Harlequin Frog | Bufonidae | Anura |
Atelopus exiguus | no photos |
Endangered (EN) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Atelopus glyphus | photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Pirri Harlequin Frog | Bufonidae | Anura |
Atelopus guanujo | no photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Puca Sapo | Bufonidae | Anura |
Atelopus ignescens | photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Jambato Harlequin Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Atelopus longirostris | photos |
Extinct (EX) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Atelopus lynchi | photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Atelopus nanay | no photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Atelopus senex | photos |
Extinct (EX) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Atelopus spumarius | photos | sounds | Vulnerable (VU) | Pebas Stubfoot Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Atelopus vogli | no photos |
Extinct (EX) | Bufonidae | Anura | |
Atelopus zeteki | photos | sounds | Critically Endangered (CR) | Panamanian Golden Frog | Bufonidae | Anura |
Barbourula kalimantanensis | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Kalimantan Jungle Toad | Bombinatoridae | Anura |
Blommersia angolafa | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Blommersia blommersae | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Blommersia domerguei | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Blommersia grandisonae | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Blommersia kely | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Blommersia sarotra | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Blommersia wittei | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boana beckeri | photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Perereca-de-pijama | Hylidae | Anura |
Boana curupi | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Hylidae | Anura | |
Boana geographica | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Map Treefrog | Hylidae | Anura |
Boana picturata | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Hylidae | Anura | |
Boana rufitela | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Hylidae | Anura | |
Boana tepuiana | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Tepui tree frog | Hylidae | Anura |
Bokermannohyla izecksohni | photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Hylidae | Anura | |
Bokermannohyla luctuosa | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Reservoir Treefrog | Hylidae | Anura |
Bombina orientalis | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad | Bombinatoridae | Anura |
Bombina pachypus | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Apennine Yellow-bellied Toad | Bombinatoridae | Anura |
Bombina variegata | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Yellow-Bellied Toad | Bombinatoridae | Anura |
Boophis andohahela | photos | sounds | Vulnerable (VU) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis anjanaharibeensis | photos | sounds | Endangered (EN) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis axelmeyeri | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis baetkei | photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis bottae | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis calcaratus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis idae | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis liami | photos | sounds | Critically Endangered (CR) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis lilianae | photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis picturatus | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis pyrrhus | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis rufioculis | photos | sounds | Near Threatened (NT) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis sambirano | photos | sounds | Endangered (EN) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis schuboeae | photos | sounds | Endangered (EN) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis septentrionalis | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis solomaso | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis tasymena | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boophis vittatus | photos | sounds | Vulnerable (VU) | Mantellidae | Anura | |
Boulenophrys tuberogranulatus | no photos |
Megophryidae | Anura | ||
Brachycephalus ephippium | photos |
Vulnerable (VU) - Provisional | Pumpkin Toadlet | Brachycephalidae | Anura |
Breviceps macrops | photos |
Near Threatened (NT) | Desert Rain Frog | Brevicipitidae | Anura |
Breviceps verrucosus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Plaintive Rain Frog | Brevicipitidae | Anura |
Bryophryne cophites | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Cusco Andes Frog | Strabomantidae | Anura |
Bryophryne hanssaueri | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Strabomantidae | Anura | |
Bufo bufo | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Common Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Bufo eichwaldi | photos | sounds | Vulnerable (VU) | Eichwald's Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Bufo gargarizans | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Asiatic Toad | Bufonidae | Anura |
Cacosternum karooicum | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Karoo Caco | Pyxicephalidae | Anura |
Callixalus pictus | no photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Callulina laphami | photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Brevicipitidae | Anura | |
Calyptocephalella gayi | photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Helmeted Water Toad | Calyptocephalellidae | Anura |
Centrolene savagei | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Savage's Glass Frog | Centrolenidae | Anura |
Ceratophrys ornata | photos |
Near Threatened (NT) | Bell's Horned Frog | Ceratophryidae | Anura |
Ceuthomantis aracamuni | no photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Ceuthomantidae | Anura | |
Ceuthomantis cavernibardus | no photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Ranita Tamacuarina Cantora (Spanish) | Ceuthomantidae | Anura |
Ceuthomantis smaragdinus | photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Ceuthomantidae | Anura | |
Chiasmocleis avilapiresae | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Chiasmocleis devriesi | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Chiromantis kelleri | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Rhacophoridae | Anura | |
Chiromantis petersii | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Rhacophoridae | Anura | |
Chiromantis rufescens | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Rhacophoridae | Anura | |
Chiromantis xerampelina | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Gray Tree Frog | Rhacophoridae | Anura |
Chrysobatrachus cupreonitens | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Chrysopaa sternosignata | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Karez frog | Dicroglossidae | Anura |
Cochranella euknemos | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Fringe-Limbed Tree Frog | Centrolenidae | Anura |
Cochranella granulosa | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Granular Glassfrog | Centrolenidae | Anura |
Cochranella mache | photos |
Near Threatened (NT) | Ecuadorian Blue Glass Frog | Centrolenidae | Anura |
Cochranella nola | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Centrolenidae | Anura | |
Colostethus agilis | photos |
Endangered (EN) | Dendrobatidae | Anura | |
Congolius robustus | photos |
Data Deficient (DD) | Hyperoliidae | Anura | |
Cophixalus cupricarenus | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Cophixalus desticans | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Cophixalus exiguus | no photos |
Near Threatened (NT) | Scanty Frog | Microhylidae | Anura |
Cophixalus interruptus | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Cophixalus iovaorum | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Cophixalus kethuk | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Cophixalus linnaeus | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Cophixalus melanops | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Cophixalus phaeobalius | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Cophixalus tomaiodactylus | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Cophyla berara | photos | sounds | Endangered (EN) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Cophyla phyllodactyla | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Microhylidae | Anura | |
Cornufer macrosceles | no photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Ceratobatrachidae | Anura | |
Cornufer nexipus | no photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Ceratobatrachidae | Anura | |
Cornufer vitianus | photos |
Near Threatened (NT) | Fiji Ground Frog | Ceratobatrachidae | Anura |
Craugastor brocchi | photos |
Vulnerable (VU) | Craugastoridae | Anura | |
Craugastor chrysozetetes | no photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Craugastoridae | Anura | |
Craugastor fitzingeri | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Craugastoridae | Anura | |
Craugastor megacephalus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Craugastoridae | Anura | |
Craugastor milesi | no photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Craugastoridae | Anura | |
Craugastor ranoides | photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Craugastoridae | Anura | |
Ctenophryne aterrima | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Black Narrow-Mouthed Frog | Microhylidae | Anura |
Cycloramphus faustoi | no photos |
Critically Endangered (CR) | Cycloramphidae | Anura | |
Cyclorana verrucosa | photos | sounds | Least Concern (LC) | Rough Frog | Hylidae | Anura |
Dendrobates auratus | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Green and Black Poison Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura |
Dendrobates tinctorius | photos |
Least Concern (LC) | Dyeing Poison Frog | Dendrobatidae | Anura |